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Rocking4Epilepsy 09-24-2006 03:05 PM

Funny Pet Stories
Does anyone have any funny or cute pet stories to share.

My animals don't do much so sorry I dont'have any but I thought some of you may.


Bobbi 09-24-2006 05:51 PM

This past December, I think it was, I had houseguests for the holidays. December 24, my friends' little boy said he thought it would be funny if my dog went under the tree and got one of her presents. He had heard that she likes opening gifts (with supervision, of course) and knows which ones are hers.

Well, wouldn't you know it... My dog snuck under the tree and the child was giggling. He starts shouting, "She has a present! She has a present!" Sure enough, there was my dog and she was opening her present: From the little boy :D. He couldn't have been more happy. Nor could she. It was her own Elmo.

Ripplegirl99 10-02-2006 12:57 AM

Dogs Do Strange Things When In Strange Places
I have a Seeing Eye Dog A Yellow Labrador. I have Hydrocephalus so I have a VP shunt. I had to go and have a CT scan done a few years ago at the locoal hospital because that is when I had the doctor who was too lazy to do his own test.

I went to get the scan at x ray and I took my dog with me. they said that she could come with me but could not sit with me while I was having the scan done. So I left her with the x ray tech. A while into my scan I hear the techion say NO No come back here to my dog. She ran away from her and came into the scanning room. The tech had to come in and get her.

Then I had to have another set of x rays done right after that so we thought we would try something different. There was a big wooden chair in the hallway so we tied Ripple to it. During my other x rays I could hear this loud noise in the hallway and a bounch of people laughing. Then the x ray tech came in and told me that my dog was slowly draging the chair down the hall to get to the room that we were in.


crytears 10-03-2006 04:47 PM

THIS is too funny!
1 Attachment(s)
I have a black lab which I used as my Service animal when my muscle weakness and loss of balance was at its worst.
She was fitted with a stiff walker/cane very similar to the ones used for Guide Dogs for the blind.
I could hang on to this for support and not lose my balance.
We went into the Warehouse type grocery store (Costco). It's a pain to take off of her so when I use a shopping cart I just let her follow next to my cart.
One time I was in a hurry, had a cart full with stuff and wanted to dash down one isle without cart or dog. So I left both the cart and my dog, Satin right there at the end of the isle. I commanded Satin "stay/remain"...she's very obediant.
People saw her standing there watching me go down the isle and became confused...thinking I was blind, they began searching for a blind person.
I clicked with my tongue, signaling her to come to me....everyone was very releived my dog had found me!

Another time....I drove in front of a store at a strip mall. I got out, opened the back door to let Satin out. Satin had her stiff walker harness on (as described above)...One of the sales people was watching me then decided I must need they came out of the store and rushed to my side....asked me if they could assist me with anything and help guide me into the store.
They must not have been thinking...If I was sight on earth could I have driven my car there? When they realized their "blunder" we had a good laugh...I was as tactful as I could be, trying not to make them feel stupid...but this was pretty funny...that I needed a guide dog help me into a store when I'd driven there on my own.

I'm so thankful I was able to find BT where I was advised about B12 and my balance and muscle weakness had a very close connection to a deficiency!
Blessings, Cheryl

Julie 10-03-2006 04:58 PM

The week before we put my sweet Taz down, a kitty with identical markings had begun hanging around the house. Literally on the way back from the vet, when we opened the door, the kitty Michael named Ranger ran in the door. Simba and Ranger hated each other at first sight. Simba ran up the stairs and no kidding, stayed up there for a year while Ranger took up residence downstairs. We called the stairs the de-militarized zone. Sometimes they would sit at the top and bottom of the stairs and hiss at each other. Finally after a year, they became best friends. Five years later, they are as close as they can be.

trekker 10-03-2006 07:05 PM

LOL Julie, that is a great story...cats can really hold a grudge can't they!

I am constantly amazed by guide dogs, how they "get it". How they understand that they have a job to do. It seems to me that they always look a little more dignified, a little more mature when they are working. Even the dogs that they bring to nursing homes or hospitals, how they'll approach each patient differently.

Franny 08-01-2008 06:54 AM


Originally Posted by Rocking4Epilepsy (Post 12457)
Does anyone have any funny or cute pet stories to share.

My animals don't do much so sorry I dont'have any but I thought some of you may.


Hi, I just joined and have RSD and two doggies. They keep me going and are sooo much company. They are both rescues. I call my little guy, Chopper my dog with "issues". Poor baby was abused and definitely has trust issues. I got him from a rescue group. Not too crazy about most men. Then there is Jack. I have had him longer, he is from the pound and one of the sweetest dogs ever! Jack is twice the size of Chopper but guess who is the boss? My best friend has periferial neuropothy (spelling?) She was becomming VERY depressed. She lost her dog a while ago and I new she needed one STAT. I took her to the local dog pound and there is where she found Clarence. Yes, Clarence! She is a changed person since getting him! I feel our pets really can make a difference in our lives and give us something else to focus on instead of how sick or in pain we are. Our beloved animals are always there for us! When I am having a bad day they are right here at my side. Thank God for giving them to us! They bring so much joy!

lookingforanswers 09-03-2008 11:53 PM

my dalmatian.. lovable but mental!
i have a dally named pongo after the main character of 101 dalmatians. he's gorgeous, and very lovable but he's got so much energy that he can't help being a bit mental.

he's caused no end of trouble by his naughtiness, but he just looks so damn cute and lovable that he never really gets told off.

some of the things he's done:
* pulled washing off the line, dragged it round the garden and chewed it
* chewed garden hoses (when he was a puppy!)
* taken away and chewed outside door mats (we still don't have any)
* chewed gardening gloves left on window sills outside
* pushed his way under fences surrounding vege patches.. and dug and put incriminating little paw prints all over them

he also has a very funny personality. if he's annoyed at you he will literally huff or puff or snuff at you or make a big exaggerated yawn or groan. he also does the whole 'bottom dog' thing, where he puts his nose down and looks away or what we call 'double bottom dog' where he faces the opposite way either sitting or lying down and does it! and whenever me or mum (i'm still living at home) come home he gives us a great big smile (or two or three) showing all his front teeth!!!

and he LOVES getting presents. he gets so excited.. he shakes with excitement! and he prances all over the place. but he so often gets disappointed when packages come through the mail, and they don't turn out to be presents, or when it's someone else's birthday!

gotta love him :)

Burntmarshmallow 09-04-2008 10:06 AM

I have 2 dogs this is about Hercules he is a mix of yellow lab and shepard .
It isnt a funny story really more like a funny habbit he has.

We have a chain link fence around back and sides of our house and my dog has a habbit i find funny as heck he likes to scoot his but right up to the chain link and dump threw the chian link holes of the fence into my neighbors yard. he looks so funny doing this luckly he dose it on the side where the house is empty. so no neighbor to catch him or complain.

My other dog Gem-ni I rescued about 4 months ago when she first came into house she nosed open the cupborad dragged the bread down and into living room then grabbed the sprinkle chesse off the counter and brought it next to the loaf of bread and just layed there til i came back in from getting cloths hung on line. she didnt chew on it just layed there and waged her tail when i saw the bread and sprinkle chesse on the floor. she is so tiny like 15 or 16 pds i didnt believe she did it till I realized that she jumps like a pogo stick and thats how she got the bread and chesse.
nice thread enjoying all the stories and geting smile on my face.Thanks for starting it Rocking. and thanks to all of you for sharing your stories. :grouphug:

Twinkletoes 09-04-2008 12:09 PM

This is such a fun thread. Loved all your stories!

I wish my family were around -- we've got lots of funny pet stories, but my brain just isn't engaged today.

The first one that comes to mind is when my MIL worked at the department store in our very small town. One day our medium-sized black dog, Bosco, saw the open door, sauntered in and relieved himself on the checkout counter!

One day I heard a commotion across the street and saw that a big pitbull had Bosco by the neck and wouldn't let go. I ran to his rescue with a shovel and bonked that pitbull right on his big flat head. It didn't occur to me that he might let go of Bosco and grab me. I guess it really dung his bell, cuz he didn't bother either one of us!

Skippy wasn't a big dog, but he could run like the wind! Whenever I got behind the wheel of the car, he would lead the way, much like dolphins will do with a ship.

I couldn't lose him, no matter how I tried, cause he would cut through yards. When I waited at the Bank drive-thru, I'd have to stop the motor to get him to quit barking. He wanted to GO! And he never ever opted to ride IN the car. He liked to run!

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