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janster 09-20-2006 09:22 AM

Roll Call Wednesday 9-20
Good Morning kiddies!

How's it going? Chilly morning here--it got down to the 30's here last night! brrrrr Here we come Sher!!!!!! It's sunny and supposed to get up to the 60's though, so it's gonna be a beautiful day in God's country!! (Southern MN) I've got sheets in the washer so will probably freeze my little fingeeees in a few minutes hanging them out on the clothesline, but oh how good tehy smell at night!

I think that'll be my major accomplishment for the day, and I'll suffer for it tomorrow, but some things ya just GOTTA do!! You all know what I'm talking about. BUT, I WILL do my walk--I hafta do that, come h*ll or high water! (what a phrase, huh?) :D

Does anyone have any exciting ideas of what to do with fruit? I liked the frozen grape idea from a while ago. I'm in a "rut". I need some kind of ideas of something to do with fruit, other than just put it on the counter and grab a piece and run. Maybe there isn't anything else to do...... Just hopeful I guess.

Does anyone wanna do a virtual walk? If so, what time? I need to be accountable to someone....:o OK, I admit it.....I'm weak. I don't get up early or I'd be walking with the gal (sorry, no memory) that walks early in the morning and at night. I LOVE her dedication! YOU GO GIRL!!!

I better quit or someone will have started roll call before this and we'll have two. I hope more of you guys post on roll call--even if it's just to say hi. It's nice to hear from you so we know there's more out there who are trying to either lose, gain, maintain, or just needs support. It's just nice to know you're not alone! Please post sometime!

Everyone have good "D" & "E" days!!! Take care!
LS (Little Sister)
PS: Remember, you can THINK it, but try not to SAY it (They have the wrong "you're" even--jeesh!: :eek:

slogo 09-20-2006 10:51 AM

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Good morning Jan, I can't begin to think about how cold it is there. It did get down lower last night and so far the air has not kicked in. Here in Georgia we don't get very cold weather, seems like all we get lately is rain, rain and more rain! LOL Even the Frogs are tired of the rain!!!:D GC

Fancylady_2006 09-20-2006 11:09 AM

I am sleepy ~
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Hi Jan,
I did get up earily and went to bed late, but it's nice when someone else starts the thread. Anyone can girls! You don't have to wait on us to do it. How's Jan doing today? This is my sleepy time of the day. Jan, I will walk for a short time today,after dinner works best for me. Shall we put on some lipstick and wear our boa? It's cold here too. Burr. I guess you know I will be using the treadmill on turtle.k' I have a good reason.

Jan, do you think you can show us gals a simple way to post pic's on the same page as the writting, like you do? Surely you can, if you give it some thought. I know some want the answer. Pretty please.
I don't even look at you if you tallk "D" & "E" today. I found a cute pic today.
Hugs, BC:)

Lynn52 09-20-2006 11:26 AM

Hi Girls,
An early bird I aint. I stay up late and get up late. Once in a blue moon I get up early but that's usually few and far between. I wish I was an early bird I'd get so much done.

We were in the 50's last night Jan but you've got us beat on the cold weather. We've had such a hot summer that I kinda look forward to it but will probably change my mind once its here. Shucks and I was in such hopes of losing enough weight to get in a bikini. :eek:

Not much going on other than doc appointments.

Take care girls

Love Lynners

Fancylady_2006 09-20-2006 11:27 AM

Covered Bridge ~
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I just wanted to say what a beautiful picture Gaye. I like covered bridges too. We have a Covered Bridge Festival in Oct. Grab hubbie and come up and see it. It last two weeks. I'm starting to walk.k'
Hugs, BC:D

janster 09-20-2006 11:42 AM

Hi Billie!
I sure can teach you how to do graphics on here, but there's no "simple way" right away. The hard part is learning how to use the image storing site that I use: Photobucket.

There are many different ones, but I use Photobucket because they have image sharing, where I can use other people's images that are stored and they can use mine. I fumbled my way through learning it and it would be easy to show you how to do it if you were sitting right next to me, but I'm thinking it would be too complicated to write down every step. There is help on their site on how to do it, so I would be repeating it.

I think if anyone who wants to do graphics would go register at Photobucket and familiarize themselves with the site--learn how to build their album--search for images and upload to their album, I would then only have to give them a few simple directions on how to post in their posts.

That is quite simple. There are only a couple of steps, like I said. The difficult part is the image hosting site. The more you would use it, the easier it becomes. I would of course be here to answer your questions, but I really think it would be tough to teach you without being next to you.

Take a look at Photobucket and see what you think. They have tools and tips on their site to help you. Once you have your album built you are home free! It is simple and fun after that! I will help all I can from here.

Great pic! Is that bridge near you?
LS :)

janster 09-20-2006 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by Lynn52 (Post 9444)
Shucks and I was in such hopes of losing enough weight to get in a bikini. :eek:

OMG Lynners!! My name (or reference to) and bikini have NEVER, EVER been used in the same sentence in 50 years...... :D

Sherloc56 09-20-2006 02:43 PM

[SIZE="4"][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][SIZE="4"]If I ever figure out the avatar I'll be doin good....:confused: I tried to get my pic up there like you did Jan and it wound up in my signature thingy!! Can you believe that!!! Sheez anyways!

Well Jan it is supose to be 68 here tonight. But like Ga. it just won't stop raining long enough for me to walk outta here! This is how bad my yard is.....I need a gator crossing sign! Yep! Came back at 7 am from taking my son into work and guess what came out of the puddle in my driveway??? A gator!!! About a 3 footer! I sat there and just watched him walk on by in front of my truck. Puddin, my hound went bonkers wanting to get it....:eek: So I ain't a walkin through my yard!!! NOPE! No way! I have about a 7 footer in the pond that I got a treble hook for so I can eat it! The neighbors just pulled out a 7 1/2 footer 3 weeks ago I asked him to get. Lordy me!

So ladies just baer with me on the walkin thing just yet. May be a few days. I will get there though. PROMISE!!! I need to!

Question on the photobucket thing Jan! Do you download that beta thing? Thanks sweetie!


janster 09-20-2006 04:39 PM

First things first Sher baby!! GATORS?????? Maybe I better rethink my visit to your house..... :o But thanks tho.......

Now, about your great avatar--(I still say you don't look 60!) Our little secret dear! :p Anyway, go into your UserCP--Edit Avatar-Click in"use custom avatar. If you have the pic on your hard disk (I'm sure you do--you don't have it saved on the Photobucket site--it would be great practice for you---that's where you would put the URL in--see the: "http://www."? Anyway, click on the button that says "choose file". Then it's gonna ask you where it is on your computer. You hafta find it and click "OK". Once you've done that you click on the "save changes" button and we will all see your smiling face every time you post!

If it doesn't work it should tell you why. Usually it will be because your file is too big. Can you see the size restrictions under the button? "Note: The maximum size of your custom image is 80 by 80 pixels or 19.5 KB (whichever is smaller)." If you get that message email you to me and I'll shrink you. :eek: Doncha wish dieting was THAT easy?? Man, would I be rich....and thin!!!! hehehe

The question on Photobucket. I'm not following on downloading the "beta thing." I have a Mac computer so it might be a little different, but I didn't download anything. Did it let you register? You shouldn't hafta download anything Sher. All Photobucket is, is a place that lets you store images for free until you want to use them. I really can't imagine why (or even what beta is) you would need to download anything.

I just went to the site. There is a paragraph on the left side that has this as the last sentence: "Photobucket is reliable and very easy to use. Give it a try!" When you click on "Give it a try" you are taken to the registration screen. Does this help?


Sherloc56 09-20-2006 07:28 PM

Thanks Jan!
I did register but it came up to download this thing which I will hafta look again to see what the thingy was. I will let ya know. But for now love I am off to a nice hot shower and bed!!

Night all!

Sher :D

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