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Dejibo 08-04-2011 07:59 AM

I cant stop juicing!
well, I have done very very well on this whole juice thing. I look better, I feel better. I have detoxed off of sugar, carbs, caffeine, gluten, diary, eggs, chocolate and so forth. I feel better, I look better, my eyes are seeing clearer, but...

Each time I try to add foods back into my diet I am getting headaches. The kind of headache I get when I eat aspertame or splenda. that brain mashing headache that makes your brain feel sore, and I get nausea, and sometimes dizzy. I think its beacause I was trying to add in complex or complicated foods. Perhaps I should start by adding back in one food at a time, and see which ones are making me headachy. Like was it the bread, the au jus or the cheese on my roast beef sandwich. not to mention the nitraites and nitrates and probably MSG in the juice...i had a bad bad headache after, and while that used to be my fav sandwich, I dont ever want another! I tried plain chicken last night. nothing on it, or in it, just a roasted chicken with light home made seaonings. no headache. I felt sluggish and worn out after eating it, but no headache.

Did I do myself a disservice by juicing? Am I now cornered till I either get used to the additives in foods again, or am I stuck with the limited choices? I really expected that after X # of days I could just resume eating...not so!

We are going to the county fair today. not fair! I want the fun things that the fair has to offer, and as it stands if I eat that sugared apple I will get a headache! not fair at all!

I will be trying to add in one food at a time till I find which triggers exist. Im going to be really upset if Gluten is a trigger.

I got montel williams powder with protien and such. perhaps I should just break down and get a vitamix so I can restart some fiber back into my diet. Juicing is great for a break, for weight loss, for a cause or for many reasons, but its not a way to live. My tummy is very happy that it got a break, and got to rest, but I think I would like to have some food now please. I cant believe how much pre proccessed stuff there is out there!

im off to the not fair fair. :cool:

4-eyes 08-04-2011 08:15 AM

In the meantime, try blending an avocado and maybe some raw nuts in with your green juices. Also, whole fruit smoothies made with hemp milk are creamy and non-dairy.

Berry Mangolo Smoothie

1/2 c each strawberries and blueberries
1 frozen ripe banana
1 chunked mango
1 cup original or vanilla hemp milk

Blend ingredients and enjoy!

I'm thinking you need to convert first to a raw diet for a while as you transition. Raw nuts, seeds, fruits and veg. You can certainly live well on those foods, and they give you something to chew. Even protein powder is processed, after all.

Jodylee 08-04-2011 10:36 AM

Hey Dej :). Try something simple like a simple vegetable soup made with organic ingredients like I did after the crazy Master cleanse experience. It really worked for me.

EddieF 08-04-2011 01:24 PM

Worst case looks like Dej has to become healthy. If it helped you that much, I might buy one. I eat fish almost every night though so i can't imagne adding that to juicer.

Dejibo 08-04-2011 01:35 PM

I ate some wild caught fresh headache! I had some organic chicken. no headache. I had a hard boiled egg. no headache. I am adding foods in one by one to see which one triggers me. it maybe that I had several triggers and didnt know it.

I have lost 8 pounds! My skin is amazing! its clearer and that rosacea stuff has all but gone. no psoraisis. belly bloat is gone. I am sleeping like a rock star! zoom! gone! I had no idea I would get this much out of a juice fast. The jack la layne juicer is mid priced, and easy to clean, and pretty quiet. those expensive brevelle juicers were LOUD! and give less juice. There is a "slow juicer" by huron now that you can make nut milks with, I may look into that, or the vitamix so I stop throwing away my fiber.

I am making an organic chicken soup for dinner. All stuff that I have had in the juicer only in a home made chicken broth, so lets see what that does.

I just keep thinking that I had a pretty clean diet before hand, so I am far ahead of the game from some. I gave my son a one day juice boost and he pooped liked a race horse! he had a pre processed diet of sugar, carbs, and take out, poor thing, his body didnt know how to handle fresh foods anymore.

I guess if you have to be hooked on something juicing isnt so bad.

missj 08-04-2011 06:34 PM

So happy that you are living the difference between eating (putting stuff in one's mouth) versus really nourishing the body. It makes a huge difference.

I am not a conspiracy monger, but I do believe that Big Pharma and Big Food have us by our ****'s

The more poorly we eat, the more prone to disease and on it goes.

yay for you!!!!!!!!

Tigerlilly 08-10-2011 01:11 AM


Originally Posted by Dejibo (Post 792602)
Like was it the bread, the au jus or the cheese on my roast beef sandwich. not to mention the nitraites and nitrates and probably MSG in the juice...i had a bad bad headache after, and while that used to be my fav sandwich, I dont ever want another! I tried plain chicken last night. nothing on it, or in it, just a roasted chicken with light home made seaonings. no headache. I felt sluggish and worn out after eating it, but no headache.

I will be trying to add in one food at a time till I find which triggers exist. Im going to be really upset if Gluten is a trigger.

There is no harm in eliminating gluten, I'd say go for it! A lot of people are gluten intolerant without being actually celiac. The fact that you got a headache eating bread is your body is trying to tell you something!!!
(Personally when I gave up gluten for 3 months then ate a wholemeal muffin I ended up crashing out on the couch for 4 hours and woke up sneezing with allergies!)


Originally Posted by Dejibo (Post 792683)
I ate some wild caught fresh headache! I had some organic chicken. no headache. I had a hard boiled egg. no headache. I am adding foods in one by one to see which one triggers me. it maybe that I had several triggers and didnt know it.

This might seem obvious... but you should focus on protein! If you're tolerating fish, poultry, beef, eggs etc then its a good idea to make these a large portion of your diet going forward. and tasty too!

A detox like you've done is a great way for people to eat clean and slowly re-introduce foods to their diet, and then observe if any items irritate them. Now you've learnt to listen to you're body :)

Tigerlilly 08-10-2011 01:46 AM

by the way I found this interesting:

bascially it is understood that autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, Sjögren’s, multiple sclerosis, occur at much higher rates in celiac patients. So people with MS will usually find they react to gluten.

Dejibo 08-10-2011 06:35 AM


Originally Posted by Tigerlilly (Post 794479)
by the way I found this interesting:

bascially it is understood that autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, Sjögren’s, multiple sclerosis, occur at much higher rates in celiac patients. So people with MS will usually find they react to gluten.

My daughter is severe celiac, so we went decades with NO gluten at all in this home, and I still got MS. Since she has grown up, and left the nest, I returned gluten to my diet, and have seen no better or worse effects. Last year when my tummy went completly crazy i have 4 biopsies done at 4 differnt times and in four different sections of my tummy to check for celiac and or a thickening of the stomach lining and intestine lining which happens frequently in celiac patients. This is one of the most researched and and tested for diseases in my home.

It is so true that many many many MS patients get great relief by removing celiac and gluten products from their diets. I hope everyone at least once cuts gluten from their diets for 14 days and then judges how they feel once they add it back in. With the supermarket full of GF products now its easier than ever.

dmplaura 08-10-2011 07:15 AM

Dej, great suggestion, and I've been thinking about trying GF for a month.

I did the 'cleanse' a few years back (strictly meat and veggies, week 2 adding in some fruits) for a month, and THAT was tough... more so I believe than switching to a GF diet would be for a period to see if it helps. :)

If I go through with it, I'll let you know how the results are Dej. May try in October. :)

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