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phillyinpain 01-18-2007 04:40 AM

TN Caused by Dental Work?
Does anyone else think their TN was caused by dental work? I have had two root canals and an Apicoectomy on tooth number 5 (near my nose where I have my searing pain episodes). The first root canal got infected and I was quite sick after it.

Jebbyfur 01-18-2007 12:25 PM

Dental work
Yes, I had two root canals done that failed. It was shortly after that my TN came out in full force.The dragon was released. But, if I look back as to why I went to the dentist is cause I was having pain. I had a ct done of my head and sinuses that came out clear. So I went to dentist as next stop. If you read all the above sticky's and get the book stricking back from the TNA in fla, they talk a lot about dental work. Good luck and don't be afraid to ask ?'s Jen

gregkelman 07-08-2007 01:22 AM

I've been recently diagnososed with TNP (Trigeminal Neuropathic Pain) This started from a root canal on my upper #3. Immediately after the surgery, I could taste the cement in the back of my throught every time I swallowed This was performed /without antibiotics before or after the root canal. My pain came back 3 days later and intensified. I went to another endodonstis and he said I have some form on neuralgia, but ultimatly did a retreat. The pain intensived, so I pulled hei thooth.

This is a typical story, but I cannot seem fin find a cure! All I heard is that there are no surgeries for a damaged nerve and medication is my on answer. Could there be a sinus infication causing inflamtion to the maxiallry nerev? I seem to have relief when I take antibiotics.

All I know, is this pain is not giong away. Started like a dull lingering tooth ache and now flares up to a 8-9 on the pain scale and will sit there for hours. Taking Lyrica, but that does'nt give me full pain relief.

Any help would be appreciated.


EE03 07-08-2007 04:33 PM


I can't say what has caused mine, but yours is the typical scenario. My early episodes presented as tooth problems only they continued after treatment. Some of my other episodes presented as sinus problems, but all the typical treatments and tests were negative. Its a tough condition to diagnose and to treat. Medications are also a diagnostic tool, the most prominent being Tegretol. Have you seen a neurologist? If not, you should as they are best educated to deal with this.

Take care and good luck, EE

dlcottage 01-10-2008 03:44 PM

Yes I belive my came from having a tooth extracted.Sept 07 had tooth pulled becasue of a bad root . still in pain was treated for dry socket 3 time still in pain . was told i was in more pain becasue it was a tough tooth to get out roots wrapped around jaw .Went to another oral surgeon one month later , he did a debridement then at the same time he noticed dead bone had to do u surgery oct 11 2007 .Was still in alot of pain burning cheeks etc and eye pain and ear pain .Went to neurologist he diagnosed atypical neuralgia nov 4 2007 started tegretol helps with pain but not completely . Never did i have any of this pain befor i had the tooth out . I feel i should have left the darn tooth alone..

loretta 10-12-2008 01:21 AM

Yes, I believe my trigeminal nerve disorder started after my first and only root canal. I've had RSD for 12 years but not diagnosed for several years and had no idea about precautions before dental work. About 7-8 years into having RSD, my neurologist diagnosed me with TN. Now before any dental work, I take antibiocs and the gas mask. It scares me to death. any dental work, as you can get rsd inside your mouth. My dentist and dental hygenist have both read info. on RSD. I wish you all well, Loretta 11-18-2008 10:11 PM

Trigeminal neuralgia
I was completely normal all of my life, then I had much dental work done over the course of six months. From the very start, I had strange pain in and around some teeth. I had a crown placed on a tooth and later a root canal. The pain stretched up my face and into my ear. The pain progressed into my tongue to the point where talking was extremely painful. After a root canal and retreatment the pain persists. When the tooth hurts my tongue hurt alot also. Many of my teeth hurt for no dentally justifiable reason. I went to many doctors and ENTs.

18 months later I am still battling strange pain sensations in the side of my tongue and face and under some of my teeth I was at the point of extracting teeth, and my dentist referred me to a neurologist. The neurologist thinks that the pain symptoms are a result of Trigeminal neuralgia.

Doodle bug7 01-21-2009 09:33 AM

After 10 years, it came back
I don't know either if tooth extractions are the reasons for a flair of TN pain. It certainly could be. Mine started for no rhyme or reason. Out of the blue, I took
a drink of my pepsi one day and it hit me with a severe lightening like pain from my ear to my mouth. I was diagnosed with tic dularoux which is another name for TN. I was put on 100mg of dilantin and 30 mg of amytriptilene.This medication held me for 10 yrs. I thought it was over for good if I just kept taking my medicine. Wrong! After 10 years it was back, the lightening strikes were so horrific that there was no way I could have even sat here at the computer. I couldn't eat or talk. This is what led up to being admitted to Mayo clinic in Rochester Minn. After 2 failed attempts at surgery, the last option, and the only option left, the complete severing of the trigeminal nerve. It was done. I came home after 3 weeks. I now have Anesthesia delorosa, which is a dreaded complication of a failed Microvascular decompression. It is a life sentence. Pain, although not as scarey as TN , but relentless 24/7.
Doodle bug7

ChloeeDanielle 10-09-2011 10:22 AM

i myself have recently been diagnosed with TN!
about 3 months go however, my jaw locked on the same side of where TN occurs.
could this be related to my recent diagnosis?
i am indeed a worrier and i've read up on TN and have seen that it can be caused by M.S, Tumors and etc...
the hospital have not booked me in for blood tests or MRI scans like it says TN sufferers should have....

many thanks

ipreferdosequis 10-09-2011 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by ChloeeDanielle (Post 813381)
i myself have recently been diagnosed with TN!
about 3 months go however, my jaw locked on the same side of where TN occurs.
could this be related to my recent diagnosis?
i am indeed a worrier and i've read up on TN and have seen that it can be caused by M.S, Tumors and etc...
the hospital have not booked me in for blood tests or MRI scans like it says TN sufferers should have....

many thanks

Although TN may be caused by MS, tumors, AVMs, ect. it is almost always (75-80%) caused by a blood vessel pushing against the trigeminal nerve. Tests like MRIs, Cat scans, blood tests, ect. rule out other problems but do not usually show proof of TN. Sometimes MRIs with dye can show a neurosurgeon how close blood vessels are to the trigeminal nerve, but in my experience only neurosurgeons are educated enough to notice these small compressions. For example my family doc, neurologist, and radiologist never mentioned anything abnormal with my MRIs. After my neurosurgeon ordered MRI with dyes he told me the vessel seems to be riding against the nerve. Overall there is no test that says for sure if it is TN. I guess a functional MRI can prove you're in pain but no one has ever ordered one for me. Check out they got a bunch of video clips answering common questions.

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