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nide44 05-05-2007 12:00 PM

I Fell down, Again!
This time it was in the middle of a busy intersection of two main streets!
It wasn't on carpeting........ this time.:(
I went to the supermarket near work, to buy some coffee & supplies
for the shop.
My shop is located in the historic section of town,
and the cross-walks are of inlaid bricks, rather than just black-top.
A few bricks were missing, and created a sort-of..... pot-hole.
Carrying 4 bags of groceries (2 in each hand) I stepped
right into the pot-hole .....never even saw bi-focals made it
out of focus.

Down I went, groceries spilling into the street, palms of hands and my
right knee (same one as when the dog tripped me) broke my fall and my
face never hit.:mad:
Boy, m I gonna be sore tomorrow.:cool: Scraped up, knee scraped and banged (still bruised from the fall 2 weeks ago, in the house) palms scraped. My watch band (all metal links) kinda roughed up my wrist, too.
Lucky tomorrow's a day off work.

I feel really stupid. :eek:
Fortunate that I crossed when no traffic was there at the moment, but I saw cars approaching when I looked to the right & left while I was down, before I got up. A city worker, street cleaning at the time, came to my assistance (I was really grateful) and helped me gather up the groceries. I was scared, almost had to change underwear (and my constipation for the day would have been solved :rolleyes:)

Scared, and stupid...........that's how I feel...and DUMB !
Really shook-up, when I saw the traffic starting to come, and I was still face-down in the middle of the intersection.
:o 0000
:confused: ?????

MelodyL 05-05-2007 03:10 PM

Oh you poor thing.
You need a hug.

I hope you feel better. And you are not stupid!!

take care,

shiney sue 05-05-2007 03:26 PM

It hurts when we fall in the house :(

But outside it hurts our pride and it's
embarassing to boot,let alone our body
parts. heres another gentle hug :hug:
don't want to hurt the ouch.

I tured the first of this week and walked face
first into a brick wall. What is it with these BRICKS!!!!:wink: Sue

Wing42 05-05-2007 03:37 PM


I'm really sorry, and it is scary. My dad fell three times during Nov. and Dec. of last year, and ended up with some bad lacerations, three concussions, an injured neck, and a broken ankle.

All I can say is the advice a physical therapist gave my dad. In two words, "Don't fall".
- When you get up from a chair, pause for a breath or two so if your blood pressure drops, you'll fall back into the chair.
- Walk near walls to help steady yourself if needed.
- Be extra cautious while relieving yourself. A vegas nerve reflex slows or stops the heart while you strain, both sitting and standing.
- Consider a cane, a walker, a friend or companion to help steady yourself while walking.
- Consider a wheeled grocery cart to carry packages and help steady yourself.
- Don't use an electric cart until you absolutely need to. It's hard to keep walking if that fun-to-use vehicle is always there.

Take care and watch out. It's dangerous out there.

jarrett622 05-05-2007 04:23 PM

I'm sorry! How frightening! But you handled that situation well and the worker coming to help you restores my faith in people a bit more. :)

Silverlady 05-05-2007 05:19 PM

I started reading your thread with great dread. While I know it was scary, painful and probably humiliating to you, thanks goodness you weren't seriously hurt! Please like David says, consider using a walking aid.


moose53 05-05-2007 05:33 PM


Number 1 -- You are NOT stupid. The town is stupid for continuing to use those bricks in the crosswalks. There are new technologies (StreetPrint or DuraTherm) that are safer and cheaper to maintain and look better.

Number 2 --

Number 3 -- Didn't your optometrist teach you about tipping your head down so you can see your feet clearly??

Number 4 -- You've got neuropathy and you're carrying 4 bags of groceries :eek: Didn't know they were holding the Superman tryouts this week. Get a shopping cart or shop more frequently -- easier on your poor body :D

Number 5 -- I'd be making a trip to the mayor or the selectmen's office with information about a different, safer type of "sidewalk brick". Maybe *THIS* was The Universe's plan in the first place :rolleyes:

I hope you feel better tomorrow. BIG HUGS.

Barb :hug:

rose 05-05-2007 06:41 PM


I know (from experience :eek: ) that it's embarrassing, but, take it from us, it is not a reflection on you!


dahlek 05-05-2007 07:22 PM


Get a big back pack, go armed with a cane [just in case-but it comes in handy for self-defense..just a precaution]. And, of course A HUG? :hug: - j

At least, someone was around to help you's a little thing, but, also a big thing.

darlindeb25 05-05-2007 07:25 PM

Awwwwwwww Bob:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
and a few from me :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Feel better.

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