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Addie1313 08-21-2014 11:17 PM

Help! Just got Celiac Panel?
Okay, so, I was tested about 6 years ago now for Celiac but I didn't have it at the time (though I'm pretty sure I did, if I do have it). They labeled me as IBS and sent me on my merry way. Well, 6 years later I'm still getting really sick and my stomach hurts terribly, I had a bout of pancreatitis, became anemic which suddenly disappeared, and some other weird things that just couldn't be figured out.

I finally realized it was gluten making me sick, so I experimented by taking it out of my diet and I felt tons better but not fully because I think I was missing some things that had gluten in it still.

I finally decided to get the new Celiac Panel done, because I was told before that the old way of testing it back when I was 14, usually came out false positive and a lot of people got labeled with IBS instead.

I did this test through my school's free clinic, and they called with the results suggesting I go see a GI.

I finally got those results to see today, and my friend who is a Celiac (and knows quite a bit on this matter as well, as he works closely in this field) says it's highly suggestive that I have Celiac's.

I sent a message to my doctor, only sharing the ttga levels because it was the only thing I had but she tried to tell me that it was only an allergy, even though I don't present with allergy-like symptoms.

Can anyone help me interpret the results? If possible? I know what some of the values are, but some I'm a little confused on.

This is what it is (with all base levels and normal levels being considered <20 )


Gliadin IGA Deaminated - flagged at high - 65

Gliadin IGG Deaminated - flagged at high - 103

TTG IGA - Flagged at high - 141

TTG IGG - Normal - 7 (this one I really don't know what it is? It's the only normal one on here)

Thank you all so much! I'm really struggling because I've had many issues with doctors telling me it's one thing when it's not, or saying nothing's wrong (and not just with this situation either). I could really use some help. ):

Lara 08-21-2014 11:53 PM

Hello Addie,

I just wanted to welcome you to the NeuroTalk Support Groups and I'm sorry I can't help you with your questions, but I'm sure other members will see your post and offer their thoughts.

In the meantime you could read some of the other posts regarding test results.

There's a forum search feature if you want to look for specific words...

Addie1313 08-22-2014 12:31 AM

Thank you very much for the welcome, I appreciate it! And it's alright. (: I didn't know if anyone could help or not. (:

I have been reading but the search took is really helpful! I will try that to see if I can find what that last value is.

Thanks so much!

glenntaj 08-22-2014 05:52 AM

Yes, based on this--
--you probably have celiac sprue.

Those levels are quite high, and certainly indicate an antibody reaction to gluten proteins and precursors. The transglutaminase Immunoglobulin A (TTG IgA) level is the one most associated with damage to the villi of the small intestine--have you ever had an endoscopy with villious sampling done? I'm willing to bet it would show damage.

Moreover, these levels do indicate you are likely still getting glutened somewhere/somehow--an investigation of your life is in order; not only what you eat but the personal products you use (many soaps, shampoos, cosmetics contain gluten).

The last one--the TTG IgG (transglutaminase immunoglobulin G level) is not often included in a standard celiac panel; apparently here is was done to be thorough, but the other results definitely point to the need to be gluten free.

And you need to find a doctor familiar with celiac who doesn't think it's exceedingly rare. If you tell us where yo're from we may be able to give you some suggestions for places to go locally.

Kitt 08-22-2014 09:01 AM

Welcome Addie1313. :Tip-Hat:

Addie1313 08-22-2014 01:12 PM

Thanks for your reply!

I figured I did, and my friend who is Celiac agrees that I am. My doctor is going to have the GI doctor look over my results, and hopefully this will be the end of that. I did have an endoscopy but that was back when this all first started - 6 years ago. I'm sure there's damage now, and I've been eating gluten recently so that my test results wouldn't be a false negative (I'd been gluten free mostly, for about a year or so).

I'm bringing in the test results today and hopefully I'll hear something soon.

Addie1313 08-28-2014 02:36 PM

Just an update~ I had a second blood test done and an endoscopy today. The doctor came in to talk to me before the endoscopy and said when he greeted me, "So! How does it feel to have Celiac's?" And then went on to say that my blood tests were remarkably, remarkably positive and the endoscopy backed this up. So I suppose I'm Celiac's.

glenntaj 08-29-2014 06:56 AM

Now you have no excuse--
--not to go gluten-free.

And do very conscientious about that. It's not just a matter of avoiding gluten in what you eat, but also in what you use--many cosmetics, household products, etc., have gluten or related wheat proteins in them as binding or emulsifying agents.

One can look through a number of the Useful Website links at the top of this forum to find places that will have lists of gluten free products (and those that do have gluten in them).

Addie1313 08-29-2014 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by glenntaj (Post 1092566)
--not to go gluten-free.

And do very conscientious about that. It's not just a matter of avoiding gluten in what you eat, but also in what you use--many cosmetics, household products, etc., have gluten or related wheat proteins in them as binding or emulsifying agents.

One can look through a number of the Useful Website links at the top of this forum to find places that will have lists of gluten free products (and thsoe that do have gluten in them).

Yeah, I know. It really sucks what they put it in. ): I knew that when I started two years ago, trying to go GF when I thought it was just a sensitivity. My friend was telling me lots about it, and I was so shocked at how much they put it in. Even in envelopes where you lick them!

Thanks for the information.

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