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Harper05 07-03-2018 07:54 PM

New here
About a month ago I felt like I had water running down my calf. It was on and off. Then I felt like I had a piece of hair on my arm and it wasn’t wthere. Then all of a sudden I got pins and needles everywhere- like even my scalp. And numbness in my hands and feet and mouth. My hands and feet will itch ocdasoaknly and I feel like I have to itch. Most recently I will feel a jolt. It’s been about theee weeks. I have seen two PCPs, one said it was stress and the other referred me to a neurologist. I don’t have an appointment until next Friday. I don’t k ow how I’m going to wait that long. This condition is depressing me and I keep asking myself why??also about 10 years ago I started getting teitixjijt in my calf’s, it’s worse after I run a lot.
Other I’m 35 have two small kids and just want to be ok. But feel like I’m just in this fog because of this.
Any insight or words of advice?

kiwi33 07-03-2018 10:26 PM

Hi Harper05

Welcome to NeuroTalk :).

I hope that the neurologist will be able to help you.

The PN forum is very active - please keep posting here; other members will be able to offer you support and helpful suggestions.

All the best.

Harper05 07-04-2018 06:30 AM

I hope so too, do you have any idea what they will do?

kiwi33 07-04-2018 07:15 AM

The possible tests that the neurologist might use are described here; it also contains some background information which might help you ask him/her informed questions Peripheral Neuropathy Fact Sheet | National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke .

I hope that your Friday appointment goes well.

DishRag 07-04-2018 08:16 AM

If you have not been exposed long term to some kind of toxin(commercial solvents, insecticides, specific prescription meds, etc) or a spine/neck injury or diabetes, then most likely the prognosis will be idiopathic...which means 'unknown'.

Mine is idiopathic, and the only thing that seems to keep mine under control is over the counter vitamins, specifically B12. But it's still there, it will never "heal" or go away and is also progressing... although slowly.

You mentioned anxiety in the other thread...yep it happens. In my book anxiety is a waste of perfectly good energy, energy that can be used in many different ways to help instead of harm the psyche. Anxiety can eat you up from the inside out, so it's best to start resisting it when you feel it coming on. Go for a run or a ride, do some type of physical activity....anything to not dwell on it.

The symptoms at first will gather much attention from the mind. Eventually the mind will ignore the minor ones like the skin crawling, the muscle spasms, the flushing feeling up and down the legs, an others. This stuff is not debilitating, so don't focus on it. Even pain can be mitigated in the mind to a certain extent.

Do your own homework, there is not a real PN "network" out there yet. Read, research and read. Match symptoms with others then try what worked for them. Write down and log exactly what symptoms you have now, then repeat every 6 months because we tend to forget what went on in the past.

pinkynose 07-05-2018 05:17 PM

My unsolicited advice to you is:
1) click on the link (if you haven't already) that Kiwi gave you. I would look over the section that explains the causes of PN and also the tests as Kiwi suggested. See if any of the causes are a possibility. Quite often PN is a result of diabetes but there are many other causes. For example, antibiotics in the Cipro family have been found to cause Small Fiber Neuropathy, Ticks can cause it, Heavy metals, low B12, alcoholism. The list goes on and on but doctors seen to want to squeeze us into a small box of causes. If we don't fit we get the "ideopathic" label. Unfortunately, doctors are limited by insurance companies as far as testing. If you test negative for "A" they won't go further on that possibility.

2) for tomorrow I would bet the neurologist sticks to the main causes. It would be good for you to understand what those are and if there is a possibility you might fall into one of those categories so take notes as you research and write questions to ask the doctor.

3) If you haven't already start a journal. Include things like date, times, food, activity, alcohol (and amount) as you need to see if there is a pattern emerging as to possible triggers.

4) If possible bring someone with you to the appointment to take notes so you can just listen.

5) Let us know what happened so we can provide feedback. Good luck!

Harper05 07-06-2018 12:20 PM

So the nuero appointment was good, I think. She ordered a mri with contrast right away. She said it could be inflammation of my spine of my brain. She ordered more blood work and said that she is determined to get to the bottom of this. I should have brought my hubby with me.
I feel like the numbness is subsiding a little bit and the electric shock feeling is so real... I feel it in my arms, neck, legs. It makes me heart kip a beat and gives me instant anxiety.

Harper05 07-06-2018 02:31 PM

Doc also gave me gabapentin does it work??
If so, what are the regulations with drinking? I don’t drink a lot but have an occasional glass of wine..

janieg 07-07-2018 10:15 AM

Just a few random thoughts expressing my opinions only...

Anxiety and stress when the condition first develops will make the symptoms 10x worse. First and foremost, do whatever you can to try not to stress about it. If it helps, I'm almost five years into the onset of my symptoms, and it has not worsened. My symptoms have morphed and changed, but they don't disrupt my life unless I'm having a flare and am uncomfortable. I'm definitely not in the agony I was when it first developed, and I was horribly stressed out about it.

Secondly, if your symptoms are not horrible and not impacting your life terribly, consider gabapentin to be optional. Neuros will always prescribe it to try to help with symptoms, but as with any drug, there can be ramifications. There are stories here on Neurotalk of people trying to wean themselves off it. Be sure you understand all the possible side effects so you can make an educated decision on whether to go down that path. I opted not to and am happy I did. Should my symptoms ever get worse and I do need to take something, I will have that to fall back on. For right now, though, it's not necessary.


Originally Posted by Harper05 (Post 1264871)
Doc also gave me gabapentin does it work??
If so, what are the regulations with drinking? I don’t drink a lot but have an occasional glass of wine..

Harper05 07-08-2018 12:00 PM

Ok, thanks I am going to try it for now and see if it helps. I am willing to try anything at this point.
Its hard to not let it disrupt my life. I feel like crap and worried constantly about what it could be. I have been taking klonopin every other day to help with some anxiety.
I see you are from Maryland, what area? do you like your Nuero?


Originally Posted by janieg (Post 1264902)
Just a few random thoughts expressing my opinions only...

Anxiety and stress when the condition first develops will make the symptoms 10x worse. First and foremost, do whatever you can to try not to stress about it. If it helps, I'm almost five years into the onset of my symptoms, and it has not worsened. My symptoms have morphed and changed, but they don't disrupt my life unless I'm having a flare and am uncomfortable. I'm definitely not in the agony I was when it first developed, and I was horribly stressed out about it.

Secondly, if your symptoms are not horrible and not impacting your life terribly, consider gabapentin to be optional. Neuros will always prescribe it to try to help with symptoms, but as with any drug, there can be ramifications. There are stories here on Neurotalk of people trying to wean themselves off it. Be sure you understand all the possible side effects so you can make an educated decision on whether to go down that path. I opted not to and am happy I did. Should my symptoms ever get worse and I do need to take something, I will have that to fall back on. For right now, though, it's not necessary.

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