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Jen29 06-11-2010 07:28 AM

At my witts end....
Hi everyone,

I was diagnosed with moderate sleep apnea about 4 weeks ago and now have the machine and am using it like am supposed to and everything. Before this I wasn't sleeping more than 3 hours a night at the most. Now I barley sleep 2 if I am lucky and it happens all at once. I can fall asleep just fine, but once I wake up i am up for the rest of the night and mainly until the next night.

I am seeing a sleep specialist, have seen many docs and the docs have given me some medication but because I am on a MAOI i have to be careful of what I can even take. I have depression along with other mental illnesses and things just seem to keep going down hill, I know it's due to lack of sleep and some physical problems.

I am just wondering if there is anyone who has or is experiencing the same kind of things or have heard of someone like this. i am going on 15 weeks of this, and there isn't anything anyone can do for me. Even sleeping medication doesn't work because i can fall asleep like within 5-10 min. and then am awake a hour to two later. I try and go back to sleep and relax and do things that would help with that, but nothing happens.

Just looking for ideas if anyone has any.


Mari 06-12-2010 08:38 AM


From your time line the sleep got worse with the machine.

Give the machine 3 or 4 weeks. Maybe your body seems to be getting used to it.

What time do you go to bed at night?
Are you able to take short naps during the day?

One of the best things I know for sleep is exercise.
Something like walking can help regulate sleep -- especially if you can walk in the sunshine.


Jen29 06-12-2010 08:45 AM

thank you for your response, i go to bed the same time every night. I take my meds the same time every night. around 10 pm. and am up either 1 or 2 hours later never fails.
I didn't even sleep last night. I finally fell asleep at 6:30 this morning for a very short while.
I do not take naps during the day unless I have to take something for pain, or like today didn't get a wink of sleep thenight before, but will have to see. When I do take a nap it is at the longest 45 min.
I used to be able to exercise but i suffer from chronic lower back pain and was told that for right now to not do a lot of walking, I also have 4 ribs ouf of place so they are trying to fix those.

Mari 06-12-2010 03:09 PM


I asked about the naps because maybe naps are a good thing.
At some point (day or night) you need to get sleep.

If you cannot exercise, maybe you can still go outside and sit in the sun for 20 minutes. The sunshine can help you sleep.

Also, come over to the bipolar board and post your medications if you want. Maybe we can share ideas about the medications.

Maybe a medication you are on is contributing to the sleep issue.

(You don't have to be bipolar to post on the bipolar board. Some of us are BP. Others have family members. Others, not at all.)


Jen29 06-12-2010 06:39 PM

I actually was able to sleep for a little while today, going without sleep or very little sleep for 48 hours finally makes me sleep, but am also feeling pretty sick. I don't know if that is from just being tired or from not sleeping.
To tell you the truth I am very embarrased about how many medications I am on. Right now I am on 12 medications. Of course not all are for psych, actually very little are for psych. But will give it a try.

george75 04-01-2011 12:20 PM

I:am having the same problems/

Originally Posted by Jen29 (Post 663938)
I actually was able to sleep for a little while today, going without sleep or very little sleep for 48 hours finally makes me sleep, but am also feeling pretty sick. I don't know if that is from just being tired or from not sleeping.
To tell you the truth I am very embarrased about how many medications I am on. Right now I am on 12 medications. Of course not all are for psych, actually very little are for psych. But will give it a try.

Have had PN for 12 years. After 2 years trying everything, Morphine gave me relief. I took 240 mg. daily for 5 years. In 2 years i slowly lower my intake to 60 mg. a day.Felt good for several months. Pain coming back. Tried new meds did not help. Pain varies from small areas to entire foot. Pain levels 4 to 10.

Two years ago sleep problems like person above started after 3 operations in 4 days.

Doctor said gall bladder.Took it out.
Doctor said need to cauterize old ulcer scars. Did it.
I said i am bleeding inside. Took car of it.

1 year ago had pain in 4 toe right foot. Doctor said hammer toe-
Took out some bone.Still got same pain.

New Doc.Did MRI. Said some kind of mass in there.
I told Doc. to remove toe.He did.

Six months later still have pain same area sometimes.

My health is going down hill pretty fast. I am going to tell my Pain Doc. i want to slowly increase my doseage to where it will give me relief like i had at one time. The pills are Morphine 30mg slow release.

This website and the members have helped me more than all the doctors.

George phelps

stevesworldnyc 04-01-2011 01:53 PM

I've been through this.

Originally Posted by Jen29 (Post 663515)
Hi everyone,

I was diagnosed with moderate sleep apnea about 4 weeks ago and now have the machine and am using it like am supposed to and everything. Before this I wasn't sleeping more than 3 hours a night at the most. Now I barley sleep 2 if I am lucky and it happens all at once. I can fall asleep just fine, but once I wake up i am up for the rest of the night and mainly until the next night.

I am seeing a sleep specialist, have seen many docs and the docs have given me some medication but because I am on a MAOI i have to be careful of what I can even take. I have depression along with other mental illnesses and things just seem to keep going down hill, I know it's due to lack of sleep and some physical problems.

I am just wondering if there is anyone who has or is experiencing the same kind of things or have heard of someone like this. i am going on 15 weeks of this, and there isn't anything anyone can do for me. Even sleeping medication doesn't work because i can fall asleep like within 5-10 min. and then am awake a hour to two later. I try and go back to sleep and relax and do things that would help with that, but nothing happens.

Just looking for ideas if anyone has any.


Hey, I had sleep apnea, and had it corrected a few years ago. I tried the machine, but like you, I couldn't tolerate it. After a couple of weeks, tell your doc that you are taking the mask off in your sleep because you can't take the machine and that the machine keeps you awake. Suggest that they consider surgery (if you are willing). I think it's called palatapharyngitonsilectomy or something like that. They take out part of your soft palate, your tonsils and pharynx I think. It'll hurt like hell for a couple of weeks, during which they will give you codeine syrup. After that your airway will be much wider and you will sleep like a baby. There are a couple of things though to remember. If you are heavy set, you will likely not benefit from this surgery forever, as you will eventually gain a lot of weight (presumably) and that will affect it somehow. Also, after the surgery, you will have to kind of relearn drinking/sipping techniques because that back of your throat will be different. You will have to be careful drinking liquids until you get used to it. I'll tell you though, truthfully, the surgery sucked, but once I healed, I never snored again, and I've still got insomnia, but when I do sleep, I don't snore, nor do I wake up from apnea.

Dr. Smith 04-04-2011 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by stevesworldnyc (Post 758273)
Hey, I had sleep apnea, and had it corrected a few years ago. I tried the machine, but like you, I couldn't tolerate it. After a couple of weeks, tell your doc that you are taking the mask off in your sleep because you can't take the machine and that the machine keeps you awake. Suggest that they consider surgery (if you are willing).

I don't see where Jen says that she couldn't tolerate the machine. In fact, she said she had no problems falling asleep with it. Even if the machine were part of the problem, there are still many options to try - different masks, cushions, pressures, oxygen.... before chucking it and asking for surgery.

But most importantly, I have a real problem with "telling" a doctor something that isn't true. I'm coming from a chronic pain POV, and one of the worst and most common stigmas CP patients face regularly is not being believed. The doctor-patient relationship requires absolute candor on the part of patients. Doctors - especially those who deal with patients regulary (vs. surgeons, pathologists, and some others) learn to be very good at "reading" people. If they even suspect a patient is less than forthright, that patient could have problems getting that doctor (or any other) to believe anything they say in the future.

Surgery should always be an avenue of last resort, and even then only with multiple opinions. I'm glad it's worked for some - REALLY - but I hope all other options were exhausted first, especially considering all the complications and adjustments mentioned (and those that weren't mentioned).

I think Jen's solutions (if the problem still exists - her last post was 9 months ago) lie with the right sleep specialist and/or the right sleep psychologist.
Google: sleep psychologist

Just my opinions.


Dr. Smith 04-06-2011 03:32 PM


"Thanks for this!" says: Jen29 (04-04-2011)
So Jen, How is the battle going?


Jen29 04-06-2011 05:20 PM

Things well, so much is going on now....i am off the cpap right now, very hard time getting to sleep, such physical pain. Tomorrow am having a steroid injection in my back. trying to not have to have surgery. But lots of crap has been going on. I haven't seen my sleep specialist in 6 months...I can't drive to see her all the times she wants me there. But things may change and have to see her for possible surgeryon back

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