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lilmama 06-30-2014 01:06 AM

I fell...
About 2am sat morning I had to go to the bathroom so I went to get out of bed...I fell. I tried to get up a few times and my right leg would work. It felt like jello. I finally got up and walked to the bathroom. I walked in and almost fell again. My leg wasn't numb or asleep it just felt like it wasn't there. Could this be a MS symptom? I've not been diagnosed with ms but I have a lot of the symptoms. I'm on baclofin but I don't think that had anything to do with my fall. My leg is so black from falling. It really scared me.

Erin524 06-30-2014 01:44 AM

Call your doctor and get checked out.

I have problems with my legs not feeling like they're there sometimes. Hate when that happens.

lilmama 06-30-2014 02:27 AM

What do you think the cause is?

Erin524 06-30-2014 02:35 AM

I'm not a doctor. I would not have any way of knowing. I think my issue is neurological, and probably comes from a lesion I have on my spine.

You probably need to go see your doctor/neuro and have them check you over. That's probably the only way to figure out what's going on with you.

NurseNancy 06-30-2014 03:03 AM

i agree with erin. we can't say what's going on because we're not drs.
have your dr examine you and tell him what's been happening.
my neuro once told me when i get up in the middle of the night to make sure my brain is really engaged and awake before i try to walk.

let us know how it goes.

Lynn 06-30-2014 08:00 AM

Hi there

I am so sorry that you have had a fall. I have had several in the last six-eight months or so. My neuro puts it down to a loss of signal from spinal lesions.

If you are not diagnosed it may or may not or be not be MS - whatever, you should get it checked out. I have trouble at night with proprioception - in simple terms, knowing where parts of me are in relation to myself (like, where is my leg???? Or even whose leg is that???? Or not automatically knowing exactly where my feet are when I climb stairs,) But sometimes I fall for no reason, except that the messages are no getting through.

I wish you the best, and hope that it all work out oK.

SallyC 06-30-2014 10:37 AM

Awwww sorry Lilmama. Been there done that, too many times.
4 AM like clockwork.:rolleyes: I first do some stretches before getting up.
I've learned that the hard way, so now I'm ultra careful, even if it
means wetting my pants before I get there.:eek:

If you have MS, yes this is one of the perks. Let us know what your
Neuro/PCP says and take care.:hug:

Starznight 06-30-2014 01:40 PM

Like all the others a doctor is best bet. I'm still waiting for the docs to confirm at this point, but have long suffered floaty-torso syndrome, sometimes it's a welcomed relief other times it's just a pain in the butt. Thankfully I can still move the legs even though other than looking down, it really seems like they have left my body.

Don't know if it's from ms or my back injury though and even the doctors don't really know what to make of it. They seem to think if I can feel anything at all then the legs can't move or support me. They can, though I do still fall on occasion since there's nothing to inform me that my foot is turned wrong or my knee isn't fully extended yet or I'm stepping just right on a lip but once the weight goes down so will I.

I've gotten around it by refocusing on my center of balance (position of obliques, abs and back) but largely lucky since I played a lot of sports growing up and everyone of my coaches for anything hammered that into us. Where's your COB?! (On an ear of corn:p)

But if the leg is going completely paralyzed that's not going to be much help. If your leg seems to disappear I would make sure you can still wiggle your toes before trying to walk on it, and if you can and decide to step on it, watch your leg until you can get the hang of it. If it will hold you don't try to limp or you just put more pressure on the other.

I also take baclofen and the docs don't seem to think its a side-effect of it.

Mariel 07-07-2014 09:51 AM

When I get up in the middle of the night to trek to the bathroom. I usually sit on the edge of the bed for a while before getting to my feet. I rise carefully on both feet. Fortunately, I have a wall near me when I get up, and if the rising is somewhat unbalanced I can put my hands against the wall. This "wait" is difficult if I have urgency to go to the bathroom. Sometimes I don't quite make it, and the floor gets wet, but I just wipe it up with a towel and sigh, and feel glad that one more time I made it without falling.
I fear falling in part because I DID fall in 2010, down stairs in Seattle. I broke my knee cap. I have described the misery which followed that, dealing with where to live while I recovered. It is amazing that I was not hurt worse in that fall, as I fell down perhaps 8 steps and slid into the wall with my head. I had a catscan at the hospital and my head check out fine, but I had a clean break of my patella.

I exercise every day to work on my balance. This probably helps but not completely.
It's always an adventure, the midnight crossing of the hall.

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