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tamisue 10-12-2011 06:48 PM

Bad day
3 1/2 months into TBI/PCS I thought I'd be having better days. Some of them are, but today just blew chunks. I've felt like I have been in a fog all day, and had vertigo numerous times.

After the accident (rear-ended by big commercial truck) I was having vertigo 20/30 times a day that lasted from 10 seconds and more, usually 30-45 seconds. I'm down to about 5-6 times a day usually only 3-5 seconds, and the occasional 10 seconder.

I just want to throw stuff!!!!!!! I want to scream in frustration (and not scare the dogs and the grandson). I don't know what to do.
It's just been a sucky day all around-and there's no reason. I'm FRUSTRATED!!! I'm tired of correcting all the stupid mistakes I made now when I type. I'm just mad and can't do anything about it.

nightnurse30 10-12-2011 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by tamisue (Post 814300)
3 1/2 months into TBI/PCS I thought I'd be having better days. Some of them are, but today just blew chunks. I've felt like I have been in a fog all day, and had vertigo numerous times.

After the accident (rear-ended by big commercial truck) I was having vertigo 20/30 times a day that lasted from 10 seconds and more, usually 30-45 seconds. I'm down to about 5-6 times a day usually only 3-5 seconds, and the occasional 10 seconder.

I just want to throw stuff!!!!!!! I want to scream in frustration (and not scare the dogs and the grandson). I don't know what to do.
It's just been a sucky day all around-and there's no reason. I'm FRUSTRATED!!! I'm tired of correcting all the stupid mistakes I made now when I type. I'm just mad and can't do anything about it.

No matter how many times we read everyones posts about how long into their recovery they are, its always hardest to accept where you are and how frustrating it is to have such a debilitating injury. I understand where you are....everyone here understands where you are. Its scary, lonely, frustrating, humiliating, inconvenient, annoying, painful, sad, depressing and every other word you can think of.

Have you tried talking to a therapist yet. This is a very traumatic experience that has happened to you and sometimes having a safe place to explode and get out all of your anger and frustration out helps. Its safe on here to do that, cuz we are all here to listen.

Im 5 months out, and have had days where i am good and others that suck! At my 3 month mark, i had a full week with no headaches or fogginess, but still dizzy a lot at that time. I felt like queen of the world! Havent had a week like that since. Rest rest and more rest they say. So hard to sit back and be patient. God knows im not! But thats what this injury needs is time. Hoping tomorrow is a better day for you with less symptoms!!

tamisue 10-12-2011 07:24 PM

No to talking with a therapist yet. I've considered, but haven't followed thru.
The thing that sent me over the edge today was not being able to find the butter in the grocery store... I'm 44 years old. I've been cooking since I was 16. Butter=cold. Butter=dairy. Butter=refrigerated section. I looked past it five times until my daughter walked up and asked me what I was looking for.
At the risk of offending anyone, how hard is it to find the damn butter?

I'm reviewing new neurologists. The one I saw post-hospital wasn't a lot of help. I just feel like there is more she could be doing-but what, I don't know. I go back to see her in a week. If she isn't any more on top of it than the first time, I'm finding someone new.

But thanks for listening. I am so sick and tired of being sick and tired. It really does help that you know AND understand what I'm going thru. Thank you.

Mark in Idaho 10-12-2011 09:15 PM

There is very little the doctor you saw at the hospital can do, much less any other doctor. When you have those "Where's the butter?" episodes, think of this. It is your brain farting. The whole brain fart scenario is: It stinks. You know it came from your brain. But, you have no idea how it got out.

We have to get a sense of humor and learn to let go and laugh at the situation. The stress of getting frustrated only makes it worse.

I have to stop to think sometimes, just to remember my wife's name. We've been married 31 years.

My most common brain fart is saying "ouch" when I am straining to do a task that requires physical strength, like opening a new jar of spaghetti sauce. There was no pain involved. The groan comes out as ouch.

I have lots of other such brain farts.

Ya just gotta laugh.

Like putting the milk in the cupboard or picking up a toothbrush to brush my hair.

We should start a thread about the various brain farts. It would be a laugh riot.

nightnurse30 10-12-2011 09:22 PM

great post Mark! Made me think of a few things i could laugh at instead of sulk about. Not always easy to stay positive and laugh....but getting a reminder to do so helps!!

tamisue 10-12-2011 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by Mark in Idaho (Post 814342)
There is very little the doctor you saw at the hospital can do, much less any other doctor. When you have those "Where's the butter?" episodes, think of this. It is your brain farting. The whole brain fart scenario is: It stinks. You know it came from your brain. But, you have no idea how it got out.

We have to get a sense of humor and learn to let go and laugh at the situation. The stress of getting frustrated only makes it worse.

I have to stop to think sometimes, just to remember my wife's name. We've been married 31 years.

My most common brain fart is saying "ouch" when I am straining to do a task that requires physical strength, like opening a new jar of spaghetti sauce. There was no pain involved. The groan comes out as ouch. Ya just gotta laugh.

Like putting the milk in the cupboard or picking up a toothbrush to brush my hair.

We should start a thread about the various brain farts. It would be a laugh riot.

Mark-I can't tell you how many times I've "brain-farted" over the past couple of months. It is ridiculous. And you are right-and I honestly usually do have a pretty good sense of humor about the whole thing. Fact of the matter is-I'm really lucky. There was an ambulance sitting stationary that saw the accident, my best guy friends were a couple of minutes behind me-and they are firefighters/emts/paramedics and I got the absolute best care possible from the minute the accident happened as far as "personal" care.

I've blamed everything from forgetting to shower to buying ice cream to dain bramage. Today was just a really bad day. I try not to have many of those.
I have lots of other such brain farts.

I agree about the post for brain farts-matter of fact, I'll give a freebie. Yesterday, not only did I call my grandson the dog's name, I followed up with the second dog's name before I finally got to him!!!

tamisue 10-12-2011 10:17 PM


I'm having a lot of trouble going to sleep. Once I get to sleep, I usually sleep pretty well. I did talk to the Neuro about the problem-her suggestion was meditation. I've done that. I've had hot tea, hot chocolate, reading, warm bath, etc etc etc. Anything that I'm missing that you can think of or am I going to have to rattle her cage a little?

nightnurse30 10-12-2011 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by tamisue (Post 814361)

I'm having a lot of trouble going to sleep. Once I get to sleep, I usually sleep pretty well. I did talk to the Neuro about the problem-her suggestion was meditation. I've done that. I've had hot tea, hot chocolate, reading, warm bath, etc etc etc. Anything that I'm missing that you can think of or am I going to have to rattle her cage a little?

Have you tried asking your primary care physician? I would blatantly state that you have tried everything and wanted a trial of a medication to help with sleep (or anxiety) whichever seems to be the bigger doesnt hurt to be straight and ask for what you need.

And i understand about the personal care part. I am so exhausted some days, i will not be able to shower for 2 or 3 days sometimes. Its not that i forget....i just cant initiate the sequence and get it done. I probably wash my hair every 3 or 4 days (which is gross for me....i used to do it everyday) and its cause my head is so sensitive i dont want to brush or blow dry it.

SmilinEyesMs305 10-13-2011 07:55 AM

Wow... I totally needed to read this today. I'm having a week full of fog and brain farts. Yesterday, my boyfriend opened the microwave to heat up some leftovers for dinner. He asked me if I wanted tea with my dinner. Apparently, at some point throughout the day, I had put water in a mug for tea, heated in the microwave and completely forgot about it. I couldn't even pinpoint when I had done it. But I must have, as I'm the only tea drinker in my house. Thankfully my boyfriend has a great sense of humor, or I would have been depressed the rest of the evening.

I agree with mark. We need to start a sticky for "brain farts".

I also second talking to your doctor about sleep medication. Your brain heal's best when it gets the ability to recover while you sleep. Sleep is so incredibly important. I am on medication for sleep and anxiety and it has made such a wonderful difference for me. The life of a concussed person is much easier to bear, when you aren't cranky from lack of sleep.

tamisue 10-13-2011 09:54 AM

I did ask both about something for sleep. My PCP (who is really super) didn't want to prescribe anything until I met with the neurologist. He didn't want to introduce anything new prior to meeting with her. She wants me to meditate, etc etc etc. I go back to see her next week and I will tell her meditate smediatate-I need some SLEEP! She did mention if the other things didn't work she would prescribe something-but that was at our first AUGUST!

Thanks all. I'm not quite so grrrr this morning. Yesterday really was just a bad day.

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