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Kitty 01-12-2013 01:37 PM

MS and Aging
Do you feel like you've prematurely aged? I wasn't diagnosed until 2005 when I was 45 years old but I feel like I've aged more in the past 8 years than I have in the 20 years prior. :(

Maybe it's because when I stay home.....which is most of the time.....I don't wear makeup and usually wear pajamas or sweats. I do make an attempt to look my best when I do go out in public but that's not often.

I've also got residual nerve damage in the left side of my face from a Bells Palsy episode so that side of my face is droopier than the right side. Most wouldn't notice it but I know it's there and I notice it. It's especially more noticeable when I don't wear makeup.

Anybody else feel older than they really are? I suppose I do because I walk like I'm 80 and I'm slower than molasses in winter with everything I do. I'm just wondering......if I feel like this at 52 what on earth will I feel like 10 or even 20 years from now? :eek:

Sorry if this is a downer post. I'm just wondering if anyone else ever feels like this. My youngest son's wedding is in May so I know there's going to be alot of picture taking going on. I just don't feel like I look my best anymore. :(

LisaLisa37 01-12-2013 01:53 PM

I often will say 'Im 38- NOT 80'!!! I too wonder if this is what I'm like now what will 10 years from now look like. I try to take it one day at a time but it seems to get harder- not easier. I don't think your post was a downer, just reality. It is refreshing to see a post that expresses exactly what I think! I am supposed to be getting married this year and am wondering if people will be offended if I wear sweats and no makeup to the ceremony, lol. I can't imagine what will happen to my body with the stress that will come- so much that I am thinking of postponing. I feel like the most important thing to do at this point is take care of myself- listen to what my body is saying and plan my day accordingly. If that means being in bed for days at a time in sweats without makeup so be it! Take care of yourself! Warmest Regards, Lisa

kicker 01-12-2013 02:34 PM

You young whippersnappers!!!:D Have just turned 57, dxed at 46, last 4 in a chair. Sometimes I feel rrrrreeeaaaallllly old. My friend from college (almost 40 years ago) was here, I napped and in bed by 11. And my 20 year old twins (old motha, twins, MS - bad combination) and the always present friends (so it seemed) exhausted me. Jeez!.

Keely 01-12-2013 02:35 PM

Kitty, I'm with you. I've always been happy about the fact that I don't look my age (my parents didn't and my brother doesn't either; good genes and collagen! :winky:) but in the last several years I feel like I've aged at least two decades!

My DH jokingly says that I look like a 20-year-old but that, mobility-wise, I'm trapped in an 80-year-old's body! He's always referring to my "80-year-old body" because he see's how hard it is for me to shuffle around on some days! :(

Oh well, at least he still sees me as youthful in appearance, if not in activity! And at least I'm realistic enough to realize that he's looking through the eyes of love!

kicker 01-12-2013 02:52 PM

An old boyfriend- ( I was 16!!!) contacted me through Facebook. To my eyes he'd gotten old and heavy. Very up-front I told him about my MS and chair. He has had 2 strokes. My old college friend showed me pictures of his European adventures. I looked at one and ALMOST said "Who's the old guy in the picture?" It was him! In real life I never notice the passing years in people.

nemsmom 01-12-2013 03:36 PM

I just turned 28 and can relate with most people my grandma's age. So I totally hear you. Have lots of fun at the wedding though!

Erika 01-12-2013 04:41 PM

The body feels old at times, but I counter that with trying to remain at a high level of immaturity in mind...way more fun :D.

With love, Erika

Blessings2You 01-12-2013 05:12 PM

Many days I catch myself thinking, "I knew I'd be like this someday, but I always thought I'd be 82 and not 62." :mad:

I don't think I LOOK 82 (though who knows), but I FEEL 82 and I ACT 82. I move like an old lady. I tire out like an old lady. Once I told my daughter, "Just think of me the way you'd think of somebody 20 or 30 years older."

She thought I was being "poor me", but I was serious. I wanted her to consider that the ride might be too long, the commotion might be too much, I might need longer to decide, etc.

Paradoxically, sometimes I look at myself in the mirror and think, "How can I be 62? I don't FEEL 62." Go figure.

SallyC 01-12-2013 05:52 PM

Well, Kell my dear friend, I'm 72, so I guess I am finally looking and acting my age. In my mind I'm still about 39ish, but my body is deffinately 72+.:(

Pretty lucky to have gone thru my 30s, 40, &50s, hampered only once in awhile by MS attacks and symptoms. My DH, who thought i was still pretty and sexy thru my 50s, kept me young and appealing. After he died, all hell done broke loose.:D:p:D

I know exactly how you feel and it's downright depressing, if I allow it to be. Once in awhile I have a pity party as you are having now, but, in order to stay happy and still proud of myself, I have to accept and love myself the way I am now....and I do.:o

It still hurts when someone says to me, you've changed!!! I know exactly what they mean...I'm no longer the tall cool sexy blonde I used to be. But, inside, I still am.:o AND so are you Kell and all of you.:grouphug:

Kitty 01-13-2013 11:46 AM

My soon to be DIL was over here yesterday. She was telling me about meeting some friends for lunch. Two "old ladies" were there having lunch, too, and one of them commented to the girls that they looked so energetic and young...out having fun. I thought it was sweet.....until she said it was funny that two "old ladies" - they must have been in their 50's - thought that she and her friends were cute! :thud:

:eek::eek: I didn't tell her I'm 52! I'm just going to assume that she must think I'm much younger!!! ;) Ignorance is bliss! :p :D

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