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moose53 04-18-2008 01:53 PM

This country is in BIG trouble
I don't know what's going on in Washington. Maybe they're all doing drugs down there together. But, this country (and a lot of other countries) are in serious trouble.

I live on a Social Security disability check and I've seen the prices in the grocery store skyrocket in the past 6 months or so. I talk to the 'rich' people from my town who shop in the same store, they're seeing the same thing.

There's people in Haiti eating dirt because they can't afford food.

We pay some of our farmers to NOT grow products when we could be helping starving people in Haiti and in Africa and NOW THIS:


This Earth Day an unlikely foe: Biofuels
"As we are rushing to fill our fuel tanks with corn, we are affecting the global price of food and contributing to the destruction of the forests and other vital natural systems we meant to protect. Misguided biofuel mandates are actually exacerbating environmental harms and causing human suffering while failing to truly deliver energy independence."


New farm bill lacks development money
From the Des Moines Register
"What good does it do if we keep giving more money to farmers but they don't have any towns, they don't have churches, they don't have hospitals, they don't have schools, they don't have water?"


Rethinking farm bill subsidies crucial
"What can we citizens expect if the proposed $300 billion farm bill is signed into law? ...More than $4 billion in permanent disaster assistance to growers in the Northern Plains. The brainchild of Montana Democrat and Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, this is essentially a trust fund to guarantee income to farmers plowing up prairies and grasslands -- lands prone to drought and erosion -- to plant corn and wheat. Many observers fear a second Dust Bowl."


For G-d's sake, we're growing CORN for fuel when people are starving to death. Venezuela knows how to conserve oil-based products. They're been doing that for years. They know how to use grasses for biofuel, why are we not learning their technologies?? :mad:

If we don't start DOING SOMETHING soon, none of this is going to last much longer.


clouds z 04-18-2008 02:06 PM

i was thinking today to post a thread on food shortages

google that

weegot5kiz 04-18-2008 03:52 PM

it is downright scary, when our(leaders) thats a questionable use of the word. when they dont seem to get it, lets spend how much on whether baseball players used steroids, who gives a rats #s@ why waste the time and money in such nonsense ways.

and that is just ONE example from ONE countries Govt, how many other ways are they wasting money energy and time, are they going to continue to hide their heads in the sand.

Solar POwer, Wind power, hydro electric battery ran engines, All of these basic ideas have been around for a long time now, at what point is the govt gonna help gear people towards these uses of fuels and or power. ( by making them more afforable for you and me)

Remember this when you vote :eek:real soon, perhaps a few of the old dead beats need to go flip burgers at bk instead. Somehow I fear it is too late and this path is set, and perhaps thats their reasoning also. Not excusing them, but on the concept that maybe its too late I can relate, its easy to be negative about it all. What positives do you see, hardly any.

we do our best here, we try green items and ideas, all my yard tools are electric, or battery. the lawn mower is an old push mower, like from when we were kids. no motor just really sharp blades and a good bit of exercise. Have a couple radios that are charged by hand no electric no battery. I try my best even if its something small or trivial as a radio,

Well lets see I have not bought a battery for that radio since I bought it. 6 yrs ago. thats a lot of batteries I have not used, compared to someone else at my old job always buying batteries, and we use rechargable type of batteries here also, have for years, for almost 20 yrs now. I mean its something small something simple, but it is something EACH of us MUST do. I agree our govts should be doing more in this, as far as fossil fuels go and as for the food shortages, god help us all when it does hit. the earth will hear a lot of anguished cries, third world countries, the poor, the ill, like I said i dont know the answer but I am trying, and figure if I can do this little bit we all can.

Maybe thats what the answer is shove it in our leaders face, show them we all are trying, I dont know. It is a sensitive subject here at our home, always been an earth day type of person was raised that way. Sorry for rambling, I get going on these type of things and lose track, or sidetrack myself.

debated deleting this for a while, not wanting to start anything, but I didnt even mention, what our own govt has done to the farmers of this country. the whole thing is a dam shame, just thought I would chime in, and like I said I didnt even touch the food issues, I feel a big problem is fuel usage, perhaps if we can control those, we will be able to take care of the food issues easier, I just wish I had the answer, wish someone did

peace folks


Victor H 04-18-2008 04:10 PM

Our biggest problem is that we elect people who have always been part of the "elite", and have no real idea of what life is like for the average person.

These elected folks know how to talk the talk and pay for numerous adds to keep in office or seek office. And, no matter what they do, it will always be to maintain the status quo.

Unfortunately, the status quo for us has a different meaning. For them, it is power, for us it is just peace of mind (food, clothing and shelter for the family).

Your thread is very good and needed.

Aarcyn 04-18-2008 08:31 PM

There are a few Washington people that I would love to have more in charge. None of them are from my state but each seem to have something to offer.

Every Friday morning I have a two hour drive and I listen to a program on Air America. I do not remember the name of the radio guy but he has a Senator that takes calls. The man is amazing.

The Senator's name is Bernie Sanders, Independent from Vermont. He has audio streams from his website.

I wish more Senators were independent of party lines like him.

Then there are three others that I really like:

Chuck Hagel, Republican from Nebraska
Jim Webb, Democrat from Virginia
Russ Feingold, Democrat from Wisconsin

I just want the smart person to be elected to Congress. I am so tired of politics, I want issues not spin.

sugarboo 04-18-2008 09:25 PM

Try telling people who have job security that the US is in trouble...they look at you like a Moose in Headlights :confused: I agree the world is in deep trouble and to date nothing is being done to address the continued failure...we are heading for rock bottom and its becoming every man for himself. Everyone tighten your seat belts, keep your hands and feet to your side and try not to scream.....Keep your eyes wide open :eek:

PolarExpress 04-18-2008 10:09 PM

Is there such a thing as job security? I've never experienced it..My Dad, maybe, when he worked in a government job at the Air Force Academy..I'm not so sure those who have to work to live ever feel really secure, especially with the last decade or two seeing downsizing at so many businesses, with more on the horizon.
Let me be clear, though..I'm NOT bitter or clinging to my religion.;)
I AM, however, very disappointed in our government.
Maybe all of us who have to live on a tight budget, get along with difficult neighbors or anyone we don't agree with, and give up the things we want so those we care for can have what they need, maybe WE should run for office, eh?

Jomar 04-18-2008 10:12 PM

I totally agree about the whole world needing to move into the "green" zone.

All the new homes, apartments, condos, industries and malls should be given incentives to go green - all that roof space could house vast amounts of solar panels.
If the demand for solar & green products goes up- jobs will follow and prices will come down.

Around here homes and big business are building on prime farmland??:(
Makes no sense to me -
Why not build on poor soil and if it is far away from the city/jobs - put in high speed trains like many other counties have had for years.

clouds z 04-18-2008 10:18 PM

and yet get this, i see so many fat people with all that extra baggage that theyd do well losing and then they go to retsarants and order lots of food eat half and leave the rest

the costs of the waste in dollars? probably in the millions

clouds z 04-18-2008 10:19 PM

"after all i need to lose weight, i better not eat this!"

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