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makethepaingoaway 04-21-2013 03:49 PM

ill forever
Hello follks,
May I first comment on all of you....your home here looks lovely, perhaps you'll all me to rest here for a moment or two?
My Story is long and sordid, and I am 1/2 an EMG away from a full blown CRPS dx. But I jump ahead (sure get you all excited with promises of hearing about me being stuck with needles, lol)

I've been sick since 1998 when I came down with what I thought was the flu, but it lasted for 3 months, and I was in bed the hole time. thought I was going to die for a while there, but i pulled through, and have been sick ever since.
I am officially dx'd with fibromylagia, arthritis, various mental health issues like OCD and deep depression.
What it to comes to is that I am in pain 24/7......I really don't know how much more I can stand.

ATM I have just finished detoxing from my hydrodcodine because my rehumatologist totally screwed up my prescription and I ended up already a week without by the time her nurse finally called me back. long story short, she wanted me to go to my local pain clinic instead, and when I hesitated she pulled me in for a pee test.
Unfortunately, during that week of cold turkey I had to do some self-medicating (either that or walk in front of a train...IF the extreme pain allowed me to walk.)

So, the good thing is that I have started seeing a local pain clinic, I's started some EMG's my pain nurse wants, and all I know is that there were 3 or 4 really bad nerves out of 5 she did...will do the rest next month. but I have to wait till the 6th for my appt AND pass a pee test before they will help with medications....
that is way too many pain filled hours between now and average has been a 12 14 pain level (out of 10) since she pulled my pain meds, and I have an autistic teenager that depends on me so I just can't wander off a long pier somewhere.......
Any suggestions on OTC's? I'm in NY or treatments?

Leesa 04-21-2013 05:57 PM

Bless your heart. I can certainly understand the pain. I've been in chronic severe pain for over 27 years now, and it's been miserable.

As for OTC medications that won't mess with your liver -- that's kind of hard. So many of them are terrible on the liver, and others might make you bleed to death if you take too many! :eek: You're darned if you do and darned if you don't.

I know for me, I've always gotten the best relief from aspirin -- it doesn't help my severe pain -- but it DOES help stuff like headaches. And I DO get horrible headaches from a herniation in my neck. If I take 2 aspirin, it USUALLY helps that -- but it won't TOUCH the lumbar spine. That's where the majority of my problems are. :(

I am being treated though, so I'm lucky there. The meds keep me "somewhat" semi-comfortable, although today is a terrible day. I also have Fibro, along with a list of other delightful things.

I wish I knew what to tell you. Any OTC things that would really HELP you, would have to be taken by the handful to do any good -- and they'd be too dangerous!!! They'd eat your stomach, cause you to bleed, or damage your liver! So take your pick. Tylenol (liver) Advil (stomach) Ibuprofen (stomach) Aspirin (bleeding) Naproxen (stomach/liver too I think :confused:)

Aren't they all delightful? Wish I could come up with something better.

Best of luck and God bless! Hugs, Lee :)

makethepaingoaway 04-21-2013 06:21 PM


I wish I knew what to tell you. Any OTC things that would really HELP you, would have to be taken by the handful to do any good -- and they'd be too dangerous!!! They'd eat your stomach, cause you to bleed, or damage your liver! So take your pick. Tylenol (liver) Advil (stomach) Ibuprofen (stomach) Aspirin (bleeding) Naproxen (stomach/liver too I think )
Yeah that's the problem. And the hardest part is that relief is only a pill or two away...yet I can't take anything for fear it will show up in my test in 2 weeks. Not only will they do a pee test, but here they do pill counts and depending on the doc you have 4 hours to get in there with all your meds to account for.
It's terrible here in NY. And it's not like I am some young kid looking for a good time....I've all the MRI's, Ct's, xrays, and what ever to prove that I have enought pain for 20 people.
And of course I must seem especially neferious since I am a, or were till I got ill, elementary teacher......and artist. SIGH

So what type of person has to go through this? anyone they has gotten so bad that my PC came out one day and said "sure wish I have a recorder" that she would never prescribe narcotics no matter what...her licence meant too much to her.
And before you think she's really bad, I gotta say this. The doc that pulled my hydro after 12 YEARS (of being prescribed by HERSELF PERSONALLY) is one of the head docs at UVM university of Vermont Medical school dept of Rehumotology!!!!!!!!! She is a God what will this world come to? Is this what what they are teaching the next crop of docs.

I have so little hope for the future because of all of this. I do not know how many more years I can go on begging every few months for meds I NEED so I can take care of my's just me and him, so it doesn't matter how bad I feel....I've got to BE Just to exist! this would all be so much easier to end if I didn't have my son to care for.

Darlene 04-22-2013 12:46 AM

Nice to meet you!!

:Wave-Hello:It is great to have you come and be with us. You will fine a great number of dear friends to listen when you are in need of ears. You will find out we are supportive and relaxing place.

Please keep us up to date on your situation. Again welcome, looking forward to seeing you around. My thoughts and prayers are with you. :smileypray:

makethepaingoaway 04-22-2013 10:01 AM

thanks for the helps so much to talk with others that understand "me". Most "NORMALS" do not, heck, even my own family believes that i am just a shifter and low life (even though I have a degree and a calling) because I cannot work.

I use to belonged to a fairly busy support board for many years, and something happened 6 or 7 months ago that caused me stop going, and I have been shopping for a new "home" since....This community seems like a possibility. I most definitely will hang out for a while and see if I fit.
Thank you for having me!:grouphug:

GladysD 04-22-2013 01:22 PM

This board is compassionate, I hope you find it so. Wish I could give advice as to a good OTC, I only use Alleve, something that was recommended to me, when I was taking Interfurons for MS. Helped with the headaches and flu-like symptoms, that are a side effect of those meds.

I hear your frustration about wanting to relieve the pain, all the while waiting for more testing and evaluation. What does your dr's office recommend for OTC's, that won't cause a problem with the upcoming pee test? Maybe even speak with one of the nurses, on their staff?

makethepaingoaway 04-22-2013 06:41 PM


I hear your frustration about wanting to relieve the pain, all the while waiting for more testing and evaluation. What does your dr's office recommend for OTC's, that won't cause a problem with the upcoming pee test? Maybe even speak with one of the nurses, on their staff?
thanks for the idea Gladys, I never really thought to contact them, but I did that today and was told what we all know, heat, cold, and OTC stuff. The only big light at the tunnel is that I know she wiill give me more that hydrocodone and flexeral! Honestly, now that I've gone through the withdrawls, i do not feel that much more pain with the OTC's so I guess that tells me something. been on them of 10 or more years now.

So glad to have found you all. I really need the support right's a bad period, but i just need to keep repeating "it'll be over soon" over and over, lol

MelodyL 04-23-2013 07:47 PM

Hi. I am so sorry for all the pain you are going through. Having a special needs child is also overwhelming. How on earth do you cope with all of this.

There is an autism forum on Neurotalk. Have you gone there for support?

Just wanted to say hi (I just responded to you on the computer forum). lol

Take care,

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