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Tigerlilly 08-11-2011 04:05 AM

Shin splints / pain in shins
My partner who has MS has suddenly developed a pain in his right shin... started 4 days ago and is getting worst. He has a physical job as a tradesman and he was working on the weekend, so at first he put it down to lifting heavy stuff...he thinks he's pulled a muscle. He's never had shin splints before so he's unsure if that term relates to him. Its not tingling or burning, just REALLY HURTS.

But then today he had to leave work early today, he practically couldn't walk in his big work boots as the pain is unbearable! :(

Of course I'm worried if its the MS? (He thinks no, he's sooo stubborn!). No other symptoms have appeared. Gonna take him to his GP asap, however he hasn't even told this GP that he has MS previously and I doubt he will today - again he's soooo stubborn! gah!

Has anyone else experienced a pain in the shin?

Dejibo 08-11-2011 07:31 AM

A flair is considered a NEW or worsening old symptom that lasts for at least 24 hours. Even if its shin splits, or other such issues that cause pain. You then have 10 days to make up your mind if you wish steroid treatment or interventions to make it push towards getting better. After 10 days the rate of recovery is exactly the same as those who start steroids after 10 days as for those that took no steroids and simply allowed their body to recover with other interventions.

So, has this symptom been lasting for 24 hours? if so, it does warrent a call to the neuro. even if you choose no treatment, it will be kept as part of the records of how his MS is progressing or not progressing.

Kitty 08-11-2011 08:42 AM

I know it's painful for him.....but maybe it's a good thing this doctor doesn't know about the MS just yet. Maybe he'll keep looking for the reason for the pain and not just blame it on MS. People tend to think that any and every ache and pain is "just the MS" but sometimes it's not. I have to remind myself of that sometimes....that just because I have MS doesn't mean I can't have something else, too. I hope your sweetie gets some relief.

Tigerlilly 08-11-2011 09:45 AM

Thank u both so much for your views. Yes its been More than 24hrs :(
But even then i dont want to freak him out too much & suggest see the neuro cos I know he'll refuse anyway (expensive just for a visit, & next check up is not til 3 months)

Doctor advised to get an xray, guess to check no fracture or whatever. I think that will be waste of time given my partner still didnt disclose his condition to him! Doctor didnt give any pain killers either much to my partners distress.. But cant blame the doctor given he doesnt know the full story. *sigh*
so we managed to get some pain killers from my mother instead & now my partner reports the pain is gone, yay! But of course hes not quite energetic as a side effect. Now to decide whether he will brave the it out for work tomoro or get that xray instead? We have to wait & see how he fetls in the morning.

Partner still thinks its not his MS as hes never felt this before. (when he had first attack, it was this SAME leg that played up- no shin pain but he couldnt walk/weak). So I think it might be his ms & therefore xray would be pointless (theres no swelling). I just hope this clears up soon. His next tysabri dose is just in 2 more days so we'll see.

Debbie D 08-11-2011 11:00 AM

Sorry to say, but it sounds as if he's in a flare...I get painful muscle spasms in my shins also. I take zanafqlex muscles relaxer forth spasms, but those in the shins really hurt!
An exercise a neuro showed me for this: stand facing then wall legs spread. Keep legs straight as you lean on wall with hands. Turn feet inward (kind of oidgeon toed) and bend elbows...street he's those shin muscles. Massage also helps.
He does need to let his neuro know...even if he doesn't see him, he needs to know what his patient is experiencing. Good luck; let him know that MS can cause all sorts of weird symptoms...

Tigerlilly 08-11-2011 09:38 PM

thanks Debbie.
he doesn't feel any muscle spasms/weakness, just really hurts when he puts weight on it. So don't think a muscle relaxer would help (yet?). I'm having a tough time trying to let his mind consider the possibilities of weird MS symptoms. I want him to accept it, but I don't want him to stress out and start being mad at me and thinking I'm pessimistic, I'm just trying to be realistic, but it hurts.

Its winter here, so maybe the change of weather did bring it on? When he had his first relapse that was winter too.

He's at work now. He's going to get that silly xray done later and see the doctor again. Hopefully he'll get something for the pain as that's the main interference.

Let's say this pain gets worst and affects his work (i.e. he can't walk cos it hurts), I'm scared about considering steroid treatments in the hospital again. i really don't know. :(And he wouldn't know either. he's really hesitant bringing forward the neuro's scheduled appointment any earlier than he has to (think deep down he's worried too and doesn't want to acknowlege its the ms flaring up). but of course we will advise the neuro of this incident when we see him next.

man this flare up is making me panic/worried again about the unknown. so many thoughts running through my mind :(

Debbie D 08-13-2011 04:24 PM

Can't he get steroid infusions at home? My neuro sends a nurse over here and she slow-infuses his insistence.

MS symptoms suck...hope he gets some relief soon...:hug:

Tigerlilly 08-14-2011 09:10 PM

hmm might ask about that next time we see the neuro. even if he doesn't get steroids now, would be good to know for future reference. (also need to work out whether health insurance would cover cost for at home treatment).

You're not going to believe this- the xray below his shin and above the ankle showed severe inflamation of his tendons! So surprised at how BAD it looks. Do you think MS can cause that?

Partner said to me afterwards 'i'm glad I got the xray done, it doesn't look like its caused by MS'.
Me: 'um are freakin serious? MS is related to inflammation silly!"
Him: "The xray guy said my tendons are damaged, therefore its an injury! its damaged, meaning an injury!!!"
me: "ok, whatever.." just to keep him happy.

he feels 'relieved' now that he thinks its not MS related, and its an 'injury'. mind you, for injury to occur, there would have had to have been an ACCIDENT in the first place- there was none! ahhhhhg getting frustrated but I cant be stressing still cos I don't want him to start worrying again.

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