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Conductor71 09-22-2011 03:16 AM

Social Stigma...or why does PD make you near instant prey?
I am rather bitter and hurt over the actions of my employer who targeted me two years ago and a Union that watched complicit as a woman I didn't even know started some sort of campaign against me that quickly turned into a she can't do her job anymore due to her health campaign. They leveled all sort of bogus claims my way even resorting to forgery, so I fought and they never let up on the offensive.

I thought they were offering an olive branch this fall, but in the back of my mind knew at some level it was a setup. They reassigned me back to my former school where I really respected my principal and thought he supported me. Nope just the finale for them. I was late one morning due to medication fluctuation and look out here we go all over again. By this time I am noting to myself that either because of the stress and increased meds I have to take to counteract it or the PD itself is taking its toll on my speech and kids cannot understand me, so I know it is time to step down. I am treated like I don't even have the capacity to make that decision. Supervisor writes me demanding arrival time as if I were a child. I was not late for any classes I taught. I have gone from being best school librarian in the district to a social outcast. Not one ounce of compassion from get tagged no one wants to be around you.

Where to turn? Union has sold me out. Next stop a lawyer with ADA specialty. Never again will I pay a lawyer for a thing. Nope, me thinks we are just bread and butter to them. I wasted thousands on "counsel" only to be told that I had no recourse unless they fired me or demoted me. Well they can use your health condition against until you quit for the sake of your health, end up in a wheelchair, or collapse from stress. The ADA offers you nothing when your employer can get away with bullying and mobbing. Lawyers know that employers pull this all the time but do nothing to try and change things. In the end all I get is permanent decline in health but cannot sue because simply timing the emergence of freezing with beginning of job harassment means nothing in court. With no real measure of anything with this disease can't prove anything. I didn't even want any sort of litigation for compensation, just to be treated with some respect.

The longer I live with this the less I like myself as seen through the eyes of others. They strip our humanity away. Doctors do it and end up seeing us as a set of symptoms because they can't find find the balance between compassion and objective distance in order to not get to "attached". Lawyers do the same. Employers simply see you as a blight, an aberration, or as an insurance premium...

I do not at all see myself as a victim, but just wondering what motivates a person to single us out and target us because they see our health as a weakness. Then next thing you know it is a witch hunt and you know the outcome before the trial. People with Cancer seem to be treated much differently in the workplace and in society. Is it because they see us as representing human frailty; constant reminders of how little control we all really have...? They don't live with it; right, so why should they have to see it every day...

What really scares me is that every single person who colluded in this at my workplace has convinced themselves they did it for "the kids" and they brag about how important their work is "touching lives" and all that crap, yet they psychologically terrorize a colleague not recognizing that this too has a profound impact. These people who dehumanize societal standards are usually great successes in life. Is a part of that because they get rid of us? We are now a tax liability they can ***** about but not have to face everyday?

I made my resignation effective immediately. Actually felt guilty. Faxed it this afternoon. No confirmation. Finally wrote HR at 10PM to confirm and well yes they received it thanks for making decision in best interest of the kids, thanks for your years of service, blah blah blah. The supervisor who lied. The same one who mentioned his mom had MS to make things better somehow. Not a word.

I feel like I am surviving a hit and run. I am now sitting up, rubbing my head, but I don't understand what they get out of this….or what I am supposed to make of it all.

Bob Dawson 09-22-2011 05:21 AM

Wow, Conductor71; you have raised a huge issue here. I won't say more now because I might blow up. Down at the local level, this is a deadly problem. There is no support available; you get told to sit at the back of the bus, and then you get thrown off the bus. I have lived with native people on Reservations, and I have been in contact with hundreds of PWP, and it is startling to see that both run into a wall of bigotry, unless they can hide who they are.

This is central to the whole PD scandal.

reverett123 09-22-2011 06:51 AM

I'm so sorry to hear of your troubles. Groups form different ways and the teaching world seems to follow a template of a pecking order where one secures their position by screwing someone else ala "1984". "Take him, not me!" Disgusting.

Which does little to help you right now, I know. I hope that you find a way to make them think twice next time, but don't worry if all you can do is rest.

paula_w 09-22-2011 07:54 AM

what does the disability act say?
I have never read it so i haven't a clue if this is correct, but doesn't the ADA [is it/] have a clause about workplace accomodations? like a voice amplifier that could help your speech? i realize it's too late but a letter pointing out legal errors on their part, if there are any, might be appropriate and deserving.

it's true that your dreams are talking to you. i quit abrubtly and hid it for 8 yrs first. i felt guilty for that and my dreams talked to me for years - everyone at work angry[it was imagined] seeing me naked in public places - all that psycho stuff that comes from deepseated guilt

so if i could find a way to make you not dwell on it [like that's possible when it's so fresh] i would wave the magic wand. I didn't miss work because i was very busy with advocacy already. But you have a baby,a great distraction.

There is life after work. I would not recommend teaching to anyone. They are mistreated IMHO. I miss the kids, but the adults, always rushed, full of coffee and energy drinks, aniti-anxiety meds, so much paperwork that teaching is just a part of it. As my daughter says , "i learned the FCAT iin high school."

Bob Dawson 09-22-2011 07:56 AM

What was a nice woman like you doing in a bigoted place like that?
Yeah, Rick makes me realize that they just lost the best librarian they ever had. Congratulations, Laura, you turned your back and walked away. Get some rest and stay cool. You need those idiots like a fish needs a bicycle.
Excellent - you got them out of your life. They never deserved to have you in the first place; say good riddance to bad rubbish.

The way I figure it, we don't want to be like them other folks anyhow.
Rest awhile and the something new will start up for you. You are much better off getting away from that den of manipulation, political games, and hypocrisy that is so thick you could cut it up and stack it like firewood.

I would like to write to that school and very innocently ask what they teach the children and what "sensitivity" training they have for employees. You can be sure they teach about diversity and inclusion and saving the fresh water sea slugs and not using plastic bags and offering understanding and tolerance to all religions and races and ethnic groups and promoting equality of women and.... HEY WAIT ! THERE'S A SPASTIC ! GET HER OUT OF HERE.

Oh Laura, please give me their mailing address OH PLEASE

moondaughter 09-22-2011 08:12 AM

towards wholeness...

Originally Posted by Conductor71 (Post 807931)
I am rather bitter and hurt over the actions of my employer who targeted me two years ago and a Union that watched complicit as a woman I didn't even know started some sort of campaign against me that quickly turned into a she can't do her job anymore due to her health campaign. They leveled all sort of bogus claims my way even resorting to forgery, so I fought and they never let up on the offensive.

I thought they were offering an olive branch this fall, but in the back of my mind knew at some level it was a setup. They reassigned me back to my former school where I really respected my principal and thought he supported me. Nope just the finale for them. I was late one morning due to medication fluctuation and look out here we go all over again. By this time I am noting to myself that either because of the stress and increased meds I have to take to counteract it or the PD itself is taking its toll on my speech and kids cannot understand me, so I know it is time to step down. I am not even treated like I don't even have the capacity to make that decision. Supervisor writes me demanding arrival time as if I were a child. I was late but not for any classes I taught. I have gone from being best school librarian in the district to a social outcast. Not one ounce of compassion from get tagged no one wants to be around you.

Where to turn? Union has sold me out. Next stop a lawyer with ADA specialty. Never again will I pay a lawyer for a thing. Nope, me thinks we are just bread and butter to them. I wasted thousands on "counsel" only to be told that I had no recourse unless they fired me or demoted me. Well they can use your health condition against until you quit for the sake of your health, end up in a wheelchair, or collapse from stress. The ADA offers you nothing when your employer can get away with bullying and mobbing. Lawyers know that employers pull this all the time but do nothing to try and change things. It is yet another system where we end up In the end all I get is permanent decline in health but cannot sue because simply timing the emergence of freezing with beginning of job harassment means nothing in court. With no real measure of anything with this disease can't prove anything.

The longer I live with this the less I like myself as seen through the eyes of others. They strip our humanity away. Doctors do it and end up seeing us as a set of symptoms because they can't find find the balance between compassion and objective distance in order to not get to "attached". Lawyers do the same. Employers simply see you as a blight, an aberration, or as an insurance premium...

I do not at all see myself as a victim, but just wondering what motivates a person to single us out and target us because they see our health as a weakness. Then next thing you know it is a witch hunt and you know the outcome before the trial. People with Cancer seem to be treated much differently in the workplace and in society. Is it because they see us as representing human frailty; constant reminders of how little control we all really have...? They don't live with it, right so why should they have to see it every day...

What really scares me is that every single person who colluded in this at my workplace has convinced themselves they did it for "the kids" and they brag about how important their work is "touching lives" and all that crap
yet they psychologically terrorize a colleague not recognizing that this too has a profound impact. These people who dehumanize societal standards are usually great successes in life. Is a part of that because they get rid of us? We are now a tax liability they can ***** about but not have to face everyday?

I made my resignation effective immediately. Actually felt guilty. Faxed it this afternoon. No confirmation. Finally wrote HR at 10PM to confirm and well yes they received it thanks for making decision in best interest of the kids, thanks for your years of service, blah blah blah. The supervisor who lied. The same one who mentioned his mom had MS to make things better somehow. Not a word.

I feel like a hit and run victim. I am now sitting up, rubbing my head, but I don't understand what they get out of this….or what I am supposed to make of it all.


Maybe they did you a favor! It is time for you to move on to better things. The system is set up to be competitive and unconscious. Where in our schools do we teach wisdom? Kindness? Compassion?

My daughter recently graduated with a BS in English and is tending bar at a local brewery. She was saddened when she realized that she felt more connected to her community and made more money doing that then working in a dehumanizing corporate environment. Not that she will remain in that work but it is like all experiences...a stepping stone towards a greater wholeness.

You have a wonderful gift of communicating and advocating for better science I am positive there is much work for you to do - time to focus on what YOU want!

chin up!

marciaj 09-22-2011 09:47 AM

So sorry
I wanted to let you know it's not just PWP. My DH had surgery last week. He does not have PD. The place he works is giving him a hard time because he has to be off 6 weeks. He has worked there less than a year but everybody he works with likes him. It's a manager from another location who has never met him causing problems. A couple weeks ago this same manager insisted his supervisor write him up unjustly. The union got involved and got the unjust writeup removed.

I had cancer and am part of a cancer discussion board. Many woman have stated they were fired or laid off and they felt it was because they had cancer/off work too long. In the news you only hear of the support that is given.

It's certain people who have the problem and cause trouble. There are also very caring people who support others with diseases. I know you are feeling bitter now but look for how you can work this to your benefit. You weren't happy in your present job. Maybe it's time to move on and try something else. :hug:

Be bigger than them. Turn it to your advantage. The best revenge is to be successful and happy.


olsen 09-22-2011 10:53 AM

Oh Laura, I have often envied your obvious analytic abilities and organizational skills, as well as your articulate postings. To learn you are not a highly valued employee is shocking. I look forward to and seek out all your postings. Your thoughtful though honest opinions are always welcomed by me. I am so saddened your obvious qualities and abilities were not both prized and rewarded.

Perhaps you could refashion your specialty into medical library science. The evidence of your superior abilities are in evidence on this forum. as Moon daughter suggests, maybe this can be a point in your life for undertaking something new.
I would willingly help you in any way I could. I believe in karma; am glad I am not the woman who singled you out.
with much fondness, madelyn

ginnie 09-22-2011 02:55 PM

Re: ousted
I know about being an outcast too. So sorry you are having all that troulbe. I wonder at times where human compassion is. My family didn't want to deal with my health issues at all. No compassion in my own family. I am sorry you suffer over other people trying to ruin what life you do have. I hope you have a few good souls in your life to try and help you through all this. I geet so angry when I hear about the lack of respect, compassion and dignity we are suppose to give each other, especially in the work place. work is hard enough when you don't feel good. I will keep you in my prayers. ginnie

reverett123 09-22-2011 03:05 PM

What are you doing next?
Pity party is over. You've got a baby to feed. Here are some thoughts that might help. First, you don't know it yet, but this is probably one of the best things that could happen to you. You have PD. You need to be able to control your job and your schedule. You have a baby. Getting to spend the next few years with her is valuable beyond measure. Funds are limited. A job that requires a wardrobe investment is a big negative. Add daycare costs and you are close to the break-even point.

Working from home is made to order for you if you can come up with something. And you've already got it in the form of a degree in library science and good writing skills. Have you noticed how poor those are for most people? Your first commission is to look into freelancing online.

There is quite a lot out there and your degree and experience give you an advantage. Hey! How about a "teach your child how to research - a lifelong skill" booklet? Ten bucks a pop....

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