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southie 09-17-2009 07:46 PM

Microsoft and Windows Service Pack 2
There have been issues surrounding Windows Vista
Home Premium and higher - where the installation
of SVC PK 2 (short for Service Pack 2) has created
problems where one is experiencing BSoD (Blue
Screen of Death) aka "Crashes" and/or Programs
failing to function or compatibility issues.

Contacting Microsoft directly is the first step to do,
follow them directly as they will work with you one
on one (for every Windows OS (Operating System)
is differing).

Please HEED THIS: They will "interact" with you on
your system, they are not intruding you or invasion
of privacy; sometimes they can fix it from their end
and if not, they will then email you with step-by-step
of what to do; and will send you a CD/DVD of Service
Pack 2 (both 32 bit aka x86 or 64 bit) in the mail.
This will give you time to back up your files, documents,
etc - on flash drive / card, rip on CD/DVD, etc - backing
up everything you can as much as you can.

If you have the original CD's / DVD's of the program(s),
skip that area, don't back those up - but keep the file(s)
folder and where you had them at - for example

Program File: Paint Shop Pro X: My Files (for example)

So you can put it back in there once you do a clean
wipe out of your computer.

You may also want to ask them how to keep and export
your Windows Live / Outlook Mail (aka Hotmail) email
addresses - if you use it, and they will provide info
on that specifically as well (depending on how corrupt
your system is - you might end up having to take a
snippet or screen shot if it is corrupted).

While this may sound "Scary" - but hitting that F-11
key to do a clean reboot of Windows Vista and higher
does sound frightening, but be sure to print out all
instructions (if your printer is corrupted, then email
it to someone who has a printer and have them print
out the email - because you are going to need it).


Read it and read it and read it again.

While this will sound rather strange, to unplug your
computer from the internet while in process, however,
it is a good idea to download the latest version of any
programs you have (updated versions - such as
CCleaner, Adobe, etc - whether from,, - are the best).

If you have FireFox - and save passwords because
your memory is bad, it is a good idea to go to the tools,
options, passwords and show passwords - and make
a screen shot of this.

Same applies with your Security System, if you can
notify them (many are working with their customers
due to the Vista - Service Pack 2 issues - will be glad
to provide you the latest file via providing you the FTP
link for you to download and save, and your key or
passcode as well ... Store these in a safe place.

I have undergone the same situation however, I had
a split drive (Win 7 RC / RTM) and Vista Home Premium
but my case was different. However, I've had individuals
whom have emailed me with HELP! And it ranged from
keyboard to USB to CD/DVD/Lightscribe/Blu-Ray Rom
to you-name-it, like Prego - it was an issue. Every one
was unique. Some could be resolved via Registry Editor
others, had to be completely restored.


It is because of critical flaws and security issues which
have risen up - once you've obtained the new CD, which
ever OS you have 32 bit (aka x86) or 64 bit; after the
wipe out, do not freak out after having proceeded with
the "brand new computer" process - and only to insert
the Service Pack 2 disc and all of a sudden you are
going through the same thing AGAIN???


You did not do anything wrong. After that has been
installed; NOW you can install your programs and put
your computer back together again and then plug it
back to the internet (don't forget to set up your router
and put yourself back to "PRIVATE" and going back to
Windows Firewall to enable programs and if your
Security requires it - to enable programs as well).

I am fully aware this is more than one can swallow and
sounds like time consuming, but it is actually faster this
way than it is the other way around. And if you checked
your update history you will also find less "junk and
garbage" as well. (Major difference)

Now you will experience the Windows Update and
the frequent reboots - it is well worth it.

I strongly recommend individuals on Windows Vista
in Security to obtain Steady State 2.5 (latest version),
it's free and well worth it. Many people do not even
know it exists. You do not need to use everything that
is there, but it acts as a "barricade" (think of it as a
200 feet barb wire) surrounding your computer.



As of note - if you have Microsoft Office 2007 - Share-
point Designer 2007 is FREE now - help yourself! I
do not know how long Microsoft is going to let this
be "free" - there are no strings attached at all, but
there are a lot of downloads involved, so it does pay
to have a folder and download first the main file to
install it, and everything else into a download folder
called Sharepoint Designer 2007 (I've got it all into
a CD). It really comes in handy!

But of course you didn't hear this one from me ...


(MODS or Doc? May I be permitted to post direct
links so that people can click to download the Security
and Sharepoint and other things of importance?
If so - I will post back on the board and of each
one ... so folks can help themselves and be more
secured. THANKS!)

southie 09-17-2009 07:57 PM

Addendum ....
As of note - I am a former certified Microsoft
and IT Tech from decades ago ---> I still do BETA
work for them. Therefore, I have vast knowledge
of the past and what is to come, moreover, some
programs that I am currently in BETA - cannot
be yet disclosed ... but soon you will know, but
I can definitely tell you ---> Microsoft has turned
around with a MASSIVE IMPROVEMENT more ways
than one ...

But one thing I can tell you is ... keep your eyes for
the newest BING to come out this Fall
- which will be
better than ever; while I used to use Google all the
time for years - I'm finding myself using BING because
it's direct and current - sparing me the lag of finding
the specs and specifics. This means eliminations of
"aged" and "no longer valid" websites (I know this
sounds odd, but why is it still in Google if the website
is no longer valid?) ....

However - I won't spoil the surprise in the newest
BING that comes out - but who knows, you just
might say




Koala77 09-18-2009 04:59 AM


Originally Posted by southie (Post 567656)
....(MODS or Doc? May I be permitted to post direct
links so that people can click to download the Security
and Sharepoint and other things of importance?
If so - I will post back on the board and of each
one ... so folks can help themselves and be more
secured. THANKS!)

It's quite OK to post links Southie.

It's only when members post chunks of an article without the proper credits, that NT might have problems asscoiated with Copyright laws.

southie 09-18-2009 10:57 AM

Microsoft Security & Steady State (latest) for XP, Vista & Win 7
I did err - Steady State is ALSO FOR XP not just for
Vista (and Win 7 - for it worked under the BETA).

Microsoft Steady State 2.5 (XP, Vista, Win 7)


Microsoft Security Homepage (For XP, Vista, and Win 7)

southie 09-18-2009 11:16 AM

Microsoft Sharepoint Designer 2007 *See Note in Message*
Please realize this goes alongside with Microsoft 2007
Office - for those who do not have SHAREPOINT
DESIGNER 2007 with their Microsoft 2007 and YOU
ARE ALREADY REGISTERED - you can download this;

*** NOTE: I have had people who has Microsoft 2000
the oldest version (Works) and some were able to use
it and some were unable to. And Microsoft Works 6.0
and higher (XP version) - all were able to use Share-
point ... HOWEVER OF NOTE: I must put emphasis I
do not know what OS (operating system) they are
using nor anything else for that matter ***

** SPECIAL NOTE ** There are many downloads to
this Sharepoint and some DO require some Visual
Studios 2007 which "you might get by with the Visual
Express Download" (Some of us were, some of us
were not) - the system will work irregardless, but it
does help to bookmark the main page and to heed
the lower bottom links of "People who downloaded
this also downloaded ...."

Understand that some are "Zipped, ISO, Rar Files" and
some are documents and there is one stand alone
(PLEASE download this stand alone it goes with it).

It does pay to download the below first and install it,
THEN click create a folder (if you have a flash drive
or card with at least 8 GB or higher move the downloads
over there for you can always rip them to the DVD disc
later) and call it Sharepoint 2007 or Sharepoint Designer
2007 and include the one you just downloaded below.

Sometimes when you install it, it will tell you that you
will need this program installed FIRST and unfortunately
you can't "copy and paste" so write it down or do a
snippet, screen shot, or something - so you can type it
up and go to (I have provided the link BELOW the
Sharepoint) - Microsoft Download Center and type it in
the Search Box - so you can get the file you want direct-
ly without having a long page of yadda, yadda, yaddas.

NOTE: Windows Update will automatically update - so
do not worry about "updating" anything - once you have
installed it.

STRONGLY RECOMMENDED ---> Download that free
Sharepoint Designer Trainer and plus bookmarking their
website as well (you will see it Sharepoint Homepage)
link there in various places.


But for how long? :confused:

So snatch it while you can!


BOOKMARK THIS because this comes in handy!

Microsoft Download Center

You can read the front "Headline News"
Or use the "A to Z" or use the Advanced Search.
(Advanced Search is recommended if you know
the exact product name.)

This works for XP, Vista, and Win 7.

southie 09-18-2009 11:26 AM

Am I running a 32 bit (aka x86) or 64 bit Windows?

x86 = 32 bit

64 = 64 bit

If you do not know your OS (Operating System)
check your manual or check your System via
the Start - Menu - Control Panel - using one of these: Personalization and Tools -OR-
System - Or - Device Manager

They will show you which one you are running if it
is not showing on front, side, back of your computer
or if it came with a manual - does not imply there.

Also you will know even more about your computer
in there as well.

If you have CCleaner( a cleaning program that is free )
your whole system information is right there on the upper left. I do recommend this program as it is exceptionally popular and does a wonderful job of
cleaning up cache, temp, etc - files.

You don't have to download this - but you can if you
would like to, it has the option also to check and
clean out your registry and fix it as well as Add/Remove
and Win Restore features too! I have been using this
program since it was wearing diapers!


ewizabeth 09-18-2009 11:34 AM

My computer did the update last night. It took awhile but went ok. It's running fine today so far. It's a pretty fast computer that I bought with Vista when it first came out. Didn't work so well at first though, there were several items I needed to replace because of incompatibility issues, my digital camera, printer and scanner. :rolleyes: They were all old anyway but sheesh!

southie 09-18-2009 11:40 AM

Don't give up!
That is okay - I have old programs, don't can the
programs yet ... but contact Microsoft and follow up
with them - there have been Win Svc Pk 2 issues
and as well as compatibility issues. I can run Win
95 to Vista Programs - without anymore problems
since after having done all we could; the disc resolved
it. Remember - everyone's OS is different, so it is
best to go directly to the Microsoft Tech directly and
enabling them to go through your computer.

I encourage you to. You can do that by going to the
And contact them.

I have Sony 2.1 MP and it works now, and believe it
or not the SVC PK 2 actually caused my Vista Home
Premium to blow up CD/DVD and Blu-Rays in my
Rom Drive - even though we did as much we could
in the Registry Editor (myself first, then them). YES
it blew up discs! *laughing* I know it isn't funny -
but it is now - considering I have never been around
a Drive that caused explosions in the CD/DVD (light
scribe / blu-ray) drive.

You can imagine how bewildered I was!


southie 09-19-2009 03:18 AM

Question from a Member about BING
I received this via email and only posted part of
the message:


.... my friend claims the new BING is already out....

... where can I download it? Is it really out now?
Your friend is partially confused with the BING.
There is IE8 and IE8 Optimizer. If your friend,
perhaps, has Windows Ultimate or a full fledged
Microsoft Office Suite (which has all the goodies
galore and expensive) - the chances are, they have
been updated and their IE8 has changed to Optimizer
making it appear that "BING" has changed, when in
reality is actually an MSN Toolbar that can be
switched to BING - plus you have the ability to
change colors and other features as well.

Another way to obtain this is having Windows Live. If
you have Windows Live and it does not appear to have
been updated - you can "repair" it by going to your
Add/Remove in Control Panel in either Windows
Essentials or Windows Live Upload Tool - clicking on
that and "unistall" will cause the program to pop up
giving you the options to repair it - which I strongly
recommend as it will also update everything as well as
including new features Microsoft may have that you do
not currently have installed.

{Don't ask why it isn't in the Windows Update frequently
as it should be - I haven't understood that part.}


Here is
Windows Live Homepage
You will be surprised what all is available and yes,
Windows Live Mail and Outlook work together,
but Windows Live Mail is more secure, but there's
much more to Windows Live than you can imagine!
Movie Maker, Photo Gallery, Writer (great for Blogs),
SkyDrive, latest Messenger, and so much more -
and YOU get to select the ones YOU WANT.


Windows Live Freebies - REALLY!

southie 09-19-2009 04:43 AM

Regarding Cameras, Scanners, Printers, etc...

Originally Posted by ewizabeth (Post 567910)
My computer did the update last night. It took awhile but went ok. It's running fine today so far. It's a pretty fast computer that I bought with Vista when it first came out. Didn't work so well at first though, there were several items I needed to replace because of incompatibility issues, my digital camera, printer and scanner. :rolleyes: They were all old anyway but sheesh!

I did a lot of researches on scanners / printers,
and here's something I would like to know; do
you check with your manufacturer of your
printer and/or scanner for updates and patches?

For example - Brother has tons of updates and
patches for Svc Pk 2, Epson does too, likewise
so do many others.

Another issue regarding cameras - you need to
go to the manufacturer for the updates, patches,

WINDOWS UPDATE (although sometimes they
DO show up on Windows Update - but not always).

So head to their website ...

If your printer or scanner was a Brother, and you've
registered it - you can go to and
go right in and download the necessary files that are
needed for your specific make and model.

(The above was an example)

As for compatibility - this should be on by default,
and to run it in compatibility mode here is how to
do it:

Go to C:\ (C drive)
Program Files
(Let's pretend your Camera is a Nikon 1.0 Pixel)
On the opposite side - you will see all the Programs
there - and right click on Nikon - and then the option
tabs will show up and the compatibility. If you knew
it ran fine in Windows ME Svc Pk (whatever it displays)
then click on that option - and there will be a menu
below that giving you further options. Such as run
in 640x800 mode, Run in 254 mode, etc. Leave
them unchecked first - and click OK.

REBOOT computer completely

Then start the camera, and give it a try and see
how it functions, if that fails, I strongly recommend
to run it in the 640x800 mode. After following the
above footsteps ...
Which will cause the Vista screen to automatically go
"Basic Mode" and enlarge to that old mode when
you use it.

You may or may not have to reboot the computer,
but I recommend another reboot before trying the
camera again.

This should correct the problem. Only do this if there
are no updates, patches, support, etc - for that
specific product / program.

Yes, you will get a notification that the "system is
running in compatibility mode". Once you have
completed it. Most of the time pressing Alt, Cntl
and Del - to close that program you were using
will set your computer back to its original settings,
if not, rebooting the computer resets it.


I am fully aware there are programs that are just
too good to be tossed aside and is worth the trouble
of running in compatibility mode and there just isn't
anything out there to replace it (defunct). OR it is
"old faithful" - still running good, so in my own humble
opinion (mine, no one else) - yes, it's worth keeping
and holding on to it if it's not broken - still working,
tried and true ... don't give it the boot.

Even I have a Sony 2.1 MP and Sony 8.1 MP, and
yet the Sony 2.1 MP runs in Compatibility mode,
it's worth the hassle. If you have the patience of
a saint, and have it configured up properly; it will
work. Even under the Win 7 mode (BETA) - the
Sony 2.1 was working fine under Win 7 so you
can expect that to be functioning there too.


Hope these information gives you a whole view
point of generalization. If you have problems,
feel free to post it here or PM me and I can
try to assist you in finding the patch / update.
Or the correct website to find it.

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