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cath1 05-27-2011 10:36 PM

12 weeks post op ACDF
hi all,

I haven't posted anything in a while, thought I would give a bit of an update.

I am now 12 weeks post op from ACDF C5, C6, C7 with titanium plate and screws with cadaver bone. The first 2 months were pure hell!! I was in my hard cervical collar 24/7 for 8 1/2 weeks, that caused so many muscle spasms and extra pain. But since being out of my collar I've gained a lot more range of motion, completely off all narcotics, except for the odd percacet and muscle relaxer if I do too much.

My neck pain is much better, I still have pain of course, but it's definately better then it was before surgery. Still have tingling and numbness in my right hand (last two fingers), and still have pain in my right shoulder, but other than that I'm slowly gaining my strength and independance back.

I think part of my healing is due to the fact my doctor has given me so much time off work to heal and not strain myself. At first I thought 6 months was a lot, but I'm grateful now when I see how quickly I get sore when I drive too much or try to accomplish too much at home (housework is still a struggle). It's nice to have the summer off to heal and grow some bone! lol.... At my 8 week check up there was still no bone growth.

In summary, I'm glad I had the surgery, it was very rough and wouldn't want to have to do this again, but I feel I'm much better after having it done. So now I just need the nerves in my hand to heal. Would love to be able to go camping and hiking and all our outdoor sports soon, hoping in the next month or so to begin some more activities, still very limited on what I can do and not cause pain. But I'm coming along slow but sure.

Hope everyone else is doing well also.

frenchfri1003 08-04-2011 08:56 PM

Hope you are doing well

Just went back to this site. Hope that you continue to do well. Yes the first 2 months can be difficult especially having to wear the hard collar. I hope that you have seen some bone growth at this point. Not sure how many months along you are. I am going for my 9 month check nest week. I can't believe that it has been that long. Let me know how you are doing.

12/9/2010 ACDF C5-6 C6-7 with plate, screws,
BMP & bone fragment filled cages
2/14/2011 trying to go back to work as a teacher
2/17/2011 starting PT
wearing bone stimulator 4 hours a day
DDD, arthritis, herniated disks, pinched nerves
3 months saw a little bit of bone growth (YEAH)
4/15/2011 Home Tens Unit
6/2011 end plate growth no more bone stimulator
pretty good ROM
still working on the strength
some issues with knots and spasms

cath1 08-09-2011 08:18 PM

hi there... long time since we chatted!

Originally Posted by frenchfri1003 (Post 792803)

Just went back to this site. Hope that you continue to do well. Yes the first 2 months can be difficult especially having to wear the hard collar. I hope that you have seen some bone growth at this point. Not sure how many months along you are. I am going for my 9 month check nest week. I can't believe that it has been that long. Let me know how you are doing.

12/9/2010 ACDF C5-6 C6-7 with plate, screws,
BMP & bone fragment filled cages
2/14/2011 trying to go back to work as a teacher
2/17/2011 starting PT
wearing bone stimulator 4 hours a day
DDD, arthritis, herniated disks, pinched nerves
3 months saw a little bit of bone growth (YEAH)
4/15/2011 Home Tens Unit
6/2011 end plate growth no more bone stimulator
pretty good ROM
still working on the strength
some issues with knots and spasms

Hi there,

Well, I don't have much change to report unfortunately. I am definately better then I was since my surgery (as far as my neck goes) but I still have pain and nerve damage in my hand, and a lot of pain in neck area, shoulders and traps. The pain seems to worsen when I ride in the car or do too much of any activity. The bouncing and vibration from the car is the worst though.

I'm still off work, since I need my hand in order to do my job, but I have a target return to work date from WSIB at the end of Sept. We'll see how that goes. My neuro thinks I may need a second operation on my ulnar nerve and wrist to fix the nerve pain in my hand. I don't want any more surgeries right now. So it's a wait and see if it heals on its own.

I haven't any idea if I have bone growth yet, I don't have another followup for a month, and last checkup showed nothing. I'm at the 5 month post-op mark now.

Tired of hurting all the time. It seems like everyday has to be planned around my pain and issues. Lots of resting and lying flat to relieve neck pain and pressure. Would like to get back to normal soon.

My family dr put me on a new medication for nerve pain, Cymbalta, so far it hasn't done a whole lot, it helped with my mood and coping with the chronic pain, but I don't see much pain relief except for the burning pain when I wake up in the morning, that seems to have calmed down with this. And it makes me sleep like a rock! LOL. The first week I took it during the day and slept for a week straight. Now I take it in the evening and it seems to be good.

Well, that's about all the news with me, thank you for checking in on me. How are you feeling now? Has all the issues with your fingers been resolved? What ended up happening with that?

Hope you are having a great summer.
Take care, Cathie

frenchfri1003 08-11-2011 07:41 AM

Hi Cathy
I am so sorry for your serious continued pain. I know that neither of us thought we would be in this condition so many months post op. I hope that the new medication helps your pain. So far I have not had the same pain level that you have had. The issues with my hands and not resolved themselves independently or with medical help. I went back to the hand surgeon. Hated having to wait 1 1/2 hours which puts me in a bad mood. I felt he gave me more time than he did the last time I saw him. After reading the report I do not feel he put in my concerns or everything he told the woman taking the notes. SO I need to call back about that. One of the tests he did was Adson's test which is used to assess for the presence of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome at the scalene triangle. The examiner palpates the radial pulse while moving the upper extremity in abduction, extension, and external rotation. The patient then is asked to rotate her head toward the involved side while taking a deep breath and holding it. A positive exam will result in a diminished or absent radial pulse. I copied and pasted this info. I tested positive in both arms although more-so in the left hand. The color changes and coldness are not as strong as they were in the past. But now I feel my right hand is more swollen than it had been, not horrible but enough for me to notice. The hand surgeon wants me to go for physical therapy for 4 weeks and then go back. (I have been going for TENS, heat and massage for a month and I can't do that and PT at the same time due to insurance). He also took x-rays which looked good on my left shoulder. He said there were other tests that would show more info (MRA, angio... CAT scan) but didn't want to perform yet. I told him I do not want to put off testing until issues get much worse which I did with my neck. Never a dull moment. My ROM is pretty good once the day gets going. First thing in the am I am very tight, but after a few hours and exercises I am looser and better. Went back to the 2 (Left) and 5(Right) pound weights with my hands. I feel they are still so weak. As with you , I want all of the pain and discomfort to stop and feel good in order to participate in life to the fullest. I know that you understand. There are days that I wake up in pain like prior to surgery but those are few and far apart. But it scares me when it happens. Keep me posted on how you are doing and the progress you are making. I will try and remember to go on this site once a week. My son leave for college in one week and we rather he is not ready. :( I go back to work on Sept 1st :( I am going to miss my summer although not the heat. I have subbed for teachers in many of the summer programs so I will not be in for a total shock. Have a Painless Day. :)

12/9/2010 ACDF C5-6 C6-7 with plate, screws,
BMP & bone fragment filled cages
2/14/2011 trying to go back to work as a teacher
2/17/2011 starting PT
wearing bone stimulator 4 hours a day
DDD, arthritis, herniated disks, pinched nerves
3 months saw a little bit of bone growth (YEAH)
4/15/2011 Home Tens Unit
6/2011 end plate growth no more bone stimulator
pretty good ROM
still working on the strength
some issues with knots and spasms
Hands turning red and bluish and cold
8/2011 Hand surgeon feels I have TOS ( 2nd visit since 4/2011)

cath1 08-14-2011 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by frenchfri1003 (Post 794708)
I am so sorry for your serious continued pain. I know that neither of us thought we would be in this condition so many months post op. I hope that the new medication helps your pain. So far I have not had the same pain level that you have had. The issues with my hands and not resolved themselves independently or with medical help. I went back to the hand surgeon. Hated having to wait 1 1/2 hours which puts me in a bad mood. I felt he gave me more time than he did the last time I saw him. After reading the report I do not feel he put in my concerns or everything he told the woman taking the notes. SO I need to call back about that. One of the tests he did was Adson's test which is used to assess for the presence of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome at the scalene triangle. The examiner palpates the radial pulse while moving the upper extremity in abduction, extension, and external rotation. The patient then is asked to rotate her head toward the involved side while taking a deep breath and holding it. A positive exam will result in a diminished or absent radial pulse. I copied and pasted this info. I tested positive in both arms although more-so in the left hand. The color changes and coldness are not as strong as they were in the past. But now I feel my right hand is more swollen than it had been, not horrible but enough for me to notice. The hand surgeon wants me to go for physical therapy for 4 weeks and then go back. (I have been going for TENS, heat and massage for a month and I can't do that and PT at the same time due to insurance). He also took x-rays which looked good on my left shoulder. He said there were other tests that would show more info (MRA, angio... CAT scan) but didn't want to perform yet. I told him I do not want to put off testing until issues get much worse which I did with my neck. Never a dull moment. My ROM is pretty good once the day gets going. First thing in the am I am very tight, but after a few hours and exercises I am looser and better. Went back to the 2 (Left) and 5(Right) pound weights with my hands. I feel they are still so weak. As with you , I want all of the pain and discomfort to stop and feel good in order to participate in life to the fullest. I know that you understand. There are days that I wake up in pain like prior to surgery but those are few and far apart. But it scares me when it happens. Keep me posted on how you are doing and the progress you are making. I will try and remember to go on this site once a week. My son leave for college in one week and we rather he is not ready. :( I go back to work on Sept 1st :( I am going to miss my summer although not the heat. I have subbed for teachers in many of the summer programs so I will not be in for a total shock. Have a Painless Day. :)

12/9/2010 ACDF C5-6 C6-7 with plate, screws,
BMP & bone fragment filled cages
2/14/2011 trying to go back to work as a teacher
2/17/2011 starting PT
wearing bone stimulator 4 hours a day
DDD, arthritis, herniated disks, pinched nerves
3 months saw a little bit of bone growth (YEAH
4/15/2011 Home Tens Unit
6/2011 end plate growth no more bone stimulator
pretty good ROM
still working on the strength
some issues with knots and spasms
Hands turning red and bluish and cold
8/2011 Hand surgeon feels I have TOS ( 2nd visit since 4/2011)

I'm sorry to hear that your problem with your hand hasn't been resolved, not knowing what's wrong is very unsettling. I've been having a lot of bruising issues with my hand when I use it, wonder what that is about too. I wonder if it's common after our surgery? My hand gets swollen and turns blue also, and it's very cold, no circulation. Mainly when I use it too much though.

It seems that you get more indepth and detailed care being in the US then we do in Ontario. Since our health care is controlled by our provincial gov't, we are at the mercy of the doctor's more so and can't get 2nd opinions easily or get as much followup as private health care gives. It has its benefits, when you have a sick child you can go to the dr anytime for free, but when you have serious ailments or issues you get lost in the paperwork and waiting rooms. We're at the mercy of our gov't programs. I am still waiting for my call back for my MRI appt, and it's been 3 weeks now. I don't even have an appt. yet, and I don't have my 2nd followup with my neurosurgeon until 6 mths post op. I see my family doctor once a month, but he just speculates at what is wrong and prescribes more pills. Frustrating.

It seems that I will not be returning to work until we see improvement in my hand and neck though, my husband doesn't want me to have so much pain by driving 35 mins each way to work just to please my bosses. I am currently off on worker's compensation, so I need to stress to my case manager that I'm still having the exact same issues with my hand that I was before surgery. It's very unsettling, I really do want to go back, I'm so bored at home, and I love my job. It's hard not knowing what the future holds.

Hopefully my MRI will show some bone growth, the last xray I had was at 8 wks and there was none.

On a personal side, your son must be so excited going off to college!! I'm a little behind you, since my kids are still in highschool, but my daughter just got her driver's licence last week, so we have hit some exciting milestones this summer too. She's a little heavy on the gas petal still for my poor neck, driving with her is a challenge still... LOL... she's still learning. :)

Hopefully with your son gone off to school you will still have some help at home? I still can't carry heavy grocery bags or do gardening, I would be lost without my help at home. In the meantime they are enjoying me being home cooking meals everyday. ;)

Well, I've been blabbing long enough, sorry for the long email. LOL....
take care and have a great week.

frenchfri1003 08-31-2011 09:40 AM

Hi Cathy
Hi Cathie,

It has been a while since I have been on this site. I hope that you are feeling better and have received some medical news. Waiting for results and information is very difficult. SO sorry that you are not feeling better or able to get back to work. Have you found out about bone growth yet or the results from your MRI? My OSS was able to see bone growth from regular x-rays. I saw my OSS earlier this month. He is happy with the bone growth but concerned about the issues I am having with my hands. He does not agree with the hand surgeon (TOS) since he feels RSD. Tough when they don't agree. I am going to a vascular surgeon for some tests per the hand surgeon. Trying to get some answers before going back to school. That is not going to happen as I start tomorrow and the kids start on Tuesday. I wanted all of the testing answers and solutions prior to going back to work. I don't want to have to take time off again. On a personal note, my son is off in college and I hope he is keeping up with the readings and assignments. It is quite an adjustment. Hopefully he is not having too much fun if you know what i mean. We survived Hurricane Irene without too much damage. Lost power for 2 days and had some branches fall down. Other people in my neighborhood are still without power and some had damage to houses and cars. So we are quite lucky.
I know it is difficult to be home and not be able to drive and get out. I wish you well.
Stay positive and I hope your pain level is low.

Gail :)

12/9/2010 ACDF C5-6 C6-7 with plate, screws,
BMP & bone fragment filled cages
2/14/2011 trying to go back to work as a teacher
2/17/2011 starting PT
wearing bone stimulator 4 hours a day
DDD, arthritis, herniated disks, pinched nerves
3 months saw a little bit of bone growth (YEAH
4/15/2011 Home Tens Unit
6/2011 end plate growth no more bone stimulator
pretty good ROM
still working on the strength
some issues with knots and spasms
Hands turning red and bluish and cold
8/2011 Hand surgeon feels I have TOS ( 2nd visit since 4/2011)

eva5667faliure 09-20-2011 12:12 PM

sending you many thanks,
it sure is refreshing hearing you went thru similar as frenchfri1003
and are doing as well as you are. take very good care don't over do things having ocd hinders an awful lot on this end including me being my only enemy.
doctors are aware.

take GOOD care!

eva5667faliure 05-30-2012 08:29 AM


Originally Posted by cath1 (Post 774290)
hi all,

I haven't posted anything in a while, thought I would give a bit of an update.

I am now 12 weeks post op from ACDF C5, C6, C7 with titanium plate and screws with cadaver bone. The first 2 months were pure hell!! I was in my hard cervical collar 24/7 for 8 1/2 weeks, that caused so many muscle spasms and extra pain. But since being out of my collar I've gained a lot more range of motion, completely off all narcotics, except for the odd percacet and muscle relaxer if I do too much.

My neck pain is much better, I still have pain of course, but it's definately better then it was before surgery. Still have tingling and numbness in my right hand (last two fingers), and still have pain in my right shoulder, but other than that I'm slowly gaining my strength and independance back.

I think part of my healing is due to the fact my doctor has given me so much time off work to heal and not strain myself. At first I thought 6 months was a lot, but I'm grateful now when I see how quickly I get sore when I drive too much or try to accomplish too much at home (housework is still a struggle). It's nice to have the summer off to heal and grow some bone! lol.... At my 8 week check up there was still no bone growth.

In summary, I'm glad I had the surgery, it was very rough and wouldn't want to have to do this again, but I feel I'm much better after having it done. So now I just need the nerves in my hand to heal. Would love to be able to go camping and hiking and all our outdoor sports soon, hoping in the next month or so to begin some more activities, still very limited on what I can do and not cause pain. But I'm coming along slow but sure.

Hope everyone else is doing well also.

Sooooo happy
to hear you are coming along
how has you best furry friend
nurse you back
i still miss sir oliver
with my whole being
take care
wish you well
someone who cares

cath1 05-31-2012 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by eva5667faliure (Post 884396)
Sooooo happy
to hear you are coming along
how has you best furry friend
nurse you back
i still miss sir oliver
with my whole being
take care
wish you well
someone who cares

Hi Eva

I'll post on your wall... Haven't chatted with you in a while.


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