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Harryinny 10-05-2006 05:49 PM

Pain Pump? Good Idea?
First off, long time no see. Its been a couple years since ive been around and the pain is been just horrible. Quick History,

Anterior Thorascotomy with strut graft(failed)
Posterior Thorasic 5 level fuseion with own graft with rods and hooks (fused)
Hardware removal(because of muscle damage thats not repairable)
Cervical Fuseion With Plate and screws 3 level.
Rt Shoulder Bone removal and Repair.
Crushed T4
Chiped and bruised Spinal cord in thorasic.

Now, They wanted to do the dorsal stim, but seeing that this isnt usually used in the upper back, I thought about the doctor saying it MIGHT have a 40% chance of working, THEN if the trial even works, they dont know if they can get the paddles in through the scar tissue. So a major surgery would be performed to do this, And the risks of these paddles moveing is too great for me to deal with.

Now my question, Ive been on Hydrocodone(I dont like the heavy stuff) For almost 7 years. The nero i went to see for a second opinion said that a Medication pump would be a good idea. Does anyone here have any thoughts on this? I know theres a slight change of scar tissue build up at the end of the cathader, but how likely is this? and i also know the risk of Memigitis sp? How likely is this also?

Main reason i ask is, Ive been on this Junk so long, My liver must look liks crud, and it makes me feel like crud. The nero said it would take something like 1/300 of a medication to possibly help the pain for me. He gives it a very good chance of working.

ANY suggestions on this would be great. Im seeing yet another doctor fo yet another second opinion on matters concerning my back. because my lower back, the scoliosis is a tad worse, and the 4 discs are getting worse. so in the feuture if i need an MRI, if i get an implant, they wont be able to do one. so im exploring all roads for me right now. I have no leg reflexes and have very bad stabbing and burning pain in right leg and have had numb left leg since first surgery. Im holding out as long as possible on the lower back.

Thanks for any feedback.


Harryinny 10-05-2006 08:00 PM

Anyone? LOL. I Know it hasnt been long, But im seeing a Head doctor tomarrow because of the severe depression, and i would like to talk about all these things with him. Im on the edge of a cliff and it wouldnt take much to make me fall off.

I know there are now 2 forums, but by the looks of things, there are no longer near as many folks around as there use to be on either board. Could someone with some thoughts on this pump please respond or point me to a forum that could help?

Thanks for any help.


coyote 10-05-2006 09:07 PM

I'm sorry to hear you are getting to a desperate situation. I don't have any experience with pain pumps, but I have plenty with depression and pain. Most of us here do. I hope you are able to get the help you need, and please keep posting.
How are you doing?

Harryinny 10-06-2006 09:36 AM

Im doing ok, Just at the end of my rope. Ive lost touch with alot of folks On the internet, and in life itself. Pain causes you to regress. I feel like a hermit. The choices i have laid before me arnt the ones i was hopeing for, But What can you do this far into the game?

I have an appointment with A doctor who does Other treatments(consult) he does things like spinal manipulation under anistesia sp? And that scares me, My spine is so messed up. I was warned against even seeing this guy, But will just to hear him out i guess.

Ive lost touch with a old poster here or from Braintlk called MarkN, he has had the same surgeries ive had, Do you know him? If so can you point me to him in any way?

Thanks for liastening ans careing.


Maggie 10-06-2006 09:35 PM

I think Mark posted on the original Braintalk today. It is back up now, also.
I had the pump with morphine in it, then dilaudid, in it for 5 years. The problem many have with the pump is that it doesn't cover all pain. I had mine put in the lumbar area and it didn't do anything for my cervical pain or my migraines. My PM didn't believe in breakthrough meds which would have helped to use during a migraine or the cervical headaches.

If your doctor is willing to be compassionate and treat your other areas of pain, you could get some degree of relief. I don't think the danger of the cyst forming at the tip of the catheter is that common. My PM said it has mostly been seen in patients that were using the high concentrate of morphine, and at a low rate.
You could go to the pumpsters web site and get a lot of information from people who now have pumps. I have lost their address but you can do a search and write the adm. for permission to join the group. That is no problem but it is a very informative group who are up on all of the breaking news on pumps.
Good luck in your search. There is relief of some sort out there for you even if it takes a small step at a time.

JD 10-06-2006 10:22 PM

I only know one person currently with a pain pump, and she just had a broken lead wire replaced... for which she is very happy. It does just cover one area of her body (left leg??)

Sorry I can't be much help, but wanted to let you know I read and feel for you.

Depression and chronic pain go fist in fist. My best support comes from a clinical psychologist who is expert with both. JD

nancy-h 10-11-2006 01:16 AM

A question, if I may...
Hello all,

I am Nancy-H and have chronic pain mainly from small fiber polyneuropathy from the ankles down the toes. Add some fibro and a little disc herniations up at C4/5/6, DDD and IBS and maybe some bladder or kidney problems and you have ME! Some days are better than others but there has never been a day without pain in over 3 yrs.

My question is this. I have taken methadose for 2 yrs. now, 70 mg. broken into 4 x day. I also take percocet up to 40 mgs. day (average 30 mgs) for breakthrough pain. HOW LONG WILL MY BODY TOLERATE THIS BEFORE IT STARTS TO "COMPLAIN". You know what I mean - kidney problems, heart problems, blah blah blah.

I am now 53 and was diagnosed in '99 with the PN, in 03 with the rest of the good stuff. Managed pain with percocet only until Jan. of 04.

Opinions, please.


Enk2 10-16-2006 03:47 PM

Tolerance to methadone increases slower than any other narcotic. I have seen people go years w/o a dose increase. 70mg is a moderate to large dose. I wouldn't expect a need for an increase for a year or two. Having BT meds w/ 'done is rare! You have a "nice" doc. I would suggest switching to Roxane's methadone, as it is FAR SUPERIOR. This was verified by many BTers in the old forum. The pill is 1/3 the size as well and maybe cheaper. Mallinkrot meds or horrible IMO. Most docs will have an ECHO/ EKG done during TX w/ methadone to monitor its' potential for heart problems. Good luck. E

hemit 01-05-2007 09:30 AM

pain pump
hello, i got a pain pump oct.25 , so far im VERY HAPPY with it, i had failed L4 -L5 fusion in 1988, have lots low back,legs an feet pain . one thing about it,is you get a "trial" on it before getting a implanted one, so you get a idea how much pain control you get, the trial with a external pump aint no big deal, so might be worth while checking out, good luck.

sincerly , hermit

Junie 01-09-2007 02:41 PM

I have a severe case of arachnoiditis and Cauda Equina syndrome and I am on very high doses of morphine and percocet with pain docs refusing to consider a pump...would rather turn my liver to my primary doc is working on finding me a knowledgeable NS to do my trial and implantation and management of the pump so I can cut the amount of narcotics to a fraction of what I now take if my trial is a success !
Never give up!

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