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Alffe 11-05-2006 09:53 PM

If you can catch it early enough, Clobetasol propionate cream is great for poison is a prescription however. I itch just thinking about it.

BJ 11-06-2006 11:20 AM

I was suprised to see my name? :)

I'm heading out to see my primary right now. I have it on my arms, legs and it's in my eyes. I'm so allergic just the wind blowing starts it. And my boss was not too happy about my calling in. :eek:

I'll mention this to her and see what she says. Thanks Alffe.

Addy 11-07-2006 02:44 PM


We haven't met and I apologize that I've come into this thread about "poison ivy" with the actual intention of talking to you about "bipolar".

First, a little bit about myself- I've known that I am bipolar for about 6 years - until that diagnosis - nothing made sense - now it all makes sense and I hope that what I am about to say will get you on the right path to accepting your diagnosis and having life, thus far, "make sense".

I first came to the internet when my youngest was diagnosed as having mild tourettes syndrome... a long path led me to learning more about myself and until I found the help I needed (through wonderful friendship and support, both online and in my outside life; finding the right medication and most importantly - finding the right therapist!), I attached a horrible stigma to depression - desperately trying to find a physical reason for my irrational behaviour and unhappiness.

Thankfully, my interaction here has helped immensely. I have read just about everything I can about bipolar and take what I can, chew it up, digest and spit out what doesn't work for me...

Google "bipolar" - and learn about how many people have this disorder - you'll find yourself amongst some pretty amazing company - most are very creative, artsy-fartsy type people.

this is just one example:

and another from an ordinary woman like you and I:

Here are the names of FAMOUS people who have come forward to the world to help better educate us about mental illness.
they, too, have bipolar!

Hang in there... one day you will look back and thank yourself for fighting - its worth it.


Addy 11-07-2006 02:46 PM

whoops, one of the website links above is "selling" something about bipolar - I didn't point it out for that - just wanted to show you how much help is out there if you google "bipolar"

xo Susan aka Addy

BJ 11-07-2006 08:32 PM

Thanks so much Addy for all the info. I guess I am in pretty good company. :D Some of the names on there shocked me, i.e. Princess Di.

But that's them and this is me. :( I don't know who I am anymore. I don't feel "myself". Is it the Abilify or the Effexor? I don't know. Am I hypomanic right now? I think so but I'm not sure. :confused:

That's how I'm feeling, unsure, alone and withdrawn. I'm glad I finally have a DX and know why I'm feeling the way I do but it's been really hard to swallow. I know I have lots to read and I have tons of questions. But I feel like I'm all over the place and can't concentrate. I just have to research and learn and accept I'm BP, in time. I still haven't told anyone and it's eating me inside.

Almost forgot. Alffe thanks so much for the info on the Clobetasol propionate cream. I went to my primary on Monday and she took one look at me and my ugly swollen face and prescribed a prednisone series (sp?). This is only my second day so hopefully I'll stop this itching and the swelling will go down in my face soon. I look like a "creature" right now.:eek:

Addy 11-08-2006 02:08 PM

HI again BP... YES! you are in very good company - amazing, isn't it?!!

I know exactly what you are referring to when you say: "I don't feel myself". I felt very medicated on Effexor - nightmares, dry mouth - all bad side effects - I was a classic case - and withdrawal was a nightmare... talk about manic!

It takes a lot of work - there is no easy answer and no easy drug. I don't know what to offer except to say - trust your "gut" and your natural instincts - if it isn't feel "normal" to you - then it isn't. Tell you doctor and if he doesn't "get it" - keep looking until you find someone who understands.

Many antidepressants heightened my manic state - and finally, after several trials and horrible withdrawal, the doctors and I settled on Celexa. That isn't to say it will work for you - but it is a med that allows me to be me. Its my miracle drug - that and a wonderful therapist.

Whenever I feel I am going over the edge again, along with my docs advice, we up my medication (and put it back down when I even out again) - it has worked for about 4 years now. Right now, I am on a stress/depression leave from work - I take care of myself now - I recognize the symptoms and I embrace the knowledge that I know what to do to make myself healthy again.

Hang in there - its not necessary to tell people you are Bipolar. Most will never understand or take the time to understand. It scares them. You'll know when its ok and feels right to tell them.

Glad your poison ivy is clearing up - what a nuisance!

Note that physical compounds the pain of the mental - never underestimate the power of the two of them together! If you feel you need to rest - then rest - it is your body and your mind taking the time to heal.

It didn't happen over night - and it won't get better overnight.

:) take care - I'm here if you ever have any questions - and don't forget - there is a bipolar forum here, too.

Alffe 11-08-2006 04:18 PM

Good advice from Addy but acceptance is important realize that you will always be's a matter of whether or not it's under control. Hugs.

Alffe 11-15-2006 07:47 PM

Bumping this up because I miss you and I worry. Pls check in. (((BJ)))

Alffe 11-17-2006 07:41 AM

I would really feel a lot better if a dr. examined you...either at the ER or in their office. (Once a mother always a mother! :rolleyes: )

And I'd love to have you for thanksgiving dinner if your in my area. Hugs!
If that's not possible, we include you in our prayer.

Doody 11-17-2006 11:12 AM

Definitely doctor time. I think it sounds like the Effexor isn't working well. But then, I am so not an Effexor fan.

How is our Bipolar forum doing so far? Has it grown? Maybe there is some good advice in there if you haven't been there yet.

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