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dahlek 02-01-2008 06:24 PM

MRI with contrast, who else has reactions?
I had an MRI w/contrast last week. It didn't come out well as the IV for the contrast got messed up. So this week I had another one w/contrast.

I how have hives. Has anyone else ever had this reaction? The blubs on the net indicate that it's a 'rare' reaction... Somehow, I just don't think it's that rare? Has anyone else had this 'fun' experience?

The hives started 2 days after the last test. I also wonder if it was the 'double dose' of contrast material that could have caused the allergy.

Thanks one and all - I would like to know if I'm 'not the only one' who's had this quirky reaction before I start calling various medical folks and all.

Pain free moments and more to all of you - j

Foggy Brain 02-01-2008 07:14 PM

Hi, Dahlek. I just wanted to chime in about having a reaction to gadolinium (MRI contrast dye). I had a moderate reaction right after being injected with the dye during my first MRI in 1992; I became nauseous, my heart rate increased, my BP dropped, and the techs had to pull me out of the machine to stop the reaction before we went any further. :eek: I remember the tech saying it is a one in a million chance that someone would suffer this type of reaction.

Now before having a MRI I take a week's worth of Medrol (MRI is performed half-way through the dosing period) so I don't suffer an allergic reaction (my neuro also thinks I may just be sensitive to the dye). In any case, it sounds to me like you may have suffered some sort of reaction post MRI. It is rather strange, however, that the hives appeared two days after the MRI. It would be a good idea to discuss your reaction with your neuro to rule out any possiblility of an allergic reaction, IMHO.


Originally Posted by dahlek (Post 204237)
I had an MRI w/contrast last week. It didn't come out well as the IV for the contrast got messed up. So this week I had another one w/contrast.

I how have hives. Has anyone else ever had this reaction? The blubs on the net indicate that it's a 'rare' reaction... Somehow, I just don't think it's that rare? Has anyone else had this 'fun' experience?

The hives started 2 days after the last test. I also wonder if it was the 'double dose' of contrast material that could have caused the allergy.

Thanks one and all - I would like to know if I'm 'not the only one' who's had this quirky reaction before I start calling various medical folks and all.

Pain free moments and more to all of you - j


dahlek 02-03-2008 06:13 PM

Well, the hives are progressing....
to all over. The good news is they are just the random BUMPS and not clusters and not itching [except for an occasional 5 minute round any given bump]. So I broke down and did a Benedryl...I take the Benedryl for Immune modulation therapy and I always suffer rebound afterwards..I will call the doc that ordered the testing [not my neuro] and follow up with the drug mfr and FDA...If you don't report they don't know. I learn more info and get more from the mfr's and FDA anyhow. Reactions are rare. I tend to get the oddest ones...
I'm not surprised in a way...when you consider that in less than 7 days I got two doses [one successful for test purposes, and the other not...and floating around in me] that IF anyone who was sensitive were to get a reaction...this is the way to get it? I've only had real hives one other time, and that was a whopper...ITCHED for three all sorts of places that were NOT fun at all.

Foggy? I'm going to check out the Medrol, and see if I'm tolerant of that know how it is! I've one of those 'gut' feelings that I mite be in for more tests for other things.. Not looking forward to it all. Thanks! - j

mrsD 02-04-2008 07:49 AM

Tagamet or Zantac
is often given as a premed for injected dyes, to people who might react.

You might ask about that too. You need a high dose 300mg Zantac (raniditine) or
800mg Tagamet (cimetidine). Both are over the counter like the Benadryl.

It may be too late for either of these, but they do help with certain reactions.
You also need to find out the name of the dye used. If it is iodine based, then you may cross react to other dyes. This is critical, because you can have a cardiac arrest with severe dye reactions. A patient just before me for an IVP
did that. I watched the whole drama with trepidation!

After my second IVP years later, I developed hives as well, about 1/2 hour after the test was done. I cannot eat raw seafood now as a result as well. Cooked does not bother me however. But the iodine reaction is now in my allergy list at every doctor I visit.

dahlek 02-04-2008 03:52 PM

Thanks Mrs D It is too late?
I called the MRI place today and asked about it all...the 'receptionist' said I had gotten 'g[garble]oline'...Sounded like Gasoline? I asked her GASOLINE? Can you spell for me what it was I got and the brand and dosage? Well, time on hold....Got back and spelled out the 'gadolinium' but spelled it out wrong...Sigh. Said I had to get 'that info' from the doctor...Again sigh.
So, called the prescribing doctor, left message [maybe?] with my concerns and will see that doc later this month. We shall see. Broke down and took a benedryl yesterday and no 'itching' sessions have happened. A good thing, cause I've got spots/blister-ish things all over now.
I did have a severe hive reaction to a med a very long time ago. It was a med I could tolerate topically, but the internal kind gave me serious hives fro 3 weeks after stopping the med. I was one very squirmy person then?
As both Mrs D and FoggyBrain indicate I don't want this to be an 'escalating' problem IF I can help it.
I've seen folks who have allergy intolerance build up and it is NOT a pretty thing!
Thank you both! - j

mrsD 02-04-2008 04:59 PM

Tagamet and Zantac are over the counter... I'd try the Zantac first (less drug interactions). Anything to get those histamine releasing issues stopped. (in addition to the Benadryl).

Gadolinium is in the news now. And it is not pretty.
I don't believe that they are so "safe"... the lawyers are lining up for this
one as I type.

dahlek 02-06-2008 07:34 AM

Thanks Mrs D!
Off to get Tagamet for me today, I guess!
They are still random little bumps, but fortunately the neuropathy seems to be keeping the itching at bay. One good thing for PN I guess. - j

mrsD 02-06-2008 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by dahlek (Post 208184)
Off to get Tagamet for me today, I guess!
They are still random little bumps, but fortunately the neuropathy seems to be keeping the itching at bay. One good thing for PN I guess. - j

Please note above, that I suggested you do the Zantac.... this has less potential for drug intereactions.

I don't know what other drugs you use. For people without other drugs in the picture Tagamet is fine.

dahlek 02-06-2008 08:59 AM

Hand't finished my first cuppa coffee!
Zantac it is then.
I'm on a 'vacation' from my two key meds, tho that should end very soon. So interactions shouldn't be a problem. {down to one daily med as opposed to four -taking 3 others intermittently}
The meds vacation has been WONDERFUL! Surprising how many very subtle s/e's one has from all the different meds....going off one one month, the others in sequences is really hitting home to me all the med interactions there are, and how subtle they can be. They do seem to have 'added' up over time.
Again thanks Mrs D. - you are a marvel, as always! - j

dahlek 02-06-2008 01:14 PM

Mrs D...I am feeling a bit
dense here or something?
Why Zantac or Tagamet with the Benedryl? Aren't they antacids?
There must be some useful connection using the Benedry and the Zantac rite?
Many thanks! - j

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