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weegot5kiz 07-24-2008 03:52 PM

bless these people
I posted something, as a few will know, on the daily insights, a few days ago. Recently I had talked to the social worker at our village hall. We talked about my MS and the fact i am remodeling my house stripping kitchen cabinets, made of beautiful oak, why do people paint cabinets made of wood:Bang-Head:, put in a new floor, redoing a bath, stripping a big garage and big shed, and landscaping.

even though my name says i have 5 kids, they are not available,
high functioning autistic child one is, lets just say its difficult to work with him on these projects although he did take to the painting. autistic kid two is actually working and doing well kid 3 is already in college he is going with the trimester plan kid 4 is in the airforce, kid five has plans to wed and is working 10-12 hr days 6 days a week, thus i explained was my dilemma, I am doing it all by myself and killing myself.

well the social worker got in touch with a church group, who came here from Detroit, and a group from here went to Detroit. they help underpriv and elderly and cases like mine.

two days ago at 10 am they show up unannounced and proceeded to do all the landscaping, beautifully. needless to say i was a total lost i was sobbing from their generous and kind act and this dang MS and that dang pride thing, from not being able to do it all anymore(hush, i dont want to here it, I am slowly coming to grips with the pride issue, its just hard i have always been the one who gives and helps and does what is needed, never liked to ask for help, i am working on it,, anywho.....)

So as they left, they asked should they come by thurs, I said I was going to paint on weds and would let him know how well it went, and that i would rather he find someone else on the list to help that really needs it, they had done a lot already.

confirmed the above with him late on weds i was ok and almost done painting had 3/4 of a 2.5 car garage left and should be fine, so chris and I go out this morning and started to finish our first coat of paint, again the group shows up and help throw the second coat on the shed and garage, deb went out and got some extra supplies for painting, which we informed them they had to accept those for their stock pile of tools. showed the kids pics of the wolves, the eldest boy had seen them, the first time, and must of told the others. The group leader Dave, use to help manage a minor league baseball team, he loves baseball, so two days ago I had shown him my prized copy of who is who in baseball 1932 along with about 25 paper clippings, needless to say he was drooling we look it all over

today after showing all the kids pics of the wolves, I pulled Dave to the side today and handed him one of my most cherished possessions, I explained to him my kids do not appreciate baseball like we both do and I wanted this to go to someone who would appreciate it, it was my grandfathers.

i suggested he could get the clippings framed in plain frames and those would be worth a nice penny, for donating to the church, and if he wanted to do a blind auction on the book and clippings at the next fair or rummage sale they hold, please do so, and help the church out. Needless to say i have been graced with their blessings of kindness and caring to the point i keep getting all teary eyed, it was really wonderul of them.

Thought i would share this with everyone, and let you know there is still goodness and kindness out there.:hug: to everyone

tkrik 07-24-2008 04:14 PM

Frank that is wonderful!!! Brought tears to my eyes too. I am so glad they showed up to help you today. The gift you gave Dave was so wonderful and something he will cherish forever!:hug:

Kitty 07-24-2008 04:21 PM

What a heart warming story. Frank, you know how good it makes you feel to help someone else....especially if they haven't asked for the help. To surprise them and enjoy the moment with them. Well, that's what these kids got from helping you. So, in a way, you did help them. You allowed them to experience that great emotion of pride that you've felt all those times by helping others. It's just the circle of life......we reap what we sow. I guarantee you if you had spent your life cheating others you would not have gotten that visit from those kids. :) ;)

Twinkletoes 07-24-2008 04:46 PM

Awww, Frank, how touching! Glad you found a worthy recipient for your baseball memorabilia.

Moi's been messing me up with talk of his "weeding" (wedding), so guess what I thought I read when I saw this phrase: "I said I was going to paint on weds." I'm thinkin, why is Frank going to paint on weeds? Lol! :D

weegot5kiz 07-24-2008 04:57 PM

Thanks Ladies

hey kitty you nailed it right on the head, they even brought deb some bath soaps, the peach one smells really good lol and a cubs hat

and a card thanking us for allowing them to help and enjoy the feeling of helping others.

its been an emotional few days here, i still remember and a few of you know how we almost didnt have an xmas a couple yrs back, and we had opened our house to that young lady and her 5 month old child, the police and fire depts all pitched in and we had Christmas, god that still gets me.. and now this week , i dont know if its the ms or the fact that receiving is different for me and so hard to accept, but I am a basket case lol in a good way

its really nice it really is, my heart has been touched deeply again.

Kitty 07-24-2008 05:23 PM

:hug: Aw, Frank, you're such a softie!! There'll come a time when you can pay it forward and help someone else. That's what makes the world a better place - people helping each other with no expectation of anything in return. But....what they do get in return in something money can't buy.....:)

who moi 07-24-2008 05:38 PM

Frank, dammit, I am mad at you....

you brought more tears to moi eyes again...and I've been up for about 40 hours straight now so I am very emotional...LOL

now I can go to bed with a smile on my face and warmth in my heart...

thank you for the reminder....

weegot5kiz 07-24-2008 05:50 PM

some of you know we were going to bbq for them b4 they went back home on friday, unfortuantlly as we finished they got a call and had to head back sooner than planned, Dave assured me it was nothing major just one of the kids parents had taken ill and was in hospital with bad asthma and they had to leave pronto, would of been nice to have cook out for other reasons too, to hear young kids voices again around the house, what a great sound that is....

Bannet 07-24-2008 06:01 PM

Wow Frank:hug: What a great story.

There are so many wonderful people in this world who really do want to help!

Our church has a youth goup(one of my boys are involved) that go around and help the disabled or the elderly two or three times a week. They also go to group homes where there are some mentally challenged men and women.

They play games with them, carve pumpkins, decorate during christmas etc.

I think what they did for you and Deb is wonderful. You are so deserving!!!

You are such a nice man and you always talk so highly of your family.

What goes around...comes around:hug:

SandyC 07-24-2008 06:57 PM

Frank, the angels must have been listening when we were all praying you weren't doing to much. :hug: Your right, I needed to come back and read this all over again.

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