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shopster 07-24-2012 01:10 PM

acidic based synthetic poisons wont fix the problem.

worth the time and effort to view.
mark hymen m.d. knows his stuff.
a white coat writes a script he would not give his dog to eat and you blindly dump it into your body.............?
i think not.

it is all toxic poison that is slowly killing your liver and cures nothing.
watch them all and get your heads fully wrapped around this.

start here.
here is the intro. to his u tube channel.
he also had auto immune .
he is what medicine should be in north america.
sadly, the pill pushers are still the status quo.

a few more choice vids.
the FDA and big pharma exposed.
200 more vids in his channel on u tube.
you are all being sold down the river by the white coats and big pharma.
i have full blown MG and am slowly getting the toxins out and regaining my health.
change your lifestyle.
stop eating processed garbage in a box or a can.
you can get better without the meds. and i am walking proof that it worxs.

Brennan068 07-24-2012 03:21 PM

Mmmm... yeah.

While there is nothing wrong with eating better, (and we all can eat better) just eating better will not cure what ails most of us. Dr. Hymen is selling something too.

Did you know that there is a community in the Himalayan mountains that has never seen cancer? .... nobody lives to more than 30, but they don't have cancer there.

I don't think it is very fair of you to try to sell this snake oil to people who are willing to grasp at anything. Just my opinion of Dr. Hymen's pitch... if it works for you, great.

shopster 07-24-2012 03:44 PM

i am not selling anything.

southblues 07-24-2012 04:35 PM

To tell sick people to stop taking all drugs is selling something.
It is selling a philosophy. One that can be hazardous.
Some of us will die without drugs.
If the MG doesn't get me, the hypertension will. No drugs. No me.

alice md 07-25-2012 12:18 AM

Like everything, this requires a balanced approach.

Diseases are the combined result of genetics and environmental exposure.

Our genetic work-up dictates the way in which our body will respond to certain nutritional deficiencies and certain substances in our environment.

Many times it is a multi-step process in which a certain gene leads to the way we respond to a certain substance. this in turn leads to minor changes we are not even aware of. Those changes now make us more susceptible to a certain substance that didn't harm us before. This in turn can lead to mutations in other genes, which now make us more vulnerable to numerous other substances.

The disease manifests itself clinically only after the body's own repair mechanisms become overwhelmed by those gradual changes.

At that stage we can't repair it just by changing our nutrition or other environmental exposures. This is where pharmacological agents and other medical interventions have a role.

Yet, if we only use pharmacological agents without changing our environment, the same process is likely to occur again.

Also, occasionally correcting the nutritional deficiencies and environmental exposure (if one is able to figure out what they are among the numerous substances we are exposed to every day) may lead to a gradual reversal of the pathological process.

A good example is celiac disease. Once gluten is eliminated from the diet most people will become healthy within a relatively short period.

But, not everyone is gluten sensitive. There are numerous other substances we are exposed to on a daily basis.
The modern world created an enormous amount of neurotoxic and carcinogenic substances which are added to our foods, soaps and cleaning detergents in "safe amounts".
But, what are "safe amounts"? what may be safe for one person can cause significant harm to another because of his/her genetic build-up.

The enormous advances in modern medicine over the last century have given many (physicians and patients) the illusion of "happiness in a bottle".
The message was- eat what you want, live as you want, if you take a certain pill you will be fine.

Yes, physicians did advocate a "healthy life style" but they did very little to find out what this life-style should be for their specific patient.
Very little time in medical school is dedicated to understanding nutrition or to learn what kind of toxic substances are abundant in our environment.

In fact medical students learn that they should be very contemplate about such environmental exposures. They are immersed in formaldehyde in anatomy class. They work with numerous toxic substances in the lab. and they are ridiculed if they show any concern. They are allowed to smoke. The are encouraged to skip meals. They are exposed to sleep deprivation on a regular basis etc etc.

So, the message that is conveyed to them is- If you can endure this, so can your patients.

Modern society is quite happy with the kind of training that future physicians are getting. Very little changes have occurred over the years.

Patients are being blamed for not living a "healthy life-style" when no one ever prescribed one for them. "Exercise more and eat a healthy balanced diet". is the mantra physicians are taught to say. A "one size fits all" approach they would never use in the medications they prescribe.

Red meat is essential for some people and less so for others, Exercise is beneficial for some people and harmful for others, detergents in soap and cleaning material may be well-tolerated by some but lead to serious consequences in others etc. etc.

The need for proper individualized activity and nutrition was well recognized by ancient Greek physicians, but completely abandoned in modern medicine.

Patients are treated according to their diseases and not according to who they are. A patient that had a heart attack should stop eating red meat, take statins and exercise more. And what if this patient requires red meat, what if he/she is sensitive to statins, what if he/she belong to those people who do not benefit from exercise?
Then the patient is being blamed for being "non-compliant" and refusing to live a "healthy life style". Or that he/she has "depression", "anxiety" etc.

I think patients should follow the medical advice of their physicians, should take their medications, but they should also insist on what they know is right for them. They should ideally have an on-going dialogue with their physician so that together they can find the optimal approach.

Or else more and more people will feel in the way described in this poem, and more and more quacks will be able to fill this growing gap.

alice md 07-25-2012 01:22 AM


As far as I could see Dr. Hyman is not advocating to abandon conventional pharmacological treatment, but like Terry Wahls and many other physicians he thinks we should combine this treatment with life-style and nutrition changes to promote healing.

shopster 07-25-2012 05:41 AM


Originally Posted by alice md (Post 900426)

As far as I could see Dr. Hyman is not advocating to abandon conventional pharmacological treatment, but like Terry Wahls and many other physicians he thinks we should combine this treatment with life-style and nutrition changes to promote healing.


nice to see an M.D. who is not a cookie cut neuro. waving a script pad.

you also walk in a pair of chronic shoes like the rest of us.

Hyman will get you thru his lab and off all meds. as quickly as possible.

he does not mix therapy and try to balance it out with synthetic toxins.

i sent you the links.

perhaps you can post them in this thread so we can start getting to the meat of the matter.


btw: i had to remove the link you posted to reply to this message.
really pathetic.

Chemar 07-25-2012 06:08 AM


btw: i had to remove the link you posted to reply to this message.
really pathetic.
shopster, as has already been explained to you in PM, our system is set to automatically block all links by new members as we, like most other forums, are inundated with spammers trying to post links, some of them to pretty disgusting stuff.
I am sorry you find this "pathetic" but we would rather be thought of that way, and have a system in place that protects our members. Most new members understand this, and are willing to make the required number of posts in order to reach linking status. All this is clearly explained in our guidelines as well.

Stellatum 07-25-2012 12:02 PM

Thanks to Alice for a balanced explanation.

I just received a photocopied book chapter from my brother-in-law about how to cure myasthenia gravis with good nutrition. The disease was explained as a deficiency in acetylcholine, and the recommendations for diet and vitamin supplementation were designed to help the body produce more acetylcholine. I was surprised that the antibodies that block the receptor cells weren't mentioned until I checked out the footnotes, which were all over 60 years old. Evidently the book was written before it was known that MG is an autoimmune disease. There were all these testimonials about how nutrition had cured this or that case. Some of the cases sounded like vitamin deficiencies (prisoners of war, for example--probably B12) that were mistaken for MG.

There is a notorious quack on the web that all my friends are always recommending to me. He runs a huge site, on which he sells his own products. He believes that all diseases are caused by poor nutrition and (which as Alice shows is different) that all diseases can be cured by proper nutrition. Even AIDS. He thinks that the AIDS virus doesn't make people sick; what makes them sick is worrying so much about being HIV+. This is the level of quackery we're talking about, and yet he has a huge following. People don't trust Big Pharma because it's run by greed. Yet Dr. Quack is certainly making tons of money off his empire--somehow that doesn't count.

I think that chronic illness terrifies people. Here's a woman who last time I saw her was filled with energy, doing all sorts of stuff, the picture of health. Now she can hardly walk. She has been stricken, out of the blue. That's scary, because it makes people realize that it could happen to them. So they think of reasons why it can't happen to them--if I just eat right or exercise or use organic cleaning's a comforting thought to believe that you're in control. Unfortunately, the corollary is, "if you're sick, it's your own fault."


bu452000 07-26-2012 09:10 AM

Touche Abby

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