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TellerMomof3 09-07-2012 12:11 PM

I have been experiencing pain in hand, arm, shoulder, and neck for over a year now. Local doctors don't seem to know what is going on an am now being referred to a pain management dr. I am extremely frustrated, so I thought if I listed some of my symptoms maybe you guys could give me your opinion as to whether I should try to see a TOS Specialist.

I have had shoulder and neck pain with migraines for as long as I can remember. However, a year ago I started getting numbness and pain in my hand. My physician found a ganglion cyst in my hand and thought that maybe that would help, it didn't. Then I began having extreme pain into my shoulder, it got to where I had limited range of motion. So the dr. referred me on to a PT. After 4 months of therapy 3x a week my range of motion was better but then the migraines and neck pain started to get worse. I had a migraine for almost 3 weeks straight.

I also have scapualar winging that was diagnosed in March of 2012, but we don't know if that is a new condition or if I have had that awhile.

I now have numbness off and on in my two little fingers and forearm on the right side. Constant ache in right shoulder, and neck.

If I do any activities in the right arm, including cleaning, reaching overhead, etc. it doesn't necessarily hurt at the time but shortly I will start feeling really tight and painful and typically get a migraine within an hour.

I have been taking Ibuprofen not stop for over a year and am worried of the affects that this could have. Pain levels are a 3 on a good day and a 8 to 9 on bad days. Typically have 2 to 3 bad days a week.

Just wanted to get someone elses opinions as it feels like I am just getting the runaround with my dr.

LosingHope 09-07-2012 04:37 PM

It definitely could be TOS, but it could also be a number of other things. TOS is primarily a diagnosis of exclusion; similar symptoms can be caused by other nerve and/or musculoskeletal disorders (from things as simple as a pinched nerve to as complex as a brain tumor). You didn't mention it in your post, but have you had any tests (MRI, CT, etc.) for your migraine and pain symptoms over the years?

I feel your frustration. Too often, doctors lean toward treating the symptom ("here, have some Imitrex for the migraine and a muscle relaxant for the arm pain") without finding the cause.

TellerMomof3 09-07-2012 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by LosingHope (Post 912642)
It definitely could be TOS, but it could also be a number of other things. TOS is primarily a diagnosis of exclusion; similar symptoms can be caused by other nerve and/or musculoskeletal disorders (from things as simple as a pinched nerve to as complex as a brain tumor). You didn't mention it in your post, but have you had any tests (MRI, CT, etc.) for your migraine and pain symptoms over the years?

I feel your frustration. Too often, doctors lean toward treating the symptom ("here, have some Imitrex for the migraine and a muscle relaxant for the arm pain") without finding the cause.

I have had a MRI of cspine; shoulder; and arm. And when I was only suffering of migraines I have had a Ct. All were normal findings

Jomar 09-07-2012 11:29 PM

What kind of work/hobbies do you do, or any whiplash or accidents?
If any upper body / head hit, the c1/c2 could be misaligned (also called upper cervical or atlas/axis).
Have you been fully evaluated by an advanced PT person, or expert chiropractor?

Did the PT have you using stretchy bands, weights and that sort of thing?
Any focus on posture, or mention of what they are aiming for with your therapy?

Have you tried to switch to Aleve for a change?

And some slightly alternative health sites suggest long term Ibuprofen actually impedes the healing process.
When I read that I stopped them and focused on more natural methods.
vitamins & supplements- a good multi vit/mineral, B stress complex, Cal/mag blend, MSM, grape seed extract, magnesium & many more newer things are out now.

Got an infrared heating pad
learned about proper gentle stretches (Sharon Butler)
learned about manual trigger point therapy
all kinds of posture work/awareness

Here's one of our sticky threads that is full of 'crash course" TOS info - even if it isn't TOS many of the therapies might work for you -

TellerMomof3 09-12-2012 08:15 PM

Tingling and white spots on hand
Curious if anyone has had these symptoms. Notices today when my hand starts tingling there are little white spots on my hand. Does this have anything to do with TOS? It seems to happen mostly when extending my arm to run the mouse on the computer. That hand also seemed a lot cooler than my other hand.

Jomar 09-12-2012 08:38 PM

I hope you don't mind that I merged this newest post with your other thread.

I haven't noticed white spots on my hands unless they get really chilled in cold weather. Maybe others have noticed it though.

chroma 09-13-2012 05:08 AM

White spots on the hand are a symptom of reduced circulation. In a healthy person, this occurs when they are cold and it is a natural bodily reaction to preserve body heat.

However, I have them all the time. 24/7. This is because I have poor circulation from TOS.

Another circulation sign is an "edema puff" on the front traps. I have those too.

The cramped circulation also contributes to fatigue.

I would love to be rid of both problems. I don't have a solution but you could try some things like:

-- Be aware of tension around your neck and shoulder on that side. Are you using more effort than you need to? Are you sitting too far from the mouse and you have to reach?

-- See if first rib mobilization helps. You can search the forums and/or the web.

-- Take a break and relax.

If you come up with any tips, please share!

Peter B 10-16-2012 09:41 PM

I'm having very similar problems, and the current diagnosis is a pinched nerve in the neck.
Right shoulder blade area sore all the time, both upper arms sore generally, neck stiff, pain down to hands occasionally. Had stabbing pain to left shoulder blade last week; that has gone now pain is on right and never stops. Can't sleep on either side.

Had physio and massage yesterday and got a bit of sleep last night, but still just as sore today. Have to avoid using right arm and using PC!

I don't get migraines, thankfully.
I used to, but since taking magnesium chloride they have stopped. Have a read about magnesium-it may well help you too.

I can't imagine my life if this problem persists. Being right handed and not being able to use that hand: no sleep, no hobbies, no use at all.

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