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befuddled2 10-16-2006 12:44 AM

Let Me Introduce Myself
Hi all,

I need to lose about 50 pounds but seem to have a problem sticking to a diet. I went to 2 WW's meeting and they seemed to be very motivational and helpful but then I stopped going. I think I need that 3-d accountability to keep me on track.

I've been separated from my husband for around 6 months now and I tend to use the stress of that as an excuse to pig out. Or the other big excuse I use to pig out is that if I don't pig out, it will lead me to give up an amost 2 year quit from smoking. I use to hate listening to my cousin who has emphysema always give me excuses as to why she couldn't quit smoking when I did it but now I am doing the same thing with pigging out. I feel so helpless.


mrsQ 10-16-2006 01:42 AM

Welcome to the group.
We understand what your talking about. I think we all make excuses of some sort. I have a list...pain, caregiving stress, feeling sorry for myself for not having a baby, hating how I look, depressed over my gets more lame as it goes on.

I can justify eating around the clock if I am not careful, and to often I am not.

I hope this group will help give you the support to diet without going back to the smoking.
Congratulations on quiting btw!

bizi 10-16-2006 07:44 AM

Please you guys don't be too hard on yourselves....
You both have had a ton on your plates and yes we all need to learn to treat our selves nicer, eating well and nutritional meals and learning healthy life styles ...this is a life long process....we need to learn to enjoy the journey.
And we can start over each day...
so lets make it a great day!

janster 10-16-2006 10:00 AM

Hi Befuddled~
Man, do we need to talk! I need to lose about 40 pounds according to the "charts", but realistically if I'd lose 20 more I'd be a happy camper. I'm not exactly sure what I've lost, but it's about 15-20, depending which scale I use.

I've been divorced since February 2003. I quit smoking in April 2002. I know what you're going through honey. It's not easy. You hafta call up all of your stubborness and I'm gonna do thisness. (OK, so that's not a word, but ya know what I mean!) I'm here if you ever wanna talk. It helps to talk to someone who's been there.

Stress is a trigger. You got THAT right sweetie! Stress is a HUGE trigger. BUT, you've just jumped over the biggers know that it IS a trigger. We all pig out at times. Sometimes it just happens. Don't kill a whole week cuz of it. Tomorrow is another day. So you slid back a little. Get back in the saddle. (OK, now when I need this talk, and the time will come, throw it at me, k? Thanks!)

You've taken the right step honey--you've posted here. We are like family here. We adopt each other. We are each others' cheerleaders. Welcome to teh family. I hope more people come and post. Hang in there and take it day by day. Baby steps, and pretty soon it's gonna be--holy crap--lookie me!!! YOU CAN DO THIS--WE'RE WITH YA ALL THE WAY!!
LS (Little Sister) I'm younger than BS (Big Sister or Nancy h)

Jomar 10-16-2006 10:26 AM

Hi befuddled2.

welcome to the group!

I just don't do well with "set" diets myself - but I try to make the better food choices and up my activity level.

drink lots of water
take a good quality multi vitamin, B complex {for stress}, a good calcium/mag blend & some MSM if you like {it's a good all purpose supplement}
I need to do these more consistently myself!!!

Nice to meet ya

Fancylady_2006 10-16-2006 12:11 PM

Welcome Befuddled2
1 Attachment(s)
You are sure more than welcome here.We just love new ones coming in. If you find something that works for you let us know too! We will do the same for you. I pesonally like to eat fresh veggies & fruit. They are fillng to me. once and a while I just skip a meal too, if I'm busy or having fun. We really do take walks & if the weather is bad in the house.We also take virtual shopping trips that are silly, but we are typing and not eating.It is fun. Most of us our cheerleaders and Jan can tell you about that. She is the graphic artist on here and can do wonders for you, things you wouldn't dream of. then there the want to be's. That's me.I post pic's but not like Jan. I'll show you a pic of her today.

befuddled2 10-16-2006 12:56 PM

Hi Mrs. Q: Another cyber friend told me last night that every time I think something negative about myself that I should write down what I say and then write down 2 positive things about myself. I'm gonna try it.

Hi Bizi: Thanks for the positive upside.

Hi Jan: You and I do have or have had similar stressors. It will help to have someone who's been through it.

Jo: I hear you on the activity and water issues. Someone else said to take to a little at a time with my weight loss plan. So for now I am going to work on drinking more water which in turn helps me eat less.

Hi FancyLady: I really love frozen mixed vegetables cooked up. I heard somewhere that to decrease the food cravings, to eat protein. I may buy myself a nutritional book to learn all the ins and outs.

Thanks again everyone!


nancy-h 10-16-2006 11:59 PM

Hi Befuddled
I love your "name"! I am actually befuddled most of the time.

At the time that I joined this forum(or was "asked nicely" by my LS, Little Sis, who is Jan, my Braintalk LS) I needed to loose 15-20 lbs. Then my doc put my on Lyrica and suddenly, boom, another 20 attaches itself onto my body, mainly in the boob and stomach area. (If I could make the stomach go away without surgery, I'd probably keep the boobs. Ha Ha) Anyway, I have terrible peripheral neuropathy in my feet so I can't excercise at all. Therefore I'm trying hard with what I can manage like more water and less calories.

I think you are doing great and welcome to the group! Oh, I was thin as a child until I was 30. Then at 35 I was about 25 lbs. overweight when my divorce, a very, very nasty one, came up. In 5 months I lost about 50 lbs. and was a size 4. Looked awful! So I, too, can relate to divorce. You have my support there, honey.

Again, welcome!

befuddled2 10-20-2006 09:53 AM

Hi Nancy,

Thank you for the welcome. All my weight went to my boobs and stomach also. I have no butt or big legs. I look as though I'm about 12 months pregnant. LOL Well, I do when my belly gets bloated.


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