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chelerae 06-25-2009 11:27 AM

Savella for fibro pain anyone????
I was diagnosed with RSD/CRPS over a year ago and was diagnosed with fibro. a couple months ago.
I take 3600 mg of neurontin
60 mg of baclofen
600 mg lyrica
400 mg celebrex
10/325 hydrochodone when needed
I was taking 120 mg of cymbalta but at my last visit to the pain doctor I told them about my fibro. diagnosis and they decided that I could try Savella for pain but that I had to get off my cymbalta. My pain has been getting worse and my SCS isn't working as well as it used to, so I think that is why they want to try something new. I haven't heard or read about anyone trying this med. and hoping to find some insights into it.
Apparently it is used as an anti depressant in Europe and is only approved for fibro. pain in the States.

tamiloo 06-26-2009 03:52 PM

My doc gave me a titration pack...2 weeks dose. I first went to my pharmacy to see how much insurance would pay for it...they didn't even carry it but could bet it in. My insurance would not cover new. It came out on the market only in March.

I tried it for the two weeks and I felt as if I was having a terrible flare of my fibro. I couldn't cope with the side wasn't right for me but maybe for you it could be ok...:)

razzle51 06-28-2009 11:44 AM

Texas Gal 07-01-2009 12:06 AM

Have been on Savella for 5 weeks. First 2 weeks were great on the titration pack, lots of energy and no pain, but as soon as I had RX filled ($30.00 with ins.) within 3 days side effects began. Insomnia and headaches. Have been dealing with this for about 3 weeks and have missed 12 or 13 days of work due to the fatigue and headaches. Spoke to Drs. office today about how to wean off. Looks like this one will not work for me either. Already tried Cymbalta (crazy) and Lyrica (swelling and no pain relief).

razzle51 07-17-2009 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by Texas Gal (Post 531469)
Have been on Savella for 5 weeks. First 2 weeks were great on the titration pack, lots of energy and no pain, but as soon as I had RX filled ($30.00 with ins.) within 3 days side effects began. Insomnia and headaches. Have been dealing with this for about 3 weeks and have missed 12 or 13 days of work due to the fatigue and headaches. Spoke to Drs. office today about how to wean off. Looks like this one will not work for me either. Already tried Cymbalta (crazy) and Lyrica (swelling and no pain relief).

same here Already tried Cymbalta (crazy, nuts thoughts of not waking up) and Lyrica (swelling and no pain relief, weight gain , Neurontin weight gain ). I think I am sticking to my Keppra and Trammadol and flexerill

DejaVu 07-27-2009 11:19 PM

Yes! Savella is one of the newer words on the tips of the tongues of rheumies!:D

Yes, this is an SNRI, used for depression elsewhere.

I have heard both good and not so good accounts of trials on Savella!

I have not tired this med as of yet. I can say my rheumy endorses it rather loudly.

I have learned to be skeptical. I think: Definitely consider new meds if you need additional relief. Always consider the safety profile before swallowing!
I have learned, over the years, to let the masses try the newer drugs out first. I don't want to be one of the first. I have seen so may different drugs come through.. only to be recalled. Better safe than sorry!:winky:

When hearing about new drugs, and anticipating tryng them, do an internet search, as often there are offers to pay your co-pay at least through a trial period! This can save you considerable money. If you have these coupons printed out first, then the doc can write the perscription according to the directions given! :)

Once in awhile I will try a "newer" drug. It depends upon how deperate I am at the time... and also what the drug safety profile looks like.

Savella is not an anti-epileptic med... for those with problems with that drug class.

Geez! Cymbalta! Might as well have set me ablaze.. or electrocuted me! :eek: Yet, some people do very well with it!:D

I understand there are a few more drugs maybe coming soon for fibro treatment? I hope these drugs do much better by majority, if not all, in need!

I recall sitting with researchers in the Boston area... 25 years ago, discussing CFS and FMS. They were doing collaborative studies and were quite sure they would have significant answers with in 10 years. It is now 25 years later!

I guess it is all much more complicated than they had anticipated?

Gentle cyber hugs to all!:hug:

Dawnall 12-25-2009 08:41 PM

I have been on Savella since July for my fibromyalgia. The only difficulties I had were each time he increased the dosage, I would have a couple of days of increased symptoms. I'm now on full dosage and my fibro is so much better and I've not experience any marked issues with side affects.

Dmom3005 12-27-2009 03:22 PM

I tried savella in place of my cymbalta.

And I'm wondering to a degree if its part of what you are taking along
with the savella.

I talke lots of things, but it struck me that my list includes somethings
that others that had trouble with savella had on theirs too.

hydrocene 10/325

Anyway within a few days I started having symptoms, but didn't
realize it.

I wasn't taking it as prescribed either because I forgot it at times. But
my symptoms, were such that it was obvious.

It was throwing up, and this was all day and night, taking phenergan
didn't help after a while. HEadaches, that I thought went with the vomitting.

Also I had some diahearra, but I honestly thought it went with the vomiting,
and it was very much constant for days too.


smile357 01-03-2010 02:21 PM

how did they diagnose you with the fibro? Why do they want you off cymbalta. Was it not working as well?

Dmom3005 01-12-2010 09:03 PM


In my case the doctor chose to try the Savella because I don't have depression. And Savella is supposedly better for people with fibro.
It didn't work and I'm back with my Cymbalta, and very happy.
But still having some pain problems.

But the way I was diagnosed/ they did a check on body parts and
found that I have pain in the areas that its known to be in.


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