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Mokey 04-15-2013 11:22 AM

Auditory brainstem, neuro-audiology and auditory processing
Hi all!

I am feeling as if I am not able to get beyond a certain plateau that I seemed to have reached. I have had a horrible three weeks or so, and even on those days when I feel more functional, it is AT HOME, in a QUIET space! I am still unable to function in noisy environments, or when there are multiple sources of noise.

In trying to understand this and find new therapies which go beyond the advice of increasing exposure to noise, I have come across some interesting articles and research on:

- neuro-audiology
- auditory brainstem testing and damage from MTBI
- auditory processing disorders as a result of MTBI
- dichotic interaural intensity difference training (DIID)

I had a hearing test which showed my hearing was great (I have hyperacusis! of course it is 'great'!!!! :rolleyes:

But no other tests for this problem.

Before I post some interesting links, I wanted to see if anyone else has had assessment, treating, therapies, etc. for the sound assaults that they are dealing with on a daily basis. Tinnitus and hyperacusis. etc.

A lot of the studies I have read this morning discuss how the traditional neuro-psych testing does not pick up on this problem...first reason is that the testing is done in a quiet environment!

Thanks! I think I am on to something for myself, at least. Looking forward to hearing other suggestions.

hope everyone is having a good (and quiet:) day. Sigh.

If anyone wants links to these discussions, send me a message or post here.

berkeleybrain 04-15-2013 01:45 PM

Mokey, I'd love a copy of the links.

I'm going to the ENT tomorrow to find out more about my own situation regarding dizziness, nausea, tinnititus, hyperacusis, etc. My question is do you all have suggestions on _what_to ask the ENT about?

I've lost 35 pounds since the accident last July 2012. :) small silver lining, but I'm not in control since I often vomit if I get to nauseous. I often feel like I'm on a ship, and on the right side is like a mirror fun house in terms of feeling. Visually it's okay; it just feels funny.

There is some visual-vestibular connection, but I'm not sure what. I am also on prism glasses and undergoing vision therapy for convergence insufficiency. The optometrist thinks I have another 9-12 months to go.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks to you all-this forum has been a life saver.

MiaVita2012 04-15-2013 01:57 PM

If he can see if your vestibular is off in your inner ear.I had also lost a lot of weight during the time I waited for a diagnosis and was vomiting EVERY DAY.Hope you get some input from the ENT.

Mokey 04-15-2013 02:43 PM

Terrible that you feel so bad! Nausea is horrible, on top of everything else. Will post some interesting links after I get my kids from school.

Mokey 04-15-2013 06:30 PM

As promised:

Here is an interesting case study about a woman who had pcs after falling off a horse. Many of us have similar issues. Some treatment solutions near the end of the article.

2)From the Audiologists's association website:

3) a great blog post on NOISE

4) a powerpoint presentation on auditory processing problems after tbi )in military but they are just like us!

5) a powerpoint from an academic conference on brain rehab...explains a lot.

From this last presentation...the slide which talks about the symptoms of central auditory processing disorder:

'Symptoms of Auditory Processing Disorders
Common symptoms of CAPD are:
• inordinate difficulty hearing in noisy or reverberant
• difficulty following conversation on the phone
• difficulty following multi‐step directions
• difficulty following long conversations
• difficulty taking notes
• difficulty with social situations—difficulty “reading”
others / pragmatic communication issues
• difficulty with spelling, reading and writing
• lack of music appreciation
• difficulty directing, sustaining, or dividing attention '

That's all for now. Hope it helps. I have called the U Conn. clinic and hope to speak with someone tomorrow to get more information about testing and therapies.

Leave no stone unturned!!!!

Mark in Idaho 04-15-2013 06:43 PM

I was diagnosed with an auditory processing disorder with an Auditory Evoked Potential test (AEP) with qEEG processing. My doctor looked at the results and said, "You hear everything. How do you handle that ?" My wife responded, " He doesn't. "

It has been 12 years and I am still dealing with these issues. I have learned to avoid most environments where I will have a problem. I also use foam ear plugs in restaurants and other noisy places. I sit at the back or perimeter of a room where there will be less noticeable echoes.

I can hear echoes that nobody else hears.

My AEP was repeated a few months later to validate the results. My doctor was so impressed by the level of lack of auditory filtering that he repeated the test a few months later. I had it repeated years latter with the same results.

I may have a little better organic tolerance for sound but believe most of my tolerance is due to work-arounds.

cyclecrash 04-15-2013 06:49 PM

Mokey, I think I mentioned this before but I was in the same situation, pretty much ok at home but in noisy environments or confusion/busy places I was having sounds sensitivities, dizziness, brain confusion/fog, etc. Ever since starting Effexor, for these anxiety symptoms, they have been significantly improved! Even my light sensitivity.

I believe Mouse has had the same results. If you are that desperate, perhaps it would help to try this solution. You could see almost miraculous results. I was shocked what was helped by this medication. It allows the rest of the brain issues to start to heal better once the anxiety responses are controlled.

These are PHYSICAL anxiety responses, not emotional and you cannot control them on your own. If you don't want to try Effexor, there are other options.

For the others in this thread, I had no luck at all with my ENT but your situation may be different. There is supposedly only one type of dizziness that they can help with and mine was not that type. (if you roll over in bed and get dizzy and nauseous then an ENT may be able to help you)

Just some thoughts. Good luck to you.


Mokey 04-15-2013 06:54 PM

Thanks, Cycle crash! I am seriously contemplating digging into the cymbalta samples a doctor gave me last year! But my good doctor left to do other things and I have no brain injury doctor right now, so it is probably not a smart idea until I talk with someone. The new GP has no interest in this injury because it takes more than a seven minute visit to solve problems.
As soon as I find a doctor in this area, i will raise this as a possible therapy (drugs!).

I had a HORRIBLE experience with a new potential doctor on difficult to find a good one!


Mokey 04-15-2013 06:57 PM

Thanks Mark. I hear everything is horrible! I have tried to avoid noisy places but it is a huge impediment to me going back to teaching which I still want to do, and to living a better life with my young kids.

If you have other suggestions for testing for this condition, i and others would appreciate it.

Mark in Idaho 04-15-2013 07:14 PM


I recommend you stay away from the Cymbalta samples until you have a doctor who is in support of you taking it. It will take a few weeks to see a difference anyway.

If you are going to self medicate, try a capsule of L-Tryptophan twice a day. It will show a change that day.

Have you ever had your B-12, D3, and folate tested ? You might be one of those who does not process (methylate, I think) B-12 and folic acid properly.

mrsD has quite a write-up in the Vitamins sticky.

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