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BobbyB 08-30-2006 07:52 AM

BT1 Registry 4 ALS/MND
-Don Weems 50 dx/03
+Sara Weeks,58 dx/04 limbar 35978
-Bert Woodard 48 dx/83 limb

+Barbara Hall 44 dx04, limbar

-Robert A. Fisher, 68, DX 01, limb 85051
-Arthur Fishman,73 Dx 12/03 Limb 85016
-Mike Wilson, 42 dx/05 bulbar, 85323
+Donna Miller, 70, dx 7-03, limb 895019
+Cookie Peckham 56 dx/05 limb

+Judy Rutherford 44 dx/02
+Cookie "Muriel" Peckham,56 dx/05, limb 72113
-Oliver Deer 65 dx/ bulbar
-Steven Fincher,40 Dx: 11/03 limb 72908

-Noor Haq 60 dx/03
-Randy Smith, 57, dx/03
-Mark Riddering, 50 dx/95
-Ernie Smith 66, dx/2/98
Michael B. Fitts 58 dx/99 limb 95405
-Robert Fulford 56 Sept. 03 bulbar 90715
-Ken Del Carlo, 58, dx/03
+Linda Lettieri, 51 dx/04
-Nova (Sonny) Bleckley III, 55 dx/01
-Ralph Stovall 58 dx 2003 limb
+coni rainbow foster 52 dx/95 limb
-HARRY A. WOOD 73 dx/01 92545
+ Ursula Bernhart 64 dx/04 lmb 94014
-Ron Eccker dx/02 lmb
-Dan Loudermilk dx03 lmb 94589
-Wayne Phillips 45 dx/89 lmb 93436
+ Patricia A. Dixon 60 DX03 LIMB 95236
-Geoffrey Goodfellow, 58, dx 3/05, limb, 95050
-Michael McKay. 36, 8/05 limb , bulbar 95928
+ Connie ODonnell, 42, dx bulbar, 94513
+Elizabeth Simpson, age 45, dx/90, limb , 90805
-Eric Edney 76, dx/93 92241
+Katherine Donner, 66, dx05 bulbar CA 95409
-Bob Chang, 63, dx 1/06, bulbar 91007
- David Koppelman, 49, dx. 2/06 90065
-Eric Lowen 54 dx/04 limb 91355
-Rich Hall, 49 dx/04 limb, 94059
- Augie Nieto 48 dx/05 limb
- brain hell 42 dx/04 limb
+Linda Gilli 50 dx/01 limb
-Mike Bougher 41 dx/98 limb
-Mike Fitzgerald 47 dx/05 bulbar

+Lisa Nichols,46, dx04 limb 80111
-Jerry Bergen 58 dx/85
-Gary Jones, 54, dx/05 limb, 81503

+Patricia Giel 51, dx/02 Limb 06460

-Keith Canady, 48 dx/03, limb, 19711

-Bob Picz, 46, dx/03
+Tina Rodriguez 46, dx/02
-Barry Coughlin 42 dx/01
-Mike Hansen 44 dx/05
+Edith Kravitz 68 dx/04
+Allison Ryan Turner 46 dx/2000, limb 34698
+Drusilla A. Webber 65 dx/02 limb 33936
-James Holmes 59 dx/99
-James Hutton, 46 dx/02
-Howard McCarthy 63 dx/01 limb
-Alan Inglis. 76 dx/97 Limb
-Chuck Hummer 67, dx04, limbar 33782
+Tracy Naasz, 35 dx/01 limbar
+Barbara Brown 53 dx/04 limb
-Jimmy Workman 60, dx/ 1998 limb, 34465
-Leon Peek 55 dx/04 limbar , 33905
-ANTHONY SPEARS 16 dx/02 limb
+Pamela Greer 57 dx/04 bulbar, 34239
-James A . Watkins 56 dx/98 limb, 34285
-Harry Dewberry 61 dx/94 limb, 32526
+Linda Abele 61, dx 98, limb onset, 34974
-Rich Brooks,53 dx/95 limb 34275
-James G. Lisinski ,47, dx/05 bulbar, 33612
-james d stokes, 55, dx/03, limb, 34433,
-Donald Martin,57 dx/05 limb, 33704

-George Smith 67 dx/03 limb 31411
-William J. Hurst 67 dx/87 limb, 30062
-J. Craig Samples , 46 dx/90, limb 30024
-Larry Pickett 46 dx/04 limb
-HARRY MORAN 67 dx/03 limb
-Cary Benjamin Smith, 35 dx:/02 limb 31522
+Rhonda Garrett, 38, dx 03, limb 30721
-Darren Smith 46 dx/04 bulbar

+Rill Partlow 48 dx/05 limb 96707


-Marty Woywod 41 dx/03
-David Abell 38 dx/96
-Robert Orre 57, dx/05
-Greg Voss 56 dx/04 limb 62221
-Paul Buhnerkemper 44, dx/03 limb, 61864
-Ben Byer 35, dx/02 limb and bulbar, 60647
-John Cook 52 dx/06 limb
-martin woywod 41 dx/03 limb

+Amie Thornburg 38 dx/98 limb
+Diane Huberty, 57 dx 11/85 limb
+Sue Rheinhardt 59 dx/04
-Eugene Schlebecker 76 DX 1994 limb 46219
-Richard Alan Burt 67 dx/04 limb, 46220
+Jennifer Bielech 32, dx 08/05, limb,
-Frank Healy, 50, dx 8/96, limb,47401

+Anda Liepa, 64, limb. dx 01
-Nicholas Huber, 25, dx/03, limb
+MARY F KRIER 61 dx/98 bulbar , 51106

-Eric Barb 34 dx/2000, zip 08005

+Kim DelRe 49 dx/04 bulbar 42501
+ Kathy Ball, 55 dx/05 limb, 41015
+Janet, 46, dx 4/04 with limb

-Jim Rivera, 39 dx/05
+Tina Benoit 37 dx/04
+Jane Dillon 55 dx/04
-William (Bill) Blough, Sr. Dx 02/04 Bulbar
+Lana Kay Hethcox, 51 dx/03 limbar 71105

-Alfred C. Butler; 52 dx/99, limbar 04674

+EDYE DANDY 44, dx/97
+Judy Repass, 57, Dx'd 1975 at 27 limb 20646
--"Matthew Dowd, 33, dx01
-Andy Palmieri, 40, dx 01, limb, 21921
-Eduardo S. Maal 70 dx/05 21921
-William Moss, 63 dx/02 limb 02476

-William Brewster 44 D/X .04
-Anthony Tucker 53 dx/95
+Deborah Fitzpatrick 44 dx/03 limb 01913
+Julie Lawlor 79 Dx/98 limb, 01843

+Sherry Ketzbeau ,51, dx/02
-thom twichell 55 dx/05
+Kathy Hatfield 47 dx/97 Bulbar 49203
-Robert McAlvey 45 dx/03
+Cyndee Luedecking dx/96
+Laura Weidenhamer 40 dx/04
-Ron Gunthrie dx/98
-Dave Simpson dx/97
-Robert Stafford dx/01]
-Butch Vaughan 42 dx/2000
+Sarah Hanlon dx/03
+.Pat Thayer dx/03
-Richard Koerner 58 dx/
+Ann Koivu dx/05
-Doug Pinter 43 dx04 bulbar 48329
-Jon Phillips, 41, dx: 8/92, limb, 49506
-Robert Frame, dx/05, Bulbar , 49855
-Clarence Hill, 65 dx/03 vet
-Douglas Akins, 73, dx/05 bulbar, 48335

+Bobbi Jacobsen,56 dx/96 bulbar, 55423
+Judy Nephew 59 DX95 Limb 56540
+GAYLE PARROTT 54 dx/06 bulbar
+Kathy Swanson 51 dx/06 limb
+Linda Pfeil 50 dx/06 limb

-Vernon C. Savell, 62 dx/04 limb, vet, 39047

+Reta Setzer,64 dx/03
-Les Morrison, 55 dx/05 bulbar 63128
-kenny alber.34 dx/03, limb 63031
+.Eileen Hines 56 dx/04
-Jeff Lester 38 dx/93
-Melvin David Hagan 57 DX04 Bulbar ,63628
-Oliver Alewel 64 ,dx04 right leg 63348
-Ronald Harrison; 69,dx/00 limb; 63367

+Charlotte Pfeiffer 63 dx/05 bulbar


+helen sattel 53 dx/04 limb

New Hampshire
+Sally George 53 dx/03 Bulbar
-Ted Dyer dx/04, limb, 03851
-Steve Smith, 55, dx/2002, Bulbar, 03431
-Mark Chamberlin 18 dx/02

New Jersey
-Victor Mezzo ,57 dx/03
-Chris Briel, 44 dx/03
-Eric Tauchert 69 dx 96 limb
-Zul Merali 59 dx/02
+Barbara mitchell 67 dx/93 limb, 08204
-Christopher Martin 41 dx/01 bulbar, 07934
-Matthew C. Pellegrini, Ph.D, 38 dx/05 bulbar, 07921
-kerrie guibord 45 dx/04 limb
+Diane DiRenzo, 51, dx 04/limb 08012
-Ensley Gifford 56 Dx 1/05 limb 3/03 08005
+Anne Tesch 70 dx/05 Bulbar

New Mexico

New York
-Wally Wojtowicz, Jr. 38 dx/02
+Patricia Abbey , 64, dx/2000
+Joann Enders 51 dx/03
-James Jablonski 56, dx/04 Bulbar 14075
-Saad Tadrous 43 dx/02 limb 10308
+Fern Cohen 46 dx/04 11374
-Joseph Zunic 31, dx/04 limb, 13760
+Fern Cohen 48 dx/ limb 11374
+ Norma Steck-Hess 62 dx/99 limb 11358
+Ellen Beirne 62, dx/05 limb
-Frank Russo 38 dx/00 limb
+laura Grzeskowiak 53 dx/05 bulbar

North Carolina
-Bobby Brannigan, 51, dx/94 limb , 28777
+Debbie "Bum" Bumgarner,52,dx/04 limbar 28715
-Thomas Jack Baker, 73, dx/05
-Stephen White, 42 dx/02 28306
+Rama Whitlock 55 dx/78
-Rick Poucher, 56, dx/2000
+Susan Tarlton 67 dx04
+Betty Gantt 70 dx/98
- steve smith ,53,dx2001
+Brenda Stewart 42 dx/01 limb, 28352.
-Richard Spell 46 dx 5/05 limb 27455
- Donald Koenig 47, dx 01, limb vet 27587
+Jan Freeman 54 dx04/05 bulbar 27892
+Carolyn Griffith 67 dx/06 limb

North Dakota

-Mike Vollmer 38 dx/03
+Debbie Tope 51-dx/limb 95
-Richard Koerner 64 dx/03 limb, 43147
-Greg Quick/47/Dx. 04/03
-Roger E Ross 54 dx/04 limb 45069
-Rob Harklau, 43 dx/00 at 38 ,limb, 43055
+Karen Kolokowski, 59, dx/05 limbar 45342,
+marsha brenlish dx/04 limb
+Cherie Pophal 59 dx/06 bulbar

- Larry Cave 50 dx/02 blubar, 74014
+Joy Jones 40 dx 01/31/06 limb, 74345

-Jim Sanders 68 /04 bb
- Jack Ranck, 70, 2004dx, limb,97321
-Louis Lotgering 66 dx/04 bulbar

+Debra A. Grimm 49 dx/04 Limb 15445
+Cathy Meyer 50 dx04 limb
-Shelly Cardonick 64 dx/98, Bulbar
-Joe Hrezo 55 dx 2001 15425
-Tim Labuda, 38, dx 11/04
-Felicisimo Ver Jr, 57 dx/03 bulbar 17112
-George 76 'dx/02 limb
-Todd VanBodegom-Smith 43 dx/01 bulbar, 18612
+Ruth Anne Crowder; 62; bulbar; 17044.
-Richard Holland 55 dx/05 limb/bulbar 15089
+christina Stammler 39 dx/01 limb
-michael schuster 53 dx/05 limb

Rhode Island

South Carolina
-Ron Schaffer 60 dx 05 bulbar
+Caroline Hatchell 38 dx/94 bulbar

South Dakota

-JOHN F. DANIELE 63 dx/04
-Don Taylor 49 dx/05 limb

+Jeanna Stewart, 58 dx/05 lomb
+Susan Staples, 56 dx/04 bulbar, 78247
-Jerry M Johnson dx/05
+Marcie Gibson 34 dx/94, limb, 76014
-Kenneth Lillback 67 dx/01 limb 78232
-Brian Kieth dx/05 Limb 79381
+susan carter 48, dx 3-99, limb, 76180
+Patsy Steen 64 dx/06 limb 76001
-Danny Dandignac 47 dx/00 bulbar
+Jennika Cook 28 dx/

BobbyB 08-30-2006 07:53 AM

-Bill Weiss 72 dx/2000

-Forrest Ashford 68 dx2/05 05663 Vet

-Terry Sheldon 47 dx03
-James W. Hall 64 dx/99
+Beth Ringquist 59 dx/04 bulbar
+Maria Rychlik 38 dx/01 limb
-Marvin Stern 76 4/05 limb 22192

Carol Edwards 63 dx/04
-Bill Hoover, 59, DX/2000
-Albert Lee Vaughn 73 dx/05
+Carrie Fernald, 51, dx/2004 limb, 99324
-James(Jim) E. Shearer, 67,dx 06,limbs(legs) WA 99337

West Virginia
-Dave Queen, 45, Dx/86
- Dana Fisher, 52, dx12/05 bulb+limb,25313
-David Hicks 60 dx/05 limb

-Phil Peterson, 36 dx/02
-Larry Warren, 56 dx/03 bulbar,
-Larry Lorenzo 56 dx/03 bulbar
-Mike Golberg 65 Dx: 05, l, b, 53210
+Lucille Schlies, 62, bulbar, 54208
-Ronald Henning,68,dx98,limb,WI,54456
+Martha Stolar, 70, dx/03, bulbar, WI 53172
-Russell T Plucinski 64 dx/04 limb, 53219 vietnam veteran.
-G. Roberts 50 dx/03 limb

- Alden Miller 67 dx/05, limb

+Barbara Stettin ?
+betsy mccarthy ?
-David Aagard dx/92 limb
+Dawn Youdan dx/01 bulbar
-Frederick Manning
+ginny roberts dx/05 bulbar
-hector smith dx/05
-jack elwood
Jan Givens
Jan van Atten
+Jo-Anne Taniwa
+Linda Gilbert
Linda Paulhus
Mary Frederick dx/06 limb
MARY KRIER dx/98 limb
miguel cortez

United Kingdom
+Jeannie Harrison aged 27, limb dx/01, Cambridgeshire UK
-Rob Marshall, age 40,dx/02 limb onset ALS , Nottinghamshire UK.
-Stuart Hignell 61 dx/97 limb South Wales / UK
-Barry Ashfield 60 dx/04 limb
+Coral Lawson 39 dx/94 bulbar
+DAWN TILLEY 40 dx/04 limb
+Esther Camp 32 dx/02 limb
+jackie sharp 51 dx/02 limb
-Jeffrey Steer 52 dx/03 limb
-Malcolm (Mal) Pearce 61 dx/04 limb
+Margaret Sedgwick 41 dx/95 limb
+Margaret Wells 47 dx/03 limb

Puerto Rico
+Aurelia Saez-Ortiz 62 dx/04 limb 00719

New Zealand
Leonie (54 dx/03
+Irene Norell 53 dx/02 limb
-Mike Chappell 44 dx/05 limb


-eduardo bauernfeind 48 dx/05 limb

-Steven Shackel dx/94 limb
-John Winstanley 55 dx/05 limb
-Keith Sunbeam 59 dx/95

+Sandra Scott, 54 at dx 4/04, limb,,Manitoba
+Clair Ritz 61 dx/03 limb
+Patricia Seguin-Tremblay 42 dx/98 limbar Ontario,
+Jo-Anne Taniwa, 62 dx/04 limb, Ontario,P7G 1H5
+Sarah M , 49 dx/05 limb S7H3M4.
- Al Pettit 56 dx/03 limb, bipap 05, Ontario L9W 2Y9.
-Donald Penney 18 dx/05 limb
-George Goodwin 62 dx/91 limb
-Marcel Bertrand 65 dx/00 limb

- alex yung 61 dx/04 limb

-Alper Kaya 44, Dx 1990 Limb

-Walter Bürger 56 dx/98, limb
-Tommy R. Pedersen, 45, dx. 10/2000, Limb,
-Jens Harhoff 60 dx/98 bulbar
-Jens Ove Hansen 62 dx/00 limb, 6950 Ringkøbing
-Erik Bjerre Dalum 61 dx/04 limb

-Manuel Gancedo 39 dx/03 limb

- Claes-Göran Berndt, 65 dx/75 limb, Höllviken
+Lena Stenström. 53 dx/86 Gothenburg

+Guri Christiansen 62 dx/04 limb

-Fotios Tzimas, 45,male,dx march 2004, bulbar,TK 46031 HELLAS
-Stelios Moulianakis, 45 dx/03 Crete / Greece
+Annie & Tony 49 dx/01 limb

-Horst-W. Wendehake, 49,,dx dec 2004,limb, 38239 Salzgitter
-Jan Grabowski 39 dx/04 limb, bulbar D 14482 Potsdam
-Georg Wunderlich 58 dx/05 limb
+Irmgard Grunwald 45 dx/01 limb

-James William McNulty,63 dx/00, limb

- Gianni DANZO, 54, dx 2005 limb, 7860
-Joris Bruneel 49 dx/05 bulbar

-Frances Lowe 71 dx/04 bulbar

-John Knoke 48 dx/98 limb

-maly cohen 54 dx/03 limb

-marin marin 50 dx/06

-meilono soewondo 51 dx05 limb

BobbyB 09-05-2006 02:27 PM

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