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Erin524 09-12-2009 06:01 AM

Smack me...I didnt recognize the signs!
I guess I needlessly suffered some this week.

I'd been having to go to the potty a lot...and my left hand was seriously numb. Really really numb.

I was thinking that the potty stuff possibly was me retaining water from having steroids earlier this summer.

I finally tripped over the clue-by-four tonight about a half hour before the urgent care place I go to was going to close. Ran up there to have them check me for a UTI.

Gosh, guess what I have?! Yep. I'm a'd think with all the UTI's from Hell that I've had in the past few years, that I'd have recognized the signs.

I got my handy-dandy Rx for antibiotics and took one last night, (I actually havent been to bed yet) I sat around playing Sims3 tonight because I just didnt feel comfortable enough going to bed just yet.

I noticed about two hours ago that the UTI symptoms have eased up. I think my numb hand is getting better, but sometimes I cant tell if it's numb or not. Like I forget what it's supposed to feel like normally. The L'hermittes is irritating, if I try to brush my hair with my left hand, things go numb.

Now I've got a bunch of vertigo and cant sleep even if I tried.

I dont understand why I didnt recognize the symptoms. I've had enough UTI's that had flares following them around. (the double vision earlier this summer)

I hope it's not a bad thing that I didnt wait the whole 12hrs to go by before taking the second antibiotic pill. (I did wait at least 8hrs)

At least I had fun playing Sims3 tonight. I enjoyed trying to torture them.

kicker 09-12-2009 07:55 AM

What is it about the Sims?? My kids talk of torturing them too!!! In real life, they're not like that. (pretty sure)

kicker 09-12-2009 08:02 AM

For awhile I got UTIs all the time. Now my PCP prescribe Also s me antibiotics to take 1 right after, then two 12 hours after one by one apart next after each "event" with DH (Haven't had UTI in couple years. Also I keep XO strips in house ($$ but worth it) to use if I even suspect one.

Erin524 09-12-2009 08:31 AM

This is probably one of the worst UTI's I've ever had. Literally in the bathroom every half hour. (it was every 5 or 10 minutes, I could have slept in there if it was more comfortable...dont see any way of doing that tho)

I think I screwed up and took the antibiotics too close together. My math skills suck. I had one at 1030 last night, and the other one at like 5am. The bottle says one pill twice a I should have waited 12hrs at the most before popping the second one.

Oh, and then the lovely tortilla soup I had at a restaurant last night is making an appearance in a way that I dont like....and it wants to make another kind of appearance that I really dont want to have to go thru. (I'm pretty sure it was the soup) My dad is upstairs, with a queasy stomach too. He also had the soup.

I feel like crap, but at least the UTI problem feels like it's starting to improve if the other problems would hurry up and get better too.

Except for maybe a half hour this morning, I've been awake since about 7am thursday morning. I'm tired. I'm just too uncomfortable still to sleep.

As for the fun in torturing's fun because I can!!!

I was actually letting them live and have fun. Hooked up my insane, (but good) kleptomaniac male to the sane kleptomaniac female...they had a daughter, who is artistic and family oriented (meaning she likes kids and would be a natural mother) and she's just become a teenager, right when her new little sister (who is evil AND insane) was born.

Gotta love being able to pick some of the traits that the Sim kids are born with. It's fun to have a few insane Sims running around.

Dejibo 09-12-2009 08:40 AM

I hope you are feeling better. :hug:

I LOVE the Sims! they are great fun. You can either educate them, and make them someone, or put them in a room with no doors, and watch them pee their pants! Put them in the pool, and take away the ladder. If they die, they turn into ghosts that haunt their house mates. If you dont teach them to cook, and then ask them to make a meal, they will burn down the kitchen. No fire alarm? then up goes your whole place. If you have a smoke detector the firemen arrive and scold you. its like playing dollies, but on computer.

Erin524 09-12-2009 10:16 AM

I tried walling my Sims up in the house and took out the potty, but they keep getting out of the house somehow. (and then cant get back inside, I have to put in a door for them then)

I do like that my insane male Sim likes to rummage in the garbage...and then he carries it around with him in his inventory. Last night I dropped it all over the house (4 piles of crud) and then waited to see who would pick it up.

Amazing that the adult female still lives the crazy guy. They keep wanting to have sex and babies. They've got a teeny house and not a lot of money tho. The guy plays the guitar for tips tho. They were both in the criminal career, but they quit. The female is now in the sports career and making good money, but they both keep wanting to steal stuff.

And they've set fire to the kitchen a few times...even the guy who is a natural cook. Funny to watch them panic.

I still feel like crap in the sick department. I'm sucking down water, which is making me have to...a LOT! Oh, and lucky me, I've also got diahrreah...why is that word so hard to spell today? (might be my lack of sleep)

So, not only am I peeing every 20 or 30 minutes, I'm doing other things in there too...and I've got Scott toilet paper. It's like sandpaper. No...wait, it's like using real sand.

My stomach hurts too and I'm dizzy. I think I'm going to go eat some crackers and drink something fizzy and see if that helps.

The last time I felt this sick on an antibiotic, I was taking erythromycin for tonsilitis or something.

I guess since I'm not sleeping, I'll go remove the smoke detector in my Sims house and ask a sleepy, exhausted Sim to cook dinner. (yes, I am that evil)

SallyC 09-12-2009 11:33 AM

Sims sounds like a game that separates the Diabolical from the Sane...:eek: Is this how potential serial killers let off a little steam..:D

I have learned that, when I feel ill, to suspect a UTI first.

Feel Better soon, Erin..:hug:

Erin524 09-12-2009 01:16 PM

holy crap. This is the worst UTI I've ever had...and I've had a bunch.

It's now a flaming UTI. Pain, burn...BLOOD! (called the doctor, he said take some pyridium, I was wondering if there's a way to tell if it's blood in the urine, or blood from normal girl stuff...he said my sample yesterday had blood in it, so I guess it's from the bladder)

I've never had one this bad before. I feel horrible. I'm also terrified that it's going to make the MS zap me somewhere nasty.

man, MS really really really really %$%^&!!!!! sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think I'll go camp out in the bathroom...

I havent slept more than an hour or two since yesterday. Got up at 730am yesterday, havent really slept since then.

Erin524 09-12-2009 01:52 PM

Ok, I'm starting to calm down now...(pyridium is starting to work...hate that stuff)

I called my regular doctor's office a few minutes ago. I didnt realize this, but the PA that saw me last night at the urgi-care (it's down the street from my regular doctor) is the really nice PA for my regular doctor! So, I got to talk to her about this a few mins ago.

(called my regular doc's ER #, because the urgicare doc had an accent and I couldnt understand everything) So, I told the PA what was going on with the blood, and she said it's probably girl stuff starting early and not to worry about that. (yay...what craptastic timing my body has) She told me to hold off on the antibiotic till at least 5pm (took last one at 545am) since I probably took them too close together earlier.

I dont feel as sick as I did earlier. I'm tired as hell tho, still havent slept. Stomach hurts...I hate MS...and I also cant wait till menopause. Back to my little campout in the potty....

Lady 09-12-2009 02:57 PM

I hope you are sleeping right now. I always found the Pyridium to help relieve the pain associated with a UTI. It has an analgesic agent in it to get relief of the pain. Also the burning, urgency and frequency.

It should only be used along with the anti-B's for two days, or the Pyridium causes gastrointestinal problems, like diarrhea. Which you said you have. I believe it colors the urine too. Is yours a tinge of orange? That might look like blood.

I haven't had one in about 15 years (knock on wood) but Pyridium and anti-bacterial medication usually work by the next day. I hope you feel better now.:)

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