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tshadow 11-02-2007 07:04 AM

Some Posts To Fern
dear sweet fern:

I saw on a different thread that you had a breast reduction surgery and felt really alone in that not many people here noticed.

(Then a lot of people noticed and posted there.)

Sometimes once I've seen a thread and commented, and read a few responses, I don't go back, as the thread gets too detailed or personal...

I don't think I ever, ever saw your post about the reduction!

One - reduction is a MAJOR surgery and I am glad that yours went so well and that you're recovering well.

Two - I am glad that there were no TOS problems with it - i.e. blood clots!

Three - I had one PT BLAME my TOS on my reduction that I had back in 87. I doubted that a surgery that never had any complications could do that, so beware of that sort of talk.

Four - Yes, we DO LOVE YOU here - you're an important part of this community and I'm sorry you felt alone and left out!!!

I posted this so people would definitely see and respond to this one! hiding on this one!

God bless you Fern and I look forward to hearing more from you soon...


fern 11-03-2007 12:39 PM

Thank You So Much Tam! I really do appreciate everyone's good wishes. I guess I was feeling bad as I was having a hard time with my given family and feeling a lot of stress. So when I was finally able to go online I was hoping for some positive communication w/my TOS group. Now I will know to be attentive enough to start my own thread. I do appreciate everyone's support on the forum. And, well, now that I had the good sense to return to my own home, even though I could have benefited from my mom's continued care, I feel so much better!

Tam--re: your commment "Three - I had one PT BLAME my TOS on my reduction that I had back in 87. I doubted that a surgery that never had any complications could do that, so beware of that sort of talk."
This is so interesting to me. I've had some medical sorts try to blame my TOS on my large chest but other experts like Peter Edgelow and Dr. Newkirk told me to expect a maximum of 5% less TOS with a reduction. Funny isn't it that unknowledgeable people can blame the reduction surgery OR the womens chest for causing TOS!

I actually had a second surgery at the same time as the reduction, in order to make more room for the axillary rib removal/s. Some weird genetic anomolly. So I have 4 incisions to contend with instead of the usual 2. I can't stretch out my arms and need to keep them by my side for the time being. But everything is going well and I am able to walk around the block with my hands in my pockets and arms glued to my sides! Yippee-- being outside in nature and keeping my body moving is something that really recharges my batteries.

fern 11-03-2007 12:58 PM

Post Surgery Headache w/noisy head
OK, now I'm not sure where to post about my surgery so I will do so here. If not right someone pls correct me.

I have had a terrible headache that started about 3 days post surgery. I asked the plastic surgeon about it at 5 days and he said--"not my territory, must be due to your other conditions". But then I asked his nurse who told me that a LOT of wmn have a really bad headache and that it could be due to anesthesia or meds or the surgery or whatever. At 6 days, when I reutrned to my quiet home I noticed a loud buzzing sound in my head. Then at 7 days post surgery I had a very heavy car trunk come down on the back of my neck just below the occiput. Since then the headache has grown to include the front of my skull too--incl. sinuses, jaw, eyes, cheecks, teeth area... Now I'm at 9 days post-op and the headache has subsided some but it's still bad. The noise is still there. I know that it is partly muscular from my tight neck, shoulders, jaw, etc. and maybe it is partly medicine related, whether anesthesia or oral meds.

I am taking fish oil instead of anti-inflamatories now as my stomach ODed on them. I'm on less meds but they are Lyrica and Lidderm and also ice-packs, Tylenol, Vicodin and occassional Flexaril. I'm taking in extra fluids in order to release all the toxins from my body. My "stop-gap" doctor (still no treating doctor) suggested massage but my body with all of it's many stitches is not ready for any kind of pulling on the skin. If anyone has any suggestions for reducing the headache I would LOVE to hear them.

tshadow 11-03-2007 07:57 PM

That's a hard one cuz first off, the Vicodin causes a recurring headache in many patients. Yes, anesthesia can give you a few days' headache, or positioning while in surgery. Flexeril definitely has on occasion given me a rebound headache after it wears off.

At day 6, the loud buzzing - and I am not a doctor - but for me, that means I am in an inflammatory mode MAX., but did you have ANY of this prior to surgery?

I am shocked that you were hit by a car hood on Day 7. I was just talking ot a TOSer and said, "watch out after surgery (rib removal, etc.) to NOT fall or get into an accident, etc., as the goal is to heal as much as possible with as little scar tissue and it surprises me how many people get in accidents right after surgery." So there again, you have this accident, and it's got to have some negative effect I would think - but I do hope no permanent damage.

Definitely all points to sit face-to-face with the surgical doc / TOS doc and talk it over!

P.S. I do hope you're monitoring your blood sugar levels with the Lyrica - having it drawn every month or so? Look at the results - I found my own diabetes when I had three months at 500, and the TOS docs ignored it. Just fyi.

Jomar 11-03-2007 10:45 PM

that car trunk lid hitting you in the back of the head- wow.
After your stitches heal I might think chiro, osteopath, or spinal specialist PT type of care. To make sure the vertebra are aligned.
esp if the symptoms continue and worsen.

johannakat 11-04-2007 02:00 AM

Fern- just wanted to reiterate that I (along with many others) have been stressed and/or flared all week....I DO hope you are recovering well.

I think a reduction is a great thing to do if you have large breasts and TOS, it should relieve at least some of the pulling down on your shoulders. I DO hope it offers you some relief :) And so sorry not to have given you more well wished beforehand.


fern 11-04-2007 09:24 AM

Thanks Everyone! Feeling a bit better this morning. More draining but less headache until I start doing--stuff. Gotta watch that desire to DO stuff.

Re headache.
Yes, I've had the noise before. It was worse I recall pre-neck surgery and for some time (yrs) after. I can always hear the "sound" if I press my palm into my forehead as in isometric style; even when I don't have the headache. Then I developed a ringing due to way too much Neurontin some years later; that seemed like tinnitus and dropped off w/reduction of Neurontin. The noise hasn't been around lately until post-this reduction surgery. I expect, though I am not a pro, that the headache and big noise are symptoms of swelling but I don't have any idea if that's correct.
btw-Pre-my neck surgery they tested me for a suspected "bruit" and it was negative.

If no other suggestions I will sub. Tylenol for Vicodin as I have already started to do (1/2 Vicodin + 1 Tylenol.) I was told by stop-gap doc that I could take up to 1250 Tylenol at one time.

U suggested to ask my TOS or surgery docs, but sorry, thats not happening. The Plastics doc said "not my problem, ask your treating docs" even though his nurse reported to me that many wmn get a headache post-op. I asked the "stop-gap" doc but he didn't care either and told me that it was clear I didn't have a concussion from the trunk--which I knew anyways. He wasn't willing to answer more than 2 Qs on the phone so I am on my own.

I do have an appt w/a pain doctor this week so I will ask him. Well, I'll ask hiThat is if he sees me. As I said this town s***s; I've lost count how many docs I've visited or phoned in my search for a TOS treating doctor. Last week was that head of Neurology at the Univ MN who said that TOS is usually caused by surgery, is 95% vascular and so NOT a neurological issue and may not exist at all. All that before he cancelled my appt for me after I had dragged myself there feeling terrible post surgery and had to get my mom to assist me in getting there. Remember the bridge collapse?; the Univ MN clinics are right over that and some other bridge.

Re: the Lyrica. NO, I was never told to watch my blood sugar. I only realized my weight was gain due to Lyrica when I read this on our forum. I will ask that Pain Doc to check my blood sugar; thank U tshadow. But monthly?; I hope not.

dawn3063 11-04-2007 10:23 AM

Many :hug:to you and hopeing that you are recovering quickly.

JAMY 11-04-2007 11:45 AM


i would love to hear how you feel (as time goes on) the reduction has affected your TOS. I had rib removal surgery in the spring and at that time the surgeon recommended I consider a reduction and I agreed to see a plastic surgeon (however I have yet to hear about an appt - I know last time I was sent to a plastic surgeon for a consult regarding my ulnar nerve it took over a year before I heard a peep from the doc. I was told by my surgeon it could take over a year to get in with the plastics doc...anyway). I see the surgeon again in a few weeks and I am sure this will come up and want to know what to ask, etc. I know there is no cut and dry answer on this but be willing to hear what others have experienced.

A reduction is something I have fought in my mind for a long time...and not really sure where I stand on the issue. I have a million questions...

mtnmom 11-04-2007 01:08 PM

Glad to hear you are feeling a little better this morning! Maybe tomorrow will even be better...

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