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Joanmarie63 10-02-2009 09:42 AM

Thank You Everyone and Mestinon!
As my facebook friends on here know I had a rough couple of days, I will explain it all now that I can.

On Wedsnday night my husband called for me and when I got downstairs to him he was pale and pouring sweat, he started praying and told me he was dying, in the middle of praying he "crashed" no pulse, no breathing. My husband is a big man and although I didn't have the strength to get him to the floor I did have the strength to beat him up..LOL as I was on the phone with 911 I kept beating on his chest and I was able to bring him back, I ran upstairs to await the E.M.S. and then ran back downstairs to find he "crashed" again, again I beat on him {every wifes dream to be able to beat their husband and not get yelled at LOL} at that time the E.M.S. pulled him to the floor and continued C.P.R. we got him back, again.

Turns out he has a kidney stone so large it has caused one kidney to shut down and the swelling was so bad it cut off the use of his bladder and he went into shock as he started going septic. The V.A.Hosp was wonderful, husband is home today but we need to return to the V.A. next week for possible surgery {because stone is way to large to pass, or to "break up"}

If it wasn't for me starting back on the mestinon I never would have had the strength to do what I did that night and my husband would not be with me today, so although I was upset about starting back on mestinon, it turned out it saved my husbands life!

So I guess I am saying that, when we get things thrown at us, there is always a reason, even if at the time it doesn't feel right it winds up that there is a reason for it.

THANK YOU to all my facebook friends that sent prayers and left such kind words for me! :grouphug:

dog lover 10-02-2009 09:54 AM

Thank You Everyone and Mestinon!
Joan Marie,
Your story gave me chills!!! It is so very touching and I truly admire your positive outlook! My attitude has not been good the last couple of days and your posting has put things back in perspective for me. This just proves that God has a plan for everyone even if we don't understand it at the time. I am so glad your husband is going to be ok. Thanks for the posting and my prayers are with you and your husband!


Originally Posted by Joanmarie63 (Post 573454)
As my facebook friends on here know I had a rough couple of days, I will explain it all now that I can.

On Wedsnday night my husband called for me and when I got downstairs to him he was pale and pouring sweat, he started praying and told me he was dying, in the middle of praying he "crashed" no pulse, no breathing. My husband is a big man and although I didn't have the strength to get him to the floor I did have the strength to beat him up..LOL as I was on the phone with 911 I kept beating on his chest and I was able to bring him back, I ran upstairs to await the E.M.S. and then ran back downstairs to find he "crashed" again, again I beat on him {every wifes dream to be able to beat their husband and not get yelled at LOL} at that time the E.M.S. pulled him to the floor and continued C.P.R. we got him back, again.

Turns out he has a kidney stone so large it has caused one kidney to shut down and the swelling was so bad it cut off the use of his bladder and he went into shock as he started going septic. The V.A.Hosp was wonderful, husband is home today but we need to return to the V.A. next week for possible surgery {because stone is way to large to pass, or to "break up"}

If it wasn't for me starting back on the mestinon I never would have had the strength to do what I did that night and my husband would not be with me today, so although I was upset about starting back on mestinon, it turned out it saved my husbands life!

So I guess I am saying that, when we get things thrown at us, there is always a reason, even if at the time it doesn't feel right it winds up that there is a reason for it.

THANK YOU to all my facebook friends that sent prayers and left such kind words for me! :grouphug:

Joanmarie63 10-02-2009 10:05 AM


That is why I posted it, because I know how we get upset with our illness and lack of strength and we feel "useless" at times but I felt I needed to share that we are NOT useless that just because we have MG we are still able to live! And even though I have been down lately the other night made me realize just how important we all are.

rezmommy 10-02-2009 10:19 AM

Our world is so full of wonder and amazement. I am still thinking about you and your hubby. Even though I don't "know" you and we have not been "friends" for very long I am deeply touched by your situation. When I read your initial post on FB I started to panic because I knew that you had just started on Mestinon and I was concerned whether you would have enough strength to carry you through this stressful time. I am so happy that you and your hubby are ok, thank goodness for mestinon. Take care ~ Melanie

dog lover 10-02-2009 10:20 AM

Joane Marie,
I am so glad you did post this! I have been so depressed since leaving the Dr. yesterday and feel like I have had the wind knocked out of me. I need to get a grip! I always try to look at the bright side of things but this whole ordeal has thrown me for a loop. I feel like your post was meant for me this morning. You are right that we can still live even though we're sick. I am going to work really hard on getting past the self pity and being thankful for what I still have. Thank you.


Originally Posted by Joanmarie63 (Post 573461)

That is why I posted it, because I know how we get upset with our illness and lack of strength and we feel "useless" at times but I felt I needed to share that we are NOT useless that just because we have MG we are still able to live! And even though I have been down lately the other night made me realize just how important we all are.

rach73 10-02-2009 10:28 AM

So glad that your husband is doing so much better now. I freaked out when I read your post on facebook. My mum and I were only discussing you and your husband on the phone this morning and hoping that it would turn out ok.

Thank god you started the mestinon and you were able to give him a big hard thump!

Hope he continues to improve and well done on saving his life!


Shari_W 10-02-2009 10:43 AM

I am so glad that you were able to help your husband! My husband has had a few kidney stones in the past but fortunately that has never happened to him. I will keep that in the back of my mind now though. My prayers are with both you and your husband.

I thank God that you were able to help him and I hope that he is able to get that stone out of him real soon.

Love and Hugs, :hug:

Pat 110 10-02-2009 11:06 AM

Hey Joanmarie,

That is just incredible! I am so happy to hear your husband is going to be alright. Everything does happen for a reason. Thank God you were there! I will keep you both in my thoughts & prayers. Take care Rocky!:D

Big Hugs,

Nicknerd 10-02-2009 12:55 PM

I barely ever go on facebook, so I had no idea that this happened!

I'm so glad that your husband is okay thanks to your bravery, quick-thinking and strength- you're a true hero, Joan!:hug:

I'm not a religious person, but I do believe in a 'higher power.' I think that things worked themselves out so that you could save your husband's life.

I hope for a speedy recovery for your hubby! Thank God everything is okay!:)


AnnieB3 10-02-2009 01:51 PM

Joanmarie, I'm glad your husband is a bit better and that you took quick action for him. I wish I had a husband whose chest I could beat on! ;)

Did they put him on antibiotics? Did they do a UA to check for an infection? People with kidney stones often have an infection too.

I had kidney stones last November. It is exquisite pain. I was lucky that mine were small enough to pass. My pain subsided within 24 hours.

Make sure that if he has any return in symptoms, that you dial 911 again. What those big ones can do is to block off urine. They can also cause a tear in the ureters (I know, not fun to think about). That can lead to peritonitis, which is life-threatening.

In the meantime, make sure he drinks lots of water. That is actually the "prescription" for kidney stones to make sure they don't return. He also needs a followup with a urologist, in case they didn't mention that. And it couldn't hurt to see his regular doctor too. They will analyze the stone once they get it out to see exactly what kind it is (there are a few kinds). Most are calcium oxalate stones. There are foods that are higher in that and he should try to avoid them.

I never go on Facebook either. Guess I'm a generation too old for that. I'm glad you have so much support. Please don't leave him alone while he still has that stone in him. It tends to be harder on men too when they have a stone, especially one so big as his is. Take care.


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