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Bearygood 07-12-2008 07:52 AM

Big Brother 10
BB 10 starts on Sunday! Here's some info. for any BB fans out there who visit this section.

The Houseguests' bio.s are in many places on the internet but here's a different spin -- Jen from BB 8's take!: (Note that the "Jenius" used the 'word' 'Jenuine' in one of her descriptions, LOL. )

This is just a rumor but a few places have speculated that the twist includes a secret room and mirrors. Also, I had read at some point that there were actually going to be 14 houseguests -- there have only been 13 revealed so there is also some speculation that IF there is a 14th houseguest it might have something to do with the secret room. Who knows for sure but apparently when Julie Chen was giving a tour of the house on the Early Show there were 14 slots on the "memory wall".

This season has been described as a "return to BB's roots" in honor of the 10th anniversary. I tend to think it has more to do with BB9's bad ratings! At any rate, I hope this is a good season!

Becky21 07-14-2008 09:20 PM


From what I saw last night, I think this season will be better. I sure hope they get that woman voted out of there. I can't stand listening to her after one show.

It seems like last night show didn't give enough info about the players for me to decide who I liked and disliked. I can't even remember all their names.:D

DM 07-14-2008 09:25 PM

thanks BG! I was channel surfing and about flipped when BB came on. I had forgotten all about it. It usually takes me a few episodes before I pick a few faves, but right now~~ Renny must GO. (Not a Jesse the bodybuilder fan either)

Becky21 07-14-2008 10:29 PM

That's the one DM. Renny.:eek: They will probably keep her just to annoy us like they do every season. They pick a goof ball who either, cries, whines or is just plain annoying. This year it is Renny.:eek:

Bearygood 07-15-2008 09:21 AM

Absolutely! That Renny is awful, isn't she? Some of this you'll see tonight but the spoiler DOES go a little further so if you don't want to know, don't look! But if you DO, highlight the text below with your cursor. :D Developments are a little confusing because the houseguests have been there for at least a few days longer than the show's premiere but I think the live feeds only went live on Sunday night.

Well, apparently we're not alone in our thoughts about Renny -- and she managed to annoy all of US in just one hour!!! As I said above, I don't really know the specifics because of the timetable but alliances are already being formed and also already thwarted. From what I can tell, the earliest alliance may have been men vs. women with Jerry being on the women's side (I THINK largely because of April's influence but don't hold me to it!) People also think Libra is bossy -- she doesn't seem very popular. I THINK it was Jerry who the POV but in any event, it was used. The noms are now Renny and BRIAN. I don't know what Brian did to **** Jerry off but it looks like he did SOMETHING. I think the plan right now is to have Brian, Dan, Jerry and Renny out first & not make it to the jury but we know this can change on a dime.

I don't have time to look at everything but enough people seem to be ****** off at various people that it looks like BB might be redeeming itself with this season! LOTS of drama! (And it looks like the earliest hook-up is April and Ollie.)

Bearygood 07-15-2008 09:09 PM

Now THAT was pretty good! I must say that Renny really amused me tonight, LOL. :D We also learned that Libra is no dummy!

(Hi, Beth!)

Becky21 07-16-2008 12:43 AM


I liked Renny better tonight too! She seems to be very honest even though she is annoying. The rest of the people sure do stay away from her. That's really sad. Brian is a sleeze bag!

I think this is going to be way better than the last 2 BB's. I actually like a few of the people on this show so far. That's more than I can say for the last 2 seasons.

It seems like I have missed some of it and it could just be me or the editing. I didn't realize everyone was on to Brian so fast. It's probably me!:D

Bearygood 07-16-2008 07:27 AM

She cracked me up as she was gong through the honey, LOL. And I LOVE her outfits, LOL! One of my fave spoiler sites whose "mascot" is a hamster has the hamster wearing a sequinned beanie, LOL.

Yes, I was impressed that they orchestrated the Brian thing and I get the impression that it was Libra who figured it out. She's smart but others are annoyed with her because she's bossy. (I know we haven't seen that on TV yet but I don't really think that's a spoiler.) In terms of the timeline, don't forget that they've been in the house for around a week and we only began watching on Sunday. I don't remember but maybe I'm wrong -- I always thought we saw them enter the house live before? :confused: At any rate, I think that's why this first week might have been confusing. Although -- I do like that the drama is beginning pretty early on! :D

DM 07-16-2008 08:06 AM

Hello fellow BB fans. Well, it's getting interested alright. I thought it was great when the house landed in Jerry's room and spilled it about Brian's scheming. I didn't like the idea from the very beginning that he was using his military background to undermine the others w/Jerry.

Do anything you want, but don't use that as a way to scheme or lie.

*stepping off soapbox*

Renny may turn out to be the new Evil Richard. Now, you all know, we can't type his real name. Carry on all and thanks alot for the updates Beary. What would we do w/o ya??

Bearygood 07-16-2008 06:07 PM

I'm pretty sure I know who's going home tonight but the house IS divided. I think we'll see which two of the gals are completely at odds -- cat fight, anyone? ;) Looks like drama, drama and more drama.

I almost forgot BB was on tonight -- well, I DID forget. But it is, and it's weird. It's usually Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday -- don't know why they changed it up and I like it better the other way.

I doubt that we'll see this on TV but Jessie the genius (NOT) said that Julie Chen is married to someone in TV but he's a nobody and that's why she didn't change her name. :eek: Uh, calling Les Moonves, President of CBS and Julie Chen's spouse! :p You'd think perhaps if he was going to be on the show he'd do some research!

(Project Runway begins tonight too!)

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