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offinthedistance 03-05-2012 11:54 PM

Can you advise me how to ask a doctor to manage my pain?
I have an appointment with a doctor I have seen only once before tomorrow and I need more and better pain killers. But I don't want to sound like I'm hunting for opioids or sound desparate. Even though I AM desparate. I'm in agony. I have nerve tingling sharp pain on my right neck, cold water down my right leg, cold sores everywhere, sharp pains in elbows and agonising miserable pain everywhere the voodoo master sticks his pins (in a faraway land I know nothing of). Earlier today I had a very real sensation of something passing THROUGH the left side of my head. Like a breeze but more solid. And I keep losing my hearing on the right ear; transient but disturbing.

PLEASE, can you help me word my complaint?
Yesterday I took 6 tramadol through the day, 3 panadeine forte (which makes me sleep) and half an endone before bed to help me settle. And I was still in pain.
I take tramadol for breakfast; and if I don't, I'm in a world of pain by lunch.

Do I just start the conversation with all of this? How mad does it make me sound? I don't want to start any anti-depressants; my sex life is at a low enough ebb as it is. And endep makes me sleep.

thanks peeps. :confused:

Dejibo 03-06-2012 08:31 AM

he will ask you "so, hows it going?" and then you need to tell him the truth. Tell him you are worried about how it sounds that you are asking for higher and higher levels of pain control, but dont wish to live your life in pain. Could he please either help you, or refer you out to someone that can.

NO ONE needs live in pain in today's society of pain relief. We have figured out how to help folks beat pain, but you must ask for it.

If he treats you dismissively or rudely, then he wasnt the MD for you after all. Please dont play, be straight forward, honest, and true to yourself. its when folks start acting fake and manipulative that the MDs start locking up their script pad. He may ask many more questions to see how honest you are being about your pain. Please dont be put off by the questions, just answer as honestly as you can.

Good luck! :hug:

SallyC 03-06-2012 12:49 PM

"Please Doc, can you help alliviate some of my pain, without putting me to sleep?"

Then I would tell him/her just what you told us, including your fears of the Doc thinking you are a opioid junkie.

Wishing you luck.:)

ginnie 03-06-2012 01:23 PM

Hello off in the distance....
I am glad you are going back to the doctor. Write down everything you can think of in relation to what is happening to you, a pain journal listing all your symptoms. I find that being completey honest is something the pain specialist wants you to do. They can't help you unless you tell them in detail what you are experiencing. It doesn't sound to me like you are after medications or anything like that. You sound like a person needing some real answers so you can have a quality of life. Tell him what medications you are taking and when.
I have my calander, and I write daily on it, what is happening with my pain. He has always responded to me. If I had a problem I brought it to my PCP, and asked for intervention and consultation. Don't be afraid to tell him everything. ginnie

offinthedistance 03-06-2012 10:26 PM

Well that went as well as the public launch for chocolate fireguards.

What a complete wast of time. I feel like SCREAMING!!!!!

I got offered diclofenac suppositories.

WTF ? I replied that all things considered, the last thing I was interested in doing was sticking something up my ar$*.

So I put some nice music on in the car, (cried for about 5 minutes), and decided that I can no longer afford to feel the pain. It IS all in my head. I shall continue 'as I am' as recommended by my pathetic GP, and wait till I explode.

On the plus side, it's a beautiful day. On the negative, I burnt my lamb curry in the slow cooker whilst I was out wasting my time. On the positive, I have a lovely bag of 'herbal remedy' that can put me well in the league of the surfer dudes down the beach. On the negative, I can overdose on panadeine forte.

Time to get those Big Girl Pants on and get on with life.

Jomar 03-07-2012 12:27 AM

If GP won't refer you out to specialist :confused:, personally I'd dump that one and move on.
Could it be the GP wants to keep a regular customer???

I'd search around and not stick with any dr that isn't being a health care partner with me.

You may even need a pain management dr if there is nothing that can be done to fix the cause of the pain.

I don't know if it is all due to MS, or if any spinal issues or other conditions are involved.

Don't stay with an unresponsive dr.

Dejibo 03-07-2012 07:28 AM

PLEASE know there are more dismissive MDs and more silly MDs than there are reasonable ones that "get it" or are willing to listen and understand. You can tell the ones that have never known a day of pain in their lives, and the ones that have broken a bone or lost something dear.

I want you to take time for you pity party. Have a blast! wallow in it, and let it sink in deep. Then the next morning, pull on your big girl panties, and either A. Call the MDs office back, make a new appointment, and discuss this with him about how inappropriate you feel this is, or B. Call around and get a NEW MD. Do you have a Gate Keeper on your insurance? If so, call them and ask them for a referral to someone who is accepting your insurance in your area. C. Call and MS clinic and get in as a patient. Even if it means you have to travel. Those folks get it most of the time. They can get you set up on a routine of meds, and be ready to help you negotiate this landmine disease.

Please, dont live your life in pain, just because one or two or twenty MDs are not listening. Keep firing folks till you run across one that is willing to hear you.

Im sorry he was so mean. no one should ask you to do suppositories unless you have a major vomiting problem. :hug:

ginnie 03-07-2012 09:29 AM

I agree with Dej. If your doctor is not listening to you, please move on and find another. I am sorry it turned out that way, where he really didn't deal with your pain issues. I had hoped that your doctor would make some changes so that your life can be better. Don't allow one persons view, to stop you from getting help. ginnie:hug:

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