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Koala77 10-03-2008 06:28 AM

Urinary continence
Last year I went through a 6 month period when I could not pass any urine, and had to resort to self catheterisation. This gradually eased and I've not needed to use a catheter for nearly a year now.

Since that time however, I've experienced urgency. I haven't had a UTI since I stopped catheterisation, and I know what they feel like so that's not the problem, but the urgency is getting worse and worse. I wear a pad every day..... just in case.... but I've noticed that the time frame from first getting the urge to void and getting to the loo, is getting shorter and shorter. I now have less than 10 seconds, in fact less than 5-6 seconds is probably a lot closer, before I start to pass urine whether I'm sitting on the toilet or not.

I'll be doing just fine without any hint of needing to go, then suddenly I'll get the urge! By the time that I've gone from one room to another....I've already started. Is this the beginning of being incontinent? Does this mean that I'm going to have no control at all soon?

Can somebody please tell me if this is the way their own incontinence started, or whether it's the beginning of a flare..... or whatever. I think I'd rather go back to trying to get a catheter in than being wet all the time.

weegot5kiz 10-03-2008 07:00 AM

Anne sorry you are having to deal with this too I need to get in and have been avoiding it cause well I don't like what uro's do, at all, and yes its somewhat childish.

That being said, thank you for the post I am hoping you get a good answer, so that I might gain some insight too. Again buddy I am sorry you are dealing with this:hug:

kicker 10-03-2008 09:15 AM

Anne, I'm PPMS and often have to go PP and who would of thought two rooms could feel so far apart. Having one usable hand meant getting pants and underwear down with one hand standing on 1 good leg. means wetness coming fotr sure. I wear a pad all the time. I can sleep thru the night often with no trips to the bathroom. 14 years ago had to go but not so often, had better control, did ok. It got worse and worse and My PCP said it was my age and birthing twins. I insisted it was neurological, she sent me to a neurologist who with other tests declared me to have MS. In the chair now, seems a little better, standing and gravity were making it worse. I never remitt, but right now it's doable, but don't drink much when out and know where bathrooms are. Self-cathing is in my future and I better teach DH how too. Vesicare does help me.

SallyC 10-03-2008 09:18 AM

So sorry Annie..:( Aren't there some good meds out there for that now? Detrol comes to mind. Urgency is not always MS related and it's a problem for a lot of Peeps.

Ask your Doc for help and Good Luck..:hug:

FinLady 10-03-2008 09:33 AM

A urologist might be able to point you to some meds that could help.

I too have stock in the femine pad market. :o So far, for me, the following advice from mine has helped a little. Do krugels (sp?) every day. Go to the restroom about every two hours when awake whether or not you feel like it. The reason behind the many trips to the restroom is too make sure the bladder doesn't overfill to the OMG point.

Hope you feel better soon. :hug:

Koala77 10-03-2008 05:30 PM

Thank you so much for your replies.

I already do the no drinks after 6pm thing (I remember that from when the kids were bed wetters). I don't have stress incontinence...i.e. I don't wet if I cough or sneeze, this is all the time, every day type stuff which has continued to deteriorate ever since I gave up catheterisation.

Are krugels those pelvic floor exercises Fin? If so, I do those when I remember. I don't remember them often enough bad .... I'll have to make sure I get better at that. I will also try the regular second hourly trips to the loo and see how I go. That one makes sense (thank you) and something I should have thought of myself.

I'm with you on the neurological cause Kicker, and I think I'll mention it to my doc when next I go. My DH had to help me when I was using catheters, but he only helped with equiptment type things. It would probably have been easier for him to get the caths in, as he'd have been able to see where he was aiming, where-as I couldn't.

Thanks again. You've all helped in some way. :grouphug:

Koala77 10-11-2008 01:42 AM

An update.
I've been to see my doctor, so thought I'd update you about my bladder problems.

I went to see her about something different, and I almost didn't mention the urgency after waiting over 2 hours in the waiting room, but I eventually did .... not that I got a very satisfactory reply, but at least I mentioned it.

The doctor didn't even order a specimen for pathology but suggested that I take Ural Sachets (they alkalinize the urine incase they're called something different where you live), a diuretic, Cranberry capsules and a specific herbal tea! Trouble is that she couldn't remember the name of the herbal tea that she was recommending! She thought it started with "H", and she said it's the same herbal tea that men take when they have prostate troubles!!!

I've looked it up on the Internet, and I went through a whole heap of different herbal medicines and teas, but I couldn't find one that started with "H", nor could I find any that are used for urinary urgency or prostate problems! I daresay I'll have to keep checking.

If anyone knows what herbal tea she might be recommending, then I'd appreciate it if you let me know.

I used to be on a diuretic when I had high blood pressure, but since
the hemicolectomy my blood pressure has been OK, so I've not needed to take BP medications. ankles have been swelling lately, so when I mentioned my ankles and my bladder problems, she put me on a new diuretic saying that it should help my bladder!

I haven't worked that one out yet. Diuretics make you run to the toilet, which seems to be a total reversal of why need help with my bladder ...... but....I'll see how it goes.

Judy2 10-13-2008 06:58 PM

Hi Annie,

So sorry you're dealing with this "lovely" problem, but kind of glad you've brought up this subject. Even though it's such a common problem in MS, it's still embarrassing to talk about -- whether you "can" or "can't".

Of course there can be other reasons for incontinence, MS can be the culprit. Over the past couple years, my urgency has become a real problem. I'm past the pad stage and into "Depend's" which at night still aren't enough. It takes me about 1/2 hour to get out of bed, so there's no sense trying to get to the bathroom. Those mattress pad thingys that tuck in on each side save the rest of the bedding! But it sure isn't enjoyable getting up just about every day all wet. YUCK! Guess the Lord had a good reason for me not marrying again after my divorce 18 years ago! The thing you mentioned with not knowing you have to go is true with me also. By that time, it's too late. :( Being in this "chair", by the time I stand up, shuffle my feet enough to turn around hanging on for dear life -- too late. Thank heaven for washing machines!! Personally, I can no longer do the kegel (sp?) exercises since I can't move those muscles. One of these neuro visits I have to speak with him about the nightly stuff. Where does it all come from? Heard something about nocturnal urination?? When I have to go, if it starts, I'm sunk when I stand up. The flood-gates open!!

Yes, I've tried different meds, Enablex worked at first but then stopped, take oxybutynin but it doesn't do much either. The LDN does help somewhat. On the days when I have coffee or tea, forget it. Wonder if that herbal tea your doctor recommended would have the same effect? And yes, a diuretic does make the situation worse. My ankles/feet swell but the neuro says it's lymph due to immobility. The Detrol isn't covered by my insurance and it's very expensive. I'd like to try one of the others, but my dr. says they're all about the same. So far at least, I've never had to cath or had the usual bowel problem. If anything, it tends to go the other way -- HURRY -- HURRY!!!

Don't you find the "simple" task of pulling your pants back up is the hardest thing to do since we have to hold on all the time? I tend to fall backward. Wherever this disease came from, I wish they'd take it back!!!

Sorry I'm no help in finding a solution, but hopefully it will help knowing you're not alone. You sure helped me!!

Good luck.......... :)

Koala77 10-13-2008 09:22 PM

Thank you Judy! I'm sorry to read that you're going through a similar thing to me but it's nice to know that you, and others, understand what I've been going through.

I found out the name of the herbal tea that started with "H" that my doctor recommended. It's actually called Epilobium Tea, so I don't know where she got the "H" from. :D

I'm with you on the pad thing. :hug: I've been buying packets of full continence briefs for night use, and using stick on ones for day time use..... unless I have to be away from home for a while.... the I use the briefs.

Lately I've discovered that it's cheaper to buy them by the carton, and since I order on line and have them delivered, I'm so glad the boxes are "discretely" packaged. :o

I think the tea is rather expensive at $25 for 12 tea bags, so unless I find a cheap stockist to order them from, I probably will have to give them a miss.

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