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Hoping4thebest84 07-06-2013 07:04 PM

Help! Post Concussion Syndrome advice/vestibular concussion?
Hello! I've been using this site for months since my injury, and I've decided to finally register and start asking questions about this tricky and awful condition called PCS.

I was kicked in the head in Feb 2012 by a special ed student I was in charge of and since then I've had many health problems from the injury. Massive migraine-type headaches that originate in the right temple where I was kicked and a very bad tender spot behind my right ear. I've tried Topamax 100mg since I was on it two months before the injury to prevent intermittent migraines, although I was on 25mg before the injury and that didn't work at all, along with Neurontin 600 mg and all that did was help me sleep and then feel even more fatigued during the whole day. I thankfully found out about these lenses called Irlen Lenses that assist with light sensitivity, sensory issues, and reading. This has helped both my aspergers and brain injury immensely. However, I'm now off of all medications besides Remeron 45 mg to keep depression from getting me down. I've started on this supplement called Feverfew, Formula 303 and fish oil, which has decreased the headaches from about 30% over the course of the two weeks. I've purchased Migrelief and CoQ10 from Amazon, since it's helped so many headaches sufferers in the past. I was going to try Elavil, but I've decided to give the supplements more of a chance before taking a med that could cause serious side effects. My neurologist seems to be just throwing meds at me, and I'm sick of feeling not in charge of my body. I was extremely active before this injury, biking for hours and hours in the hot sun without health side effects, and desperately want to go back to the life I had before. I'm not working, and a settlement on my case is being decided now, which definitely adds to the stress. Thankfully I have a good support system and my boyfriend drives me everywhere I need to go along with using the disability public service called the Ride in the boston area.

I feel like I can get these headaches under control, that also affects me cognitively, I can slowly introduce intense exercise back in my life. I've tried the chiropractor for my neck issue (retrolisthesis) which I received from past concussions (I believe I've had about 4) and this one. This is the only concussions I've had serious problems with. The chiro has helped the muscles relax better but hasn't really helped with the headaches.

Whenever I ask my neurologist about the tender spot behind my ear, she dismisses it and says it's probably muscular. However, I've just read articles about vestibular concussions, and believe this is what I'm suffering from. Does anyone have any treatment advice for this? The tender spot is very painful to touch and it brings on more headaches. I want it to heal but I'm not sure what else I can be doing for it, that doesn't involve massive amounts of painkiller meds that just cause rebound headaches in the long run. Any advice would be much appreciated! :) It's been a long road, and I want this to end as quickly as possible. Thanks!

Mark in Idaho 07-06-2013 10:21 PM


Welcome to NeuroTalk. I'll try my best at responding to your post and questions even though it is difficult for me to read the long paragraph. Your pain behind the right ear is likely an upper neck issue. I see you tried a chiro. Most chiro's use treatments that can be too aggressive for this kind of an injury. Plus, a chiro adjustment is just the start. You also need to do home therapy including icing and disciplined posture behaviors to prevent exacerbating this injury during sleep and rest.

This tender spot is usually muscle spasms caused by the upper neck injury and related inflammation.

Have you read the Vitamins sticky at the top ?

The Formula 303 description looks odd. How can a homeopathic remedy be maximum strength ? Plus, the "proven relief for" sounds to be in violation of FDA regulations. The usual way to dance around FDA regs is to say "Reduces the symptoms of ........" Any time I see these claims without FDA approval, I question the product. F 303 is awful expensive for a homeopathic compound that means it has almost no measurable amount of the 'active' ingredient.

Most homeopathic remedies list the dilution factor. Arnica, a popular anti-inflammatory is diluted to equal one "molecule" of Arnica in an Olympic size swimming pool of water.

I suggest you get going with the full vitamin and supplement regimen or something similar and ice and protect your neck.

The fact that you have had 3 previous concussions suggests you may be suffering from Multiple Impact Syndrome, an accumulation of injuries that combine to make your brain and body struggle even more to recover. Each concussion causes more damage from the same level of impact force and it further limits the rate and top side potential of recovery.

You may need to put your return to intense exercise on a slow hold. You may be able to slowly introduce exercise then slowly build the intensity of effort. Do a search on this forum for Buffalo protocol to read the basic of their system for returning to intense physical activity. You can also Google "Buffalo concussion" but their web site does not necessarily describe the process as simply as those here who have researched or even be through the Buffalo protocol.

I am surprised that your are in settlement negotiations when you are still so symptomatic. I hope you get a good settlement.

My best to you.

Jomar 07-07-2013 12:21 AM

You got kicked in Feb 2012? And there is still a tender spot?:confused:

I assume they did x ray & maybe other imaging to check everything?
Might be wise to have some follow up imaging to verify, before settling, if that hasn't been double checked.

Do you have a work comp atty on your case?
Usually they don't settle until you are more or less at maximum improvement, or stable at least.

Is there talk of keeping long term medical open for this ,or just a lump sum payment and nothing else?

A lump sum sounds nice, but you need to do a loss of income, treatment & rx costs projecting into the future. It's a complicated situation so a good atty on your side might be worth it.

What is this 09-13-2013 10:28 AM

Mark I'm not sure how to sta my own Reply but I wondering if you would have some advice about my brain injuy

vera13 12-28-2013 06:45 PM

Hello all. I was in a car accident on 12/07/2013. Cat scan negative. Diagnosed woth a minor concussion. Its been 3 weeks to the day and I still feel foggy. I can't seem to shake that one symptom. My primary doctor said I have post concussion syndrome. He said this foggy feeling can last 6 weeks or so. Wheb I asked if there was something I cam do to make it feel better he said no. I just need time to heal. Does anyone know if vitins help with the fogginess or is there something you cam do to relieve it at all. Thanls!!!

Mark in Idaho 12-28-2013 07:42 PM


Welcome to NeuroTalk.

The Vitamins thread at the top is a good way to support your injured brain. The foggy brain is a common symptom. It is your brain telling you to rest. I don't mean sleep or in bed just lower your level of cognitive and physical activity. Limit sensory stimulation, easier now since Christmas is past. The sensory over-stimulation of the Christmas season is rough on a concussed brain.

My best to you.

vera13 01-01-2014 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by Mark in Idaho (Post 1040010)

Welcome to NeuroTalk.

The Vitamins thread at the top is a good way to support your injured brain. The foggy brain is a common symptom. It is your brain telling you to rest. I don't mean sleep or in bed just lower your level of cognitive and physical activity. Limit sensory stimulation, easier now since Christmas is past. The sensory over-stimulation of the Christmas season is rough on a concussed brain.

My best to you.

Hey mark...thanks for the information. The foggy brain is thr only symtom that I have. My doctor was trying to give me antidepressants and dramamine but I choose not to take them. Its been 3 1/2 weeks now since the accident. I know foggy brain is normal but is it normal for this long? How long can this last for?

Mark in Idaho 01-01-2014 08:40 PM

There is no normal in concussion recovery. Be thankful that your only symptom is foggy brain. Reducing sensory stimulation and any form of stress will give your brain a break so it may be able to overcome the foggy brain. Think of the foggy brain as your brain telling you to rest.

My best to you.

praisinginpain 01-02-2014 02:40 PM

Have you tried vestibular exercises? My doctor has me doing them, and they've been slowly helping my vestibular system. The idea seems to be to initiate the system (my symptoms flare when doing it, but then go away afterwards) without over-taxing it. You should be able to find some online or from a physical therapist (just start slow). My symptoms have been different than what you described, but it might be worth looking into.

LoriLu97 01-05-2014 10:05 AM

Vestibular therapy

Originally Posted by praisinginpain (Post 1040963)
Have you tried vestibular exercises? My doctor has me doing them, and they've been slowly helping my vestibular system. The idea seems to be to initiate the system (my symptoms flare when doing it, but then go away afterwards) without over-taxing it. You should be able to find some online or from a physical therapist (just start slow). My symptoms have been different than what you described, but it might be worth looking into.

This therapy for me created much pain, confusion and usually a migraine. Making driving home a challenge. With my fog it was too much too fast. Consider readdressing your symptoms with your Dr. about these treatments and your reactions in detail. Remember you deserve proper treatment. With my new Dr. I received a correct diagnose and it was expressed that wasn't the best option for my needs. Each person is different so this may be perfect for you. My issues were my eyes and the vestibular system. My eyes don't converge. Due to the brain not being ready to take on too much I only do two different vestibular exercises per day. Best of luck to you. On this path there is always another gift as the brain learns a new trick or compromise. Remember your brain controls you and sends you sweet messages to slow down and rest. It is working hard to help you. If you don't listen it will put the brakes on. Patience is a virtue. You are not alone He is by your side the whole way. Always ask for help from family and friends pull them in and share your challenges, educate them on PCS/MTBI. I downplay the drama of the pain and suffering. Only my husband knows. Best wishes, Lori

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