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stevem53 11-11-2006 10:43 PM

Weekly Check-In Nov 12-18, 2006
Hi Everyone..Its been a good week in alot of ways..The weather has been nice and I got out fishing a couple of times

I got out and voted on Tuesday..thank God there wasnt any lines..It took longer to shoot the breeze with old friends and family members that I ran into over there than it did to vote..Per the election results it looks like change is on the horizon, and I hope some of that change will benefit our cause for a cure..Things are pretty much status quo here in Rhode Island except for Lincoln Chaffee losing his bid for re-election..I felt bad about that because he was always his own man and Ive always respected him for he always supported whatever PAN was advocating..So I sent him an e-mail and thanked him for supporting us parkies, and wished him well in the future

We went to probate court on Thursday to get the ball rolling on my mother's estate, which is good..But the probate judge is also the lawyer who drew up my mothers will started asking my lawyer a bunch of stupid questions and I felt like asking him what his problem was because after all he drafted the will?..:confused: ..Welcome to Mayberry!..:rolleyes: :D ..My brother signed some papers in my lawyers office and said he understood what he was signing and later when the judge asked him he said that he didnt understand, and some of the paperwork was to appoint me as his guardian because hes retarded and doesnt understand even when he says he does..So the judge gave my lawyer a bunch of crap about that..I think the judge needs a guardian..:rolleyes: ..Anyway we finally got that straightened out..That judge never was a very good lawyer, but he worked cheap which is why my parents hired him..You get what you pay for

I finally sold my boat!..A guy from Cape Cod came down this afternoon and looked at it, and like it so he gave me a substantial deposit, and didnt even negotiate the asking price, so he said he will contact me during the week to get the paper work done..Let me tell you folks..That is a load off of my mind!..And even better..I have no regrets about moving on

That about sums it up for me..How was your week?


RLSmi 11-12-2006 01:03 AM

:) Congratulations, Steve! I'm so glad the boat is about to be someone else's problem. I know you put a lot of blood, sweat and tears into it, but it was clear that keeping it up was a major source of stress. Do you use a smaller boat to do the fishing you now do, or were you using the big one for your recent fishing trips? I know at one time you mentioned a smaller boat when you put out conch traps. Is that what you are doing now?

I am really pleased about the election results this week. I look forward to seeing some sanity return in how the government deals with international affairs. The stature of the USA in the eyes of the world has seriously deteriorated in the last six years, in my opinion. The future of support for stem cell research in this country certainly looks brighter also.

The weather is great in the deep South this time of year. As the Fall progresses, we get cooler and cooler temperatures and enough rain to relieve the dry spell of the last couple of months. There is a possibility of a light freeze tonight. I spent most of today raking pine straw. Our back yard contains three large pine trees that dump the previous year's needles in October and November, and they get quite deep on the lawn. Fortunately, the weather was perfect for the job; sunny and cool with a nice breeze.

Steve, I also remember now that Tersa mentioned upcoming appointments for evaluating her for DBS. I would like to know how that went.

maryfrances 11-12-2006 01:49 AM

can't sleep
Is there anybody out there? Can't sleep tonight. Wish there was a chat room open. Sometimes I feel so lonely.

DaleD 11-12-2006 04:14 PM

Good news
Steve, I am so happy to hear about the sale of your boat. I don't know how the Atlantic fisheries compare to the Pacific but the Pacific crab fishery started a few weeks ago and we have already lost one boat and three crew members. Knowing what I do about the fishing industry I was quite concerned about your safety.

i had a great week except was quite painful with a cracked rib.

The picture is of a sundog from the reflection of the sun through ice fog generated by fog in -20F temperatures. This picture was taken from my deck looking out toward the mountains two winters ago.

wendy s 11-12-2006 04:31 PM

Such good news, Steve. That boat has been a bit of a weight on your shoulders for awhile. You'll feel lighter, although I'm sure it will be sad to see it go.

Mary Frances, wish I could be there for you to talk to. I am so lucky that I sleep pretty well most nights now. It takes magnesium, exercise in the sunshine, and going to bed at 10:00. Took me years to figure out that magic combination. You're a teacher, right? How's that going this year?

Didn't go to the Remembrance Day service yesterday. My dad, who is 88 and has PD, is in the hospital, so I spent the morning with him. Not really sick, just not coping very well anymore. He can still get around with a walker, but it looks like my mom will have to get up at night with him now, and that will exhaust her in no time. So probably he will be moving into a nursing home soon. The good thing is that he has never minded hospitals - likes the nurses dropping in, has quite a few visitors, and is a cheerful, pleasant patient that they all enjoy. The local one - nine miles away - is small with only 35 beds. So, fingers crossed that it won't be too traumatic a transition for him.

burckle 11-12-2006 04:34 PM

Hi Steve

Glad to hear that your boat is being sold. One less distraction.

A few things have happened at our house.

We signed the contract for the new house to be built in Maine (near Portland). We just received the Architects plans for our signature. It's just across the road from the new swimming pool. They will lay the foundation this winter and finish off the house in the Spring. We plan to move in September. It will be a chore to downsize, sell our house, move and settle into the new house. We will only be an hour from the White Mountains.

My youngest daughter (Michelle) is expecting. She was in the early stages of pregnancy a few months ago but they heard no heart beat. This time they have heard the heart and every one is hopeful. I think this will be the last of my grand children. When Michelle was born I used to call her the "caboose." because she was the last. Now this new one will be the new caboose.

My Scrabble game is improving, I am teamed against a good player but a few days ago I won 2 out of three games. Yesterday, I won one out of three. I try to play every day and I'm starting to use big words..

I've gotten back into reading fiction but I don't know how long it will last. Just finished the Kite Runner which was very good. Previously I had read the latest Margaret Atwood book which Rosebud had mentioned to me. Otherwise, I read nonfiction. I'm into 1066, the Battle of Hastings. However, if anyone has a good recommendation I'll be glad to consider it. I think it might be a good idea to trade books on this post. What do you think? As I said we are in the process of down sizing and need to get rid of things. I promise not to peddle my own writing.

All the best


My PD? Oh yes, I have that.

stevem53 11-12-2006 09:57 PM

Robert..Ive been using a smaller boat this season..The big boat has been tied to the dock..I got tempted to use it but I dont want to risk having anything go wrong that will cost me any more money, so Ive been fishing my conch traps

Dale..Awesome picture!!
I think because of the fact that I have pd I am more cautious than I was before..I wear a life vest at all times and I dont go very far from the dock..Most of my conch gear is in two very sheltered rivers, and some is just outside the river..I will get some pictures of the area and post them at some point

EnglishCountryDancer 11-13-2006 04:17 AM

Glad the boat is sold,Steve.

chasmo 11-13-2006 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by burckle (Post 37404)
However, if anyone has a good recommendation I'll be glad to consider it..

John Gresham's new book, "The Collectors" It is non-fiction. It is the story of two men wrongly convicted of murder. Scary stuff. I could not put it down!!


Jaye 11-13-2006 10:56 AM

Back to PD
Checking in to real life, friends. For a while there the arthritis and the hip replacement took so much of my attention that I would forget I had PD for hours at a time. Now I have graduated from Home Care and things are more in balance. I can walk with a cane or walker, do simple housework chores, help plan meals, read short items, bathe and dress (in two hours), go out for a meal (two since surgery on Oct. 10), go to church (once), and so forth, and best of all: receive guests! A small working group of Parkinson's advocates did us the honor of stopping by yesterday on their way to the airport for catch-up, conversation, and a slice of pizza. What a pleasure that was! These are the people who are saving our lives, folks, and IMHO among the finest people I've ever known. Never mind who--they are part of this community, and so are you. Onward and upward!

I said it on the other forum during a brief social spell: thank you all for your thoughts and prayers, good wishes and flowers, support threads and PMs. You made a real difference to my recovery. It's good to be conscious of you all again. I've missed you.

GOOD news about the boat, Steve.



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