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megveg 07-27-2008 09:44 AM

Does anyone believe in dreams?
Does anyone believe that what you see in dreams is an accurate representation of what is going to happen in the future?

I want to believe that sometimes what happens in my dream is going to happen in real life because the things in my dreams are so happy, but other times when I dream about hurting myself and ending everything, I get terrified they will happen.

I feel like most of my dreams are based on me depending on someone else's decision which then effects my thought/feelings/actions.

Does anyone feel like this?

who moi 07-27-2008 10:03 AM

I am not a believer of dreams being "accurate" representation of the future but I do believe it can serve as a warning to what we fear(if it is a bad dream)

I think dream is a way for our body to deal with the demons if we have them(bad dreams, nightmares), and I believe good dreams are just icing on the cake.

I think good positive dreams can help us evolve if it makes us feel really good and take on the day. I've had those (very rare)

I think nightmares (which I have more of but I don't usually remember my dreams) are something that our body mech helps us cope.

Of course, there is a whole bunch of variations and degrees we can get into.

But basically, I like Day Dreaming better. It is more realistic for moi. LOLOL

Very nice to see you writing and posting, Meg! Please keep on writing. :D

(((BIG HUGS)))

PS, somebody correct moi if I am wrong, But I think "Frankenstein" was based on a nightmare that turned into a best there,I just contradicted moiself...ROFL.....
but this also means that a negative can be turned into a positive and vice's how one make something out of something...LOLOL borrowing a famous phrase:
"Life throws you a lemon, make it an Orangeade! :D"


Originally Posted by megveg (Post 332671)
Does anyone believe that what you see in dreams is an accurate representation of what is going to happen in the future?

I want to believe that sometimes what happens in my dream is going to happen in real life because the things in my dreams are so happy, but other times when I dream about hurting myself and ending everything, I get terrified they will happen.

I feel like most of my dreams are based on me depending on someone else's decision which then effects my thought/feelings/actions.

Does anyone feel like this?

da duck 07-27-2008 11:37 AM

I believe that dreams are, for the most part,our minds going through the filing cabinets and trying to decide what goes into short term storage and what can be filed away as just stuff that is not really useful. I think when we dwell on something, or something is bothering us, our minds pull that out and show it to us in our a way of saying "hey, is this what you are worrying about?". BUT...
occaisionally, I think that some peopel have dreams that are more than that. A part of another ability all together, that some people only get as dreams, and others list dreams as one aspect of their abilities. I have had very few of this type of dream. My sister has had more...but I believe they exist.
I think the dreams that you are talking about are the first kind...and not a premonition of anything. More like a signal...this is what you would like and this is what you are worried about.
Now, no one ever accused me of knowing what I was talking about, but I have had some horrid dreams in my time, as well as some lovely ones. For the most part, neither came true...
PS: I love the boom de ada thing too. Deadliest Catch fan here. LOL

Doody 07-27-2008 12:45 PM

My biggest pattern of dreams used to be being chased. All the time. And usually chased by very frightening things and a lot of time in mazes. My other most frequent dream sequences were flying. But not fun flying. I would take off flying because something was chasing me. Sometimes they'd be grabbing at my feet just as I took off in flight.

And a few times I dreamed about all of my teeth falling out into my hands and totally freaked me out.

I looked on the internet to see what others thing and who knows who really knows the truth. Since forever, people have had different thoughts on dreams.

But this site is pretty interesting and voila. They talk about the most common dreams and I fit right in. Chasing, flying and teeth, LOL.

who moi 07-27-2008 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by Doody (Post 332755)
My biggest pattern of dreams used to be being chased. All the time. And usually chased by very frightening things and a lot of time in mazes. My other most frequent dream sequences were flying. But not fun flying. I would take off flying because something was chasing me. Sometimes they'd be grabbing at my feet just as I took off in flight.

And a few times I dreamed about all of my teeth falling out into my hands and totally freaked me out.

I looked on the internet to see what others thing and who knows who really knows the truth. Since forever, people have had different thoughts on dreams.

But this site is pretty interesting and voila. They talk about the most common dreams and I fit right in. Chasing, flying and teeth, LOL.

who moi 07-27-2008 12:56 PM

~scrabble 07-27-2008 01:12 PM

I've had the "teeth falling out dream" a long time ago and I was a bit worried when I read/heard that it could represent death. Well I'm still here and so are my loved ones. :)

I've also dreamt that I could fly, AND go through walls! My flying felt wonderful, just calm and peaceful, floating gently in the sky and looking around at everything. I haven't flown in a long time though, well except in planes in real life. ;)

Ocasionally I've been chased but more often I've been lost and couldn't find my way to a class at University, or my home, .... or sometimes a washroom! Oh, and sometimes I've dreamt that I have to go write a final exam in a course that I had forgotten to attend all semester. (Uh-oh.... :o) Feeling lost is also supposed to be a common dream and I believe it has to do with anxiety or something specific that I'm worried about.

Another dream has been where I'm falling, off a cliff, or sometimes I'm just falling through the sky. I always jerk awake before I hit the ground, thank goodness!

One other memorable dream from my youth, which I have never had again, was that I thought I was awake and looking down at a girl who was asleep in bed, with a quilt just like the one my mother had made for me .... and she had the same hair as me .... and then I realized it was me! And I was up in the corner of my bedroom watching myself in bed. :eek: I remember feeling terribly scared and thinking that I was dying and my spirit was floating up and away. I tried to close my eyes really tightly and will myself to get back in my body ..... Next thing I knew I was awake and in a sweat. It was the middle of the day and I hadn't been felling well so I had gone to bed for a rest. Turned out I had a fever and I think that must have contributed to my weird dream.

I don't know if any of this has helped ... I guess it just brought back memories of dreams for me and I felt like sharing. (*shrug) :rolleyes:

who moi 07-27-2008 01:57 PM

hey Meg, just read your're a sweet young lady for not holding grudges. That's a good thing cause grudges only make us bitter. Not that grudges is unnecessary either. Just that we have to get beyond the grudge once we've fudged...know what I mean??

With that said, it would be easier for any of us to say:

you know, move forward, he's not worth it
you know, he's a jerk
you know, you've got your life ahead of you

and the truth is, we've all have gone through some sorta heart break and for a lot of us, the letting go part was the hardest...

I think it'll take time...if you choose to get over it, you will, if you choose to dwell on it for awhile, you will...

there is something about him that's making you holding on, something about him that nobody else sees that you have...

so, there really isn't anybody (IMHO) that can give you the right answer except to be here for you, for the times you feel angry, for the times you feel alone, for the times you want to kick him between the legs(sorry, can I be dismissed for that? LOL)

if you are dreaming about life with him and hoping that will come true and that might be some sorta prophecy, I think you will set yourself up for a big fall...just my humbled opinion again...

I know, people will say how would one know if one doesn't try...yes, do try...but sometimes, we try too hard...affairs of the heart is something un-explanable...

I want to post something our DMACK has posted:


Originally Posted by DMACK (Post 318892)
one gent whom i classed closer to me than any fiend or relative was a 70 year old blind gentleman with hydrocephalus: [he had a large disfigured head, had a hunch back and one leg shorter than the other, and did not speak]

But to me he was a star.............had..the best sense of humour ive known, and was loved by so many people. There are people who can care and do care for people who the majority class as hideous.

Homelessness is another subject...its not always the individuals fault circumstances are the can be great then.........bang new life.............

Equally some choose homelessness, [though choice is often misguided through addictions/mental illness/pride/stubborness]

There is a thing called self for filling prophesy............if you keep seeing it will happen eventually

Instead of seeing destitution in your future...see hope.. see care.. see a home... see love...see support..................IT WILL HAPPEN IF YOU VISUALISE IT ENOUGH I PROMISE YOU.


As he has wisely said, life is what you make of it... :)


megveg 07-27-2008 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by who moi (Post 332818)
hey Meg, just read your're a sweet young lady for not holding grudges. That's a good thing cause grudges only make us bitter. Not that grudges is unnecessary either. Just that we have to get beyond the grudge once we've fudged...know what I mean??

With that said, it would be easier for any of us to say:

you know, move forward, he's not worth it
you know, he's a jerk
you know, you've got your life ahead of you

and the truth is, we've all have gone through some sorta heart break and for a lot of us, the letting go part was the hardest...

I think it'll take time...if you choose to get over it, you will, if you choose to dwell on it for awhile, you will...

there is something about him that's making you holding on, something about him that nobody else sees that you have...

so, there really isn't anybody (IMHO) that can give you the right answer except to be here for you, for the times you feel angry, for the times you feel alone, for the times you want to kick him between the legs(sorry, can I be dismissed for that? LOL)

if you are dreaming about life with him and hoping that will come true and that might be some sorta prophecy, I think you will set yourself up for a big fall...just my humbled opinion again...

I know, people will say how would one know if one doesn't try...yes, do try...but sometimes, we try too hard...affairs of the heart is something un-explanable...

I want to post something our DMACK has posted:

As he has wisely said, life is what you make of it... :)


Thank you so so much for everything you've said. in my mind i see him as someone who needs help too. i want to be to him what you guys are being to me. because I know what its like to feel trapped and all i want to do is cut people out, I can see thats what hes feeling and he has problems communicating straight out by saying "I am upset I need help" but in all the time i've known him hes shown little signs asking for help and it hasnt been until now that I've realized what they meant and now im so excited i guess the word is because in wanting to help him i realized things about myself i need to fix.

i know everyone wants to tell me forget him hes not worth it. but he is, would you say to someone on here "oh well move on from your issues youre better than them" or deny someone help when you can see they need it. (im not saying YOU in particular, im talking in general, would someone deny helping someone in need)

I cant abandon him when he needs my help. and Im sorry if the above statement sounds harsh or mean, but i cant just leave him to fend for himself. hes already said hes about to end it cuz he cant take it, so im fighting for him. and you might think its making my anxiety worse, but its actually making me really happy knowing i can step up and help him.

sooo complicated:(

Alffe 07-27-2008 02:31 PM

I hope you remember that you are not "responsible" for his life, only your own megveg. It's hard when we love someone...but we have to give them space to find their own core. If that makes sense. :hug:

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