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glenntaj 07-02-2011 07:58 AM

OT--thyroid nodules?
I also posted this on the thyroid thread, but figured I'd put it in a new thread as well so as to be easier to spot.

Interesting that I came here this morning and found a lot of action in this thyroid thread, as I have a rapidly evolving thyroid situation (and I'd love for the thyroid mavens to weigh in on it).

In the process of getting an annual physical from a new primary physician, I had ultrasound done to look at carotid arteries. They seem to be OK, but there was something suspicious with the thyroid. Dedicated ultrasound of that was down, and here is the basic report:

"The right lobe measures 5.8 x 1.5 x 1.6 cm and demonstrates a solid 5 mm nodule at the midpole. The left lobe measures 5.4 x 1.4 x 1.8 cm and demonstrates a 2.0 x 1.1 x 1.4 cm solid nodule at the lower pole. The isthmus is normal in appearance. Nodule in left lower pole should be considered for ultrasound guided FNA biopsy."

Well, I'm gonna make that appointment for FNA REAL fast.

My mother does have some spotty history of autoimmune thyroid and, especially, parathyroid disease--but, of course, I've been through this with my wife, who had antibody demonstrable Hashimoto's and then developed a papillary carcinoma in 2008 that resulted in total thyroidectomy. She is doing well--thyroglobulin and antibodies undectable, TSH down nice and low for suppressive purposes--but her ultrasound reports were always much more detailed, indicating hypo vs. hyperechoic properties, and noitng vascularity in the nodule that turned out to have the carcinoma--that factor was the reason we got her biopsied.

I'm really annoyed by the lack of specificity in the report. No mention of whether there were calcifications, lymph node enlargement, echoes . . .

I know I need an endo consult--only lab work that's relevant from the physical is a TSH of 2.58 (not especially high, and about where it's always been). Haven't had T3/T4 levels done in years (they were normal then).

My sense of the report is that is shows some degree of overall thyroid expansion, suggestive of a nodular goiter (as you may suspect, I've done a TON of research on this). But I am a 51-year old male, and the specter of thyroid cancer is worrisome--especially that "taller than wide" aspect of the left side nodule. Moreover, I am asymptomatic--my thyroid is not obviously visible below my larynx (which itself has always been fairly prominent)--not having trouble swallowing, speaking (which I do for a living). I'm not feeling fatigue, temperature sensitivity, etc. I did gain several pounds over the cold winter months, but I've already gotten rid of most of those (i tend to walk a lot more in the good weather). I do have my usual seasonal post-nasal back drip down to the top level of the larynx, and I occassionally have to bring up thick clear translucent mucus. I feel the drip more right than left--I can actually feel it around the right tonsil (yes, I still have those) quite often (this is a long-standing situation).

Any input is appreciated.

mrsD 07-02-2011 11:25 AM

Gee, I am sorry Glenn.... this sounds ominous. The fact that you don't feel ill I guess is in your favor. I guess there will be a biopsy soon?

It is scary how common this is becoming too. More men every day it seems! There is a man down our street who had his thyroid removed due to cancer too...He is in his early 70's now and doing well.

Just the other day, a female colleague of my husband has been diagnosed with precancerous nodules on both sides of her thyroid. She also has something wrong with the retinas of her eyes, and may go blind! (May have a vitrectomy in one eye, soon as well!- very scary for HER-- she has had uveitis for along time). She gets injections in her one eye already every 6mos or so..of steroids. She is having her thyroid out this summer in fact. Only early 50's in age. We are computer and gardening friends, so I am worried for her. She is divorced and lives alone too! sigh.

I don't know if it is our environment or what it is! Toxins, our food, or inhaling pollution! Even my own doctor has nodules...she is 67 and just "watching" them.

I wish I had more info for you. Please keep me up to date, and the rest of us here.

JB63 07-02-2011 02:17 PM

Put this answer in the other area as well. From the official cancer site: 95% of the nodules are benign. 95% of treated thyroid cancer patiets fully recover with no recurrance.


MelodyL 07-04-2011 09:43 AM

Hi Glenn:

Well, I guess you have some answers. I know you'll get the test and find out more. You are probably the most intelligent person I know and you're on top of things.

I hope you speak about this at the next meeting. You might even help someone with their own issues.

I'll bring some gluten free stuff which will perk up your spirits.

Here's a hug. :hug:

Take care,

And oh, by the way, my mother had a thyroid operation when I was 14 and that would have made her 46 at the time. My Aunt Sally, her sister, has been on thyroid medication for 50 years, and my son is on Armour.

Skipped me. I don't take after my mother. She was 5 foot and red hair and blue eyes. You've seen me. I do NOT take after my mother.

And while I might have liked to have red hair and blue eyes and be a tiny person, everyone on my mom's side of the family had cancer. She had 5 brothers and 5 sisters and all (except my Aunt Sally who had a seizure disorder and the thyroid thing) EVERYBODY else had some form of cancer (even my grandmother). Not my grandfather.

So, be at peace, this is 2011, not 1911 and thank god there are tests, treatments, etc.

Love ya


dahlek 07-04-2011 10:13 PM

Glenn? Do you have any other radiographs from years past?
You need to get hold of them? Esp if there is a 'destroy' date on them! I got mine by accident when retreiving other films and found out that some older other films were to be destroyed...ergo.....NOW? They are all in a nice dark dry and safe closet! And they've come in handy esp. w/the thyroid because when I went Into Hashi's? I'd this much older record to show that there had been concern and management.
By virture of the old record for comparison? The diagnosis was much more conclusive and without further complications. [As opposed to some neuropathies?]
I mention this all because records are...only kept for soo.. long. Especially records that take up space -such as films. Those kept digitally now? Are easier to keep, but they too could be zapped for any number of it's best to acquire as much film, disc and paper as YOU can on YOU?
Further? In my own case..what prompted those tests ages ago PLUS a biopsy? Were 'nodules' ...Suspicious, evil, nasty sounding things at first?
My own biopsies were nothings, just inflammations, in the end. No worries, other than getting the rite synthroid balances...which can take a while.
But, when one considers What all you have been thru? Well, I for one am NOT surprised. I'm just surprised that others you know of haven't suffered similarly... or? They don't know?
Don't panic yet... far too early to do so.. As a Cancer Survivor? I can attest to all those fears roiling in your brain and spirit! Essentially it is a test after test, then more tests? Followed by other tests.. to determine what can be done..even if they don't know what's going on! This IS a time when you really MUST put your cool, calm and analytical hat on and think and do things thru in the right progressions and steps. Do NOT PANIC! Ever! Please?
:hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:'s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - j

glenntaj 07-07-2011 06:15 AM

I did have the biopsy yesterday. My radiologist friend from Staten Island snuck me in with her team. She really worked me over, too--five samples on the right 0.5 mm nodule, 7 on the 2cm left lower lobe nodule. I'm sore as crap today, but I'm glad she wanted to leave no area unsampled.

Left one looked a little suspicious, but while they were ultrasounding I asked her to check all the area lymph nodes, and not a one of those looked suspicious, which is a good thing.

We hope to at least have some preliminary results in another two days--but I want to have my ducks in a row, so I already have a surgical consultation set up for Tuesday the 12th at Columbia Presbyterian Thyroid Center (the Columbia/Cornell medical system knows me well, lol). If it turns out I don't need it, I can always cancel.

MelodyL 07-07-2011 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by glenntaj (Post 784436)
I did have the biopsy yesterday. My radiologist friend from Staten Island snuck me in with her team. She really worked me over, too--five samples on the right 0.5 mm nodule, 7 on the 2cm left lower lobe nodule. I'm sore as crap today, but I'm glad she wanted to leave no area unsampled.

Left one looked a little suspicious, but while they were ultrasounding I asked her to check all the area lymph nodes, and not a one of those looked suspicious, which is a good thing.

We hope to at least have some preliminary results in another two days--but I want to have my ducks in a row, so I already have a surgical consultation set up for Tuesday the 12th at Columbia Presbyterian Thyroid Center (the Columbia/Cornell medical system knows me well, lol). If it turns out I don't need it, I can always cancel.

Wow Glenn:

You are better than the specialists in your knowledge of your body and what needs to be done.

Good for you.

Here's a hug.:hug:

Hope to see you at the meeting.

I do hope we get to attend. Alan has had this fever for 5 days. This morning was the first morning it was not up. And we see Dr. Fred today.

So you take care of yourself.

Love ya


glenntaj 07-08-2011 06:12 AM

Good news for the most part.

Pathology report came back. (My radiology friend must have sat on the pathologist's head.)

The big left side nodule has no cellular atypia and a lot of colloid. Looks for all the world like a colloid adenoma, a benign lump often found in multinodular goiter, which was a distinct possibility raised in the report.

The right nodule (the 0.5cm one) did not have enough cellular aspirates to be diagnostic--mostly liquid came out of it (possibly considerable cystic component)--despite my radiologists continued poking. Report says a repeat FNA would be a good idea, but my friend says just monitor for now--nodule is small, had no characteristics making it suspicious for malignancy on her own ultrasound examination. We can always go in and do the biopsy again if it grows, but she strongly suspects it's another goiterous lump.

At least I get to celebrate my wife's 50th birthday now. (She, of course, had total thyroidectomy for micropapillary carcinoma in 2008, which is part of why this made me so crazy--fortunately her markers have been clean since.)

mrsD 07-08-2011 06:22 AM

Good news! Congratulations!

Are they going to put you on hormone? My goiter went down to normal on low dose levothyroxine.

MelodyL 07-08-2011 09:39 AM


Tell me again why you never went to medical school???

You would have made a FINE physician.

Glad to hear the good news.

Hope to see you at the meeting next week.

Oh, Alan went to the doctor yesterday. He sweated his fever. It went to 98 and has stayed there since. They took blood, we'll know more when the results come back.

So I do hope we all can go to the next meeting of the PN Support group.

Take care, and Happy Birthday to the wifey!!!!

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