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AfterMyNap 04-01-2009 08:38 AM

Five facts about you
Give us five true things that are unique to who you are in this world.

Here are five from me:

1) I once taught bowling lessons, my own average was +/- 80.

2) My random acts of kindness include collecting business reply envelopes from all junk mail. I give them to my neighbors' kids to send pretty pictures back to the generous companies.

3) My parents had six children; in my earliest discoveries regarding sex, I believed that my parents had only had sex exactly six times.

4) It is a bizarre fact that I have been personally acquainted with three different, totally unrelated people, all of whom have been convicted of murder charges.

5) The best book I've ever read is War and Peace (Maude translation), I truly loved it.

Dejibo 04-01-2009 09:11 AM

Unique to me huh?

1. I am a full blood cherokee, with light brown hair, and blue eyes. I guess someone jumped the fence somewhere in history.

2. After a double mastectomy I refused to reconstruct, even though I was forced to see a pysch md to question why i would want to be "less of a woman." its been 16 years and I have never regretted not following everyone else into implant land.

3. I was raised by a father that was always out to sea with the navy, and a mother who had polio growing up. She has some brain damage from the polio, and has never been able to lead a stable life. it was one bizarre choice after another. From putting contact paper on all of the counter tops and appliances to make them look better, to painting the bathtubs to make them look cleaner. Also perceiving that men are always hitting on her made grocery shopping a nightmare. I was always ashamed as a kid, but as a grown up, my heart is always broken for a mom that cant be fixed.

4. I love reading, but ON has fixed it so that I am not able to enjoy books anymore. I have discovered MP3 books. I have been accepted to the blind library, and the free books on MP3 are awesome!

5. maybe not unique to me, but I am quite frugal with money. My money feels much better in MY pocket than theirs. I will shop like its a profession. I get the best deal on the best products, and will follow up with price matches to keep the discounts rolling long after the purchase. I frequently pay less than half price for items. its all in how you work the deal. I am one of those that walks out of the grocery store with $200 in food, and only pay $8. Woo!

kicker 04-01-2009 09:23 AM

1. I have never read War and Peace. My favorite book is The English Patient but the 3 hour movie made my butt fall asleep.

2. My parents only had sex 4 times. (3 siblings)

4. My "the worst" bowling team got a cash award for being the worst in league. This did not encourage us at all to improve any and lose reward next time.

5. I like to scream as if being killed as I ask the tele-marketing person to wait as I answer the door. This is a kindness, it adds an interesting event to their job.

kicker 04-01-2009 09:28 AM

I left out number three.

3. I know no murderers, I think, but lots of married ex-nuns.

karousel 04-01-2009 09:55 AM

1. I am half Sicilian and half Italian - you think you have problems? :D

2. I dedicated a year of my life caring for my fiance in the hospital who ended up dying. I now live down the street from and will be in a Bunco group with my deceased fiance's mother. :(

3. I give birth to a child that is half angel/half devil. :eek:

4. My favorite author is Stephen King. I have a goal in life to either go to his home on Halloween and trick or treating or having dinner with him. :rolleyes:

5. I sleep with a Build-A-Bear named Curly Sue every night. :p

Becca44 04-01-2009 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by AfterMyNap (Post 489552)
Give us five true things that are unique to who you are in this world

Great answers! I'm inspired!

1. I've begun reading The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoyevsky at least 5 separate times and have not been able to get beyond page 60.

2. I read and write backwards in long hand legibly and quickly

3. I sometimes 'ghost write' letters and notes for a friend who likes the way I organize her thoughts into words.

4. my bowling average is a whopping 103 and yet I'm competing in a state bowling trournament in May (???)

5. I don't know any murderers but I do know a few rock stars.

soxmom 04-01-2009 10:57 AM


1~I was a serious figure skater in my youth...I taught professionally
from age 17-20. If you could see me now, its hard to believe I used to
float gracefully across the ice:eek:

2~ During my late teens, early twenties, I was a punk rock party animal(I
even had the hair:eek:) , Its hard for people to believe it when they see me
crafting with 5 year olds. lol

3~I can be veeeeeeeerrry sarcastic, which I definately have toned down
the last five or so years. Im still working on it.:o

4~ I really enjoy where I live, I love my neighbors and I love being a
good neighbor...We have lost three oldtimers in our neighborhood in
the last few years.:( Mrs. L. still lives next door and I so enjoy the stories
of all the homes and people and history...I find it fascinating. :)

5~ family and friends are the most treasured things in my life.:D Baseball
is a close second(just kidding).:o

Twinkletoes 04-01-2009 11:00 AM

Great thread, Cindy!

1. I've never read War or Peace. :p I just don't spend that much time in the bathroom. :D But I am reading a biography of Ronald Reagan at the moment.

2. I once bowled a 600+ series in a bowling tournament; but last time I tried, I didn't even get 100. :o

3. I drive too fast most of the time, even when I'm not going to be late.

4. There have been 4 murders commited within 1 block of my house. :eek: We just moved away from there, but never locked our doors while we were gone for the day. In 34 years we never had anything stolen.

5. I've met over 2 dozen board members (some from MSWorld) at various get-togethers across the country over the past 1.5 years. :)

Earl 04-01-2009 11:28 AM

I'll play....

1) I have OCD. There are times I check my email many times an hour hoping for a good email. I can't sleep if anything is out of place in my home

2) I broke David Lee Roth's nose in the Kempo Karate Nationals tournament in 1986 to win nationals.

3) I am totally addicted to TV and my DVR

4) I kant spell well at all.

5) I got to ride in the Oscar Meyer Wiener mobile last week, totally cool.

SallyC 04-01-2009 11:34 AM

My Mom and Dad divorced when I was 12, but they were good parents....married young and just a little immature and hateful to each other.

In my early 20s, I had perfect Measurements 36/24/36. The sand has since shifted and exploded.

I didn't date much in HS (went to an all girls Catholic school) but made up for it, after school....and then some.

I didn't want to get married untill I was 30...Met the right person and married at 29 and had a baby at 30. I never regretted it ( well, maybe a little)

I am now 69 yrs young have had MS since i was 24 and still a coot version of the energizer bunny.


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