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Brokenfriend 08-12-2008 01:34 AM

Hi to my friends...I'm a little weiry
Hi Mari,Bizi,Pamster,and Bobby. I'm a little tired of it all. It's been going on for decades in one form,or another. I have a appointment with a NP from Social Services in late August. She may,or may not refer me to a therapist in Social Services. I'm hurting. I'm running out of money. It doesn't look good. I'm loosing family support,and financial help from them now. They are becoming distant. I'm still waiting for the Social Security Disability Hearing. Tired. Waiting. Hurting. Worried. I'm going through more red tape to get therapy. I could use encouragement. Sorry. Brokenfriend

DiMarie 08-12-2008 02:31 AM

BF, Don;t you have a county program to hlp. My son has gone to a therapist a year now no cost. The case worker is really good with him. No cure on the motivation part to goals in life within his disability. But, his grief has been a turnaround. I was so concerned and worried.
But he should continue so in the fall or January he can at least take a few college classes to retrain, he has heart problems and seizures and can no longer work the security job sites.
I just thought as they were fast to get an appointment and free for no income, or sliding scale on need base.
My older son 34 is in a similar boat and with a toddler it is stressing him out. the SS hearing wait, two surgeries, the pituatary tumore moods flares. We understand, but stresses us with worry too.
One day at a time,

Mari 08-12-2008 02:45 AM

Dear Friend,
It's not you or your life. It is the anxiety.
When you get the right diagnosis and treatment you will start feeling better. The other stuff won't bother you as much.

What medications are you on?
I think that you stopped taking the Abilify. Are you on anything else?

Tell the person who prescribed the Abilify that you need something else. In this business the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

Make them help you.
You can do it.


Brokenfriend 08-12-2008 03:04 AM

Thank you DiMarie
I'm in a sort of poor county in a Commonwealth State. They have to send me to the next county to see a Nurse Practitioner,who is going to try to get me to a therapist. She needs a referral from my county. All of this is within Social Services. It seems to be free.

I'm out of work waiting for the hearing with SSD. I have to drive about 60 miles to that county. I am way out in a rural area. There are no support groups that I know of around here.

I had to move out here because my Brother in law owns this old abandoned house that I live in. I live in part of it. The other part is walled up. They may sell this property now when he retires. They originally said that I could stay here for the rest of my life,but they are not saying that now. My sister,and I don't get along. It's a long story,and it is not getting better. I try to be at peace with her,but it does not work. Social Services says don't talk to her about certain things. She is using leverage,and talking down to me. I say one thing,and she says the opposite,or says I'm wrong. It's hurts my self worth. It's hurts my heart too. Thanks for the input. Brokenfriend

Mari 08-12-2008 03:18 AM

believe that you can be well
They can't sell the house right away. Don't worry now. You can always worry later. :cool: (bad joke. sorry about that).

What happened to the Abilify person? Abilify was a good choice for you in a way. It showed that the person prescribing it was on the right path. It turned out that Abilify was the wrong med for you, but there are tons of other meds and other combinations. Push hard for these other med plans.

Ask the nurse practitioner for medication.

Please believe me that when I was sick, the ONLY thing that helped me was medication. That might be the case with you.
After you are on a good plan, you can start dealing with the other stuff.

Ignore your sister. She is not being nice to you. You deserve better.
Find other ways to spend your time that are nice.

You have a good heart. Your heart will lead you in the right direction. Give yourself some opportunity to get better.
Tell this nurse practitioner that you need serious attention.
Speak up for yourself.

Do you see what I am getting at?
Sorry. I guess I am being too pushy.
I really believe that you can be well.
You can believe that too.
Make the health care professionals work to make you better.
They can do it and you can do it.


Brokenfriend 08-12-2008 03:36 AM

Thank you Marie
I stoped the Abilify,because I became very dizzy. I haven't reacted to other medicines before that I can think of. I kept taking it till I couldn't stand it anymore. That medicine doesn't work for me.

The Nurse Practitioner in the next county over is going to start adjusting my medicine. She already has. I take more Luvox in the morning. She's being cautious with it. Luvox is for OCD,and Depression. Since it's also used for depression,she doesn't want it to stir up the mania of the Bipolar part in me. So she is being cautious. She's going to mix other medicines in the future. She's been on vacation. She thinks I need therapy once a week. I agreed. I had to get a referral from my county for this,because I live deep within a rural county.

I'm taking the Xanax again. The Kolonipin did not work well at all. I don't know why. The Xanax seems to work better for the anxiety/panic attack problem. I have allergy attacks that resemble anxiety attacks,and visa versa. I'm allergic to molds,mildews,mixed trees,mixed grasses,dairy,and a multitude of other things. I take Durahist D Caplet Pro for the allergies. That's the only thing on earth that helps my allergies. I use to get shot's,but the insurance companies,when I was working,slapped a copay on them. That was the end of my allergy shots. Allergy problems,with anxiety problems is not a small problem,because one stirs up the other it seems. BF PS I Meant Mari

Brokenfriend 08-12-2008 03:48 AM

That joke was funny. Ha Ha LOL

You aren't being pushy. I understand exactly what you mean.

You always have good advise.

The other doctor is going to let the NP proscribe medication,because I can't afford to see him because I'd loose my shirt. Ha ha BF

Brokenfriend 08-12-2008 03:58 AM

Your up late too. What coast are you on? I'm in the Mid-Atlantic east coast area. It's 4:55 AM here. BF

mymorgy 08-12-2008 06:57 AM
did you know you can get free drugs from drug companies?
my prozac which is really cheap is really working and I tried so many antidepressants. I take a low dosage and it is working.
I AM Surprised that the klonopin didn't work. It has been working for me for seven years. I still have mild panic attacks when situations arise though.
I hope they don't sell the house. They can't be that cruel can they.
That would be sadistic I think.

bizi 08-12-2008 08:43 AM

It sounds like you have some people on your side working with you.
this is good.
I jsut wish it was a bit more timely, faster service.
Things will get better for you.
better days are coming

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