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Addy 03-19-2010 04:12 PM

David... and all ... pull up a chair
Hey David... (and all!) .. :grouphug:

I decided to start a new thread after I read what David wrote in theNOTloney1's thread. Note that I've taken the liberty of bolding David's words that really spoke to me.


On Monday it was my son's 18th birthday [the son who has caused me a lot of recent turmoil]

putting that aside
He chose against our guidance to have a tattoo on his birthday, But still i took the day off work hoping he might want to spend some time with his family.

i ventured into the town centre on the day, to here of a Murder the night before.
Initial rumour was that the son of A pub i go in[bar] Landlord [owner] had been killed in a fight.

The person named was someone i knew, so i ventured
to the location, which was cordoned off by the police.
The bar was still open [which seemed odd, and other regulars were reluctant to clarify or deny the rumours of this young mans death].

Over the road from this pub is another pub, and it was unavoidably noticeable when the police cordon and forensic tent was dismantled that the 40-50 youths congregated outside the pub were connected to the deceased.

i saw another young man i know across the road, and after a quick chat realised the deceased was not the person i thought, but someone my eldest son knew, [via his brother]. The person whom i thought was dead apparently was the person who had hit the deceased boy twice, he fell awkwardly and so sadly fell to his death.

A 25 & dead A 22& Looking at 15-20 years of imprisonment pending.....................what a xxxxing waste of life.

So on Tuesday am.............7 o'clock upon arriving at work to find a manager present with the night worker talking to 5 young men in a room all drinking and had been all night [hence the presence of a manager, after the night worker was threatened with violence]

24 HOURS PASS............. and a simple 'tell them off comes back from higher management'..................

Daily i go to work thinking i can make a difference,
[politely as the only male /bar the night] staff amongst 4 female support workers , i always end up giving out the rollickings to aggressor's, and i am seen As the blunt/whipping post for all concerned.

Lonelyone............your lonely?..............god i know i. am..

but tomorrow i am going to change that......

i am intending to right a lot of wrongs...............................i have e-mailed tonight my two immediate managers a senior manager and company director,,,,,,,,,,,,,categorically stating the disgusting manner in which their employees are expected to work without question or support [when times get exceedingly rough]

I have for many years seen the backward way our society has spiralled out of control, and witnessed first hand my liberal superiors white wash bad/appalling & anti-social behaviour. [then have the cheek to point fingers at staff for not turning people around/ who sadly could never turn around even on a carousel]

I am lost for words.............yet Lonelyone's Thread ............screams out..............LONELY [GOD I UNDERSTAND THAT]

Take care of YOU
dear David... please heed those words you write above. Take care of YOU !!!

I known your struggle.
In a parallel, but of course, very different life, I struggle like you do. I have always burned a lot of anger/energy towards those things I can't change. And it consumes me....!

I truly know that with all that insight and smartness you have my friend, you will realize you are again in a place where you are going to make some profound discoveries about your life.

I feel a change in the wind ...

Huge hugs of understanding for the saddness and disappointment that you are feeling.
:sing: Addy

This is where I'm at in my life right now:
"Go forth in joy and get on with it" - Abraham-Hicks

DMACK 03-21-2010 06:30 PM

Dear Addy thank you for your understanding and abundance of Empathy.

As human beings: we follow a general journey of birth, development and death.
Along this journey we meet people, & leave people, we learn, and then forget knowledge.

From a child we are surrounded by other people’s opinions rules, and morals, and as an adolescent and young adult we take on board traits, beliefs, and some opinions from those closest to our development as a child. This could be parents, close relatives, teachers, etc...And we strive to become an individual with a voice and mind of our own.

What we see and hear along this developmental journey is the foundation or the very soul of us as individuals. Some people detach from their past and make a new life for themselves, free of any other persons influence. Others live their life as an extension of their parents, or more sadly as an adult who continues to try to get recognition from their parents or peers.

Life its self is a Roller Coaster, of highs and lows and ups and downs. At times it’s fast and exhilarating, and other times it is slow and anxiously debilitating. How we digest this journey and make sense of it is the greatest of all conundrums that life bestows upon us.

I am the youngest of nine children, and my childhood was confused. My parents were much older compared to my friends parents, and their values and morals were more clear. As a result I was a lonely child, I didn’t go out at night, and I went to bed early, I rarely took friends home because my parents were very strict [and at times judgemental of others]. I left home at sixteen through parental design, rather than personal choice. For many years thereafter I wandered through life less streetwise than people of my age, and extremely sensitive. I made many mistakes, made many wrong choices, and asked many questions of myself and any godly being, that might listen, to show me a sign of the purpose of my being.

As a hobby of mine I love to watch other humans travel their journey of life, I take parts of their experience that aid my journey, and share parts of my life experience that may aid theirs.

I do at times see it as my role to right all wrongs, at other times; I turn off the lights, cover my ears and scream NO MORE. And all the time my life’s journey continues , whether, I’m under the covers or in the thick of it worrying about things that I, as one man will never be able to change.
I often struggle with inequality, nonchalant individuals, and bigotry. Our current fast-forward world of ‘ME. ME.ME’, is a definite bug-bare of mine, and I’m partial to an angry debate about social erosion.

But does it get me anywhere? Probably not, it possible adds to inner confusion and disillusionment that tends to crowd my thinking day. Yet everyday I tell myself I can make a difference. [its more for myself than a direct statement]

Alffe, [I’m still employed, looming cut backs in the near future is the reason for managerial apathy, apparently, and the higher bodies that pay the money for our service, prefer happy endings, to negative ones...if you get my drift....I’m told me time to look further afield.....maybe Addy is right a change is coming]


Alffe 03-23-2010 09:58 AM

:D I tried to reply to this using the multi quote feature and failed miserably. But what an insightful post David.

My dad, a school teacher, always said there is no better teacher in this life than experience.

It facinates me to watch my grandchildren struggle to try their wings, to leave that save place and find/build their own nest. It facinates me to watch my daughters struggle with the changes. Now that I am removed from all that...been there, done that...I can see it for what it is but I am unable to ease them along their just have to experience it yourself.

All I have to offer is my love and understanding of that necessary pain.

Life really is a rollercoaster and sometimes you have to hang on for dear life. A good friend of ours was a psychologist and he knew that I am afraid of heights...he once asked me if I knew why that was so and I replied, I'm afraid I'll jump. :o

DMACK 03-23-2010 10:58 AM

QUOTE: So on Tuesday am.............7 o'clock upon arriving at work to find a manager present with the night worker talking to 5 young men in a room all drinking and had been all night [hence the presence of a manager, after the night worker was threatened with violence]

24 HOURS PASS............. and a simple 'tell them off comes back from higher management'..................

Daily i go to work thinking i can make a difference, [politely as the only male /bar the night] staff amongst 4 female support workers , i always end up giving out the rollickings to aggressor's, and i am seen As the blunt/whipping post for all concerned.

Lonelyone............your lonely?..............god i know i. am..

but tomorrow i am going to change that......

i am intending to right a lot of wrongs...............................i have e-mailed tonight my two immediate managers a senior manager and company director,,,,,,,,,,,,,categorically stating the disgusting manner in which their employees are expected to work without question or support [when times get exceedingly rough]

I have for many years seen the backward way our society has spiralled out of control, and witnessed first hand my liberal superiors white wash bad/appalling & anti-social behaviour. [then have the cheek to point fingers at staff for not turning people around/ who sadly could never turn around even on a carousel]

I am lost for words.............yet Lonelyone's Thread ............screams out..............LONELY [GOD I UNDERSTAND THAT]


Yesterday 4 of these young men [above] were held in police custody for 18 hours, one is charged with Rape......................the others with Affray & criminal damage.[happened away from the hostel]

if only people would listen..........



Addy 03-23-2010 01:52 PM

Alffe said

All I have to offer is my love and understanding of that necessary pain.
David said

if only people would listen..........
and Addy says:

Somewhere in between those two statements lies the "answer"... trouble is... there are so many questions ... that it takes more than one answer ....

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