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lynch86 05-05-2010 07:15 PM

any ideas? thanks :)
Hi, i posted this on the tos section, a friendly fella their suggested posting it here. Though it's not specifically peripheral neuropathy (could be, I'm a mechanic not a doctor Jim) any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I wrote this for my doctor to see if it would help him stop going hmm and looking disinterested.

names have been changed to protect the identity of the physicians concerned.

5 years ago - Had a car crash, landed sideways in a ditch at 45mph striking head violently on the right side. Shortly after neck pain started, sometime after that numbness and pain began to build in both hands.

4 years ago - Referred to a consultant about my neck pain, had an MRI scan of my neck, showed no problems, taken no further.

2 years ago - had to stop work due to pain in hands, saw doctor Satan, diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome paid for bilateral carpal tunnel release.

1.5 years ago - Symptoms still very bad if not worse than before operation, return to doctor Satan, diagnosed with cubital tunnel syndrome. Paid for bi lateral cubital tunnel release.

6 months ago - Referred to doctor golf anyone?, symptoms still getting worse, neither operation has made any difference to my condition. Given a nerve conductivity test in both arms (between the upper arm and fingers), test shows very slight compression in one arm from the surgery. The doctor suggests that it takes a long time for nerves to heal and that I should wait 6 months to see if they improve.

now -No improvement to any symptoms despite 4 thousand pounds worth of surgery, still unable to work, still in constant pain.

Long Term Symptoms:

- numb and very painful hands, particularly the ring and pinky fingers, thumb and wrist, though also the entire hand.

- The above manifests as, pins and needles, cramp, sharp pain, dull pain, numbness.

- Near constant pain in neck. Often moves up the back of my head causing migraines.

- Since september i have been getting arthritic symptoms in my hands, painful clicking knuckles and wrists.

- I have very poor circulation in my hands, they get cold very easily and hurt a lot till run under the tap for 5 minutes.

- Unable to carry out basic tasks without aggravating my condition and causing weeks of pain.

cyclelops 05-05-2010 07:50 PM

I bet they told you that you would be fine after the car accident too???

I have an old head-neck-chest trauma thing going from a 55mph head on....with a truck. I have also been blessed with PN.

It is pretty straight forward to go get a skin biopsy for nerve fiber may want to hold on any surgeries until you have the biopsy. No---small fiber nerve damage does not show on EMG.

lynch86 05-06-2010 11:37 AM

Hi, I didn't see a doctor for a year after the crash, I climbed out the window and called a taxi and a tow truck :)

Unfortunately I live in the uk so I have to deal with the NHS so to get anything done is ridiculous.

To see a neurologist I'd have to see my gp, wait 3 months for a referral, see the neurologist, wait 3 months for a test, wait 2 months for the results, wait 2 months to see the neurologist to discuss the results then potentially wait 6 months to a year for the surgery if he made any kind of diagnosis, which is unlikely.

The service is chronically under funded and over worked so they just try to get you to ** to lighten their case load.

mrsD 05-06-2010 11:44 AM

When nerves get damaged or irritated, sometimes providing them with the nutrients they need helps with recovery.

Are you open to trying that?

If so please tell us about your history, age, diet and other drugs you may be taking. Many drugs deplete certain nutrients, and this needs attention too.

smurff 05-08-2010 04:54 PM

Any suggestions?? Another newbie!
I am a 56yr old female. Briefly, in 06 i had a pituitary tumour removed as a result of dx of acromegaly (excess growthh hormone). Shortly after, dx with Parkinsons Disease, followed shortly after that with 3 total knee replacements (one was unsuccessful)as a result of joint damage due to excess growth hormone ). I now appear to have PN as dx by a pain specialist! However my neurologist says i don't have it and he doesn't want me to think i do!!! However i don't know what else could be causing me this severe pain (mostly at night) in my feet, sometimes going up the leg to the knee. Wakes me up at night. Am on Lyrica 75mg x 2 daily. What is also concerning me and i wonder if it is PN is that i have quite severe contractions of the skin on my scalp, i know others can't see my forehead contract but it sure feels like they could! Is thing PN?? My neuro seems to think my symptoms are of Parkinsons and it could be so, it also could be an overlap. I was wondering if the knee surgery has damaged some of the nerves because you have a tourniquet on for about an hr or so and after surgery i noticed a small amount of numbness in one toe, but thought nothing of it, now it is widespread over the toes, with redness appearing every night . I would appreciate any thoughts. i am not sure where to post this. A great site. Thank you.

Rrae 05-08-2010 06:23 PM

Hello Smurff !
Welcome to NT ! :hug:

Sounds like you've been through the wringer!!
I'm sorry about this battle you face. Others should be along who can give you some input.

Hang in There....

JoanB 05-08-2010 07:11 PM

Hi lynch. Sorry about your pain.:(

And sorry about your wait times. Not so great here in the US either with private insurance (and mine is "good"). I've been waiting since January for an appointment this July with a PN specialist.

And smurff, I have very sharp pins and needles in my left thigh from a hysterectomy, so I believe surgeries can cause nerve damage. Even so, I'm thinking that it's less likely if it's both feet, even if you had them both done at the same time. But I'm just guessing. Maybe others have another take.

Mite 05-09-2010 07:08 PM

Hey Lynch,

Your symptoms sounds very similar to mine just minus the whole crash part. I was first told cubital tunnel, then carpal, etc..

Have you tried any physical therapy? What i found was i had very tense Scalene muscles and pronator muscles resulting in mechanical problems due to scar tissue etc..
The therapy that gives me instant relief is Active Release Techniques along with Graston tools. they work to break down the scar tissue and release any entraped nerves. IT hurts like hell but it works. There must be a massage therapist or chiropractor that specializes in soft tissue therapy and nerve entrapment in your area.

mrsD 05-10-2010 09:14 AM

I've been thinking about that summer job. Vibration from tools, has been shown to cause neuropathies.

Check this out:

and there are others ..some PDF, which won't open for me for some reason. If you search Google for vibration induced neuropathy you will find one about forestry workers.

Another thing to consider about that summer job, is pesticide exposure. You might have been exposed to chemicals put on lawns from those lawn treatment companies. Many of these chemicals are potential neuropathy triggers.


Originally Posted by Mite (Post 653060)
Hey Lynch,

Your symptoms sounds very similar to mine just minus the whole crash part. I was first told cubital tunnel, then carpal, etc..

Have you tried any physical therapy? What i found was i had very tense Scalene muscles and pronator muscles resulting in mechanical problems due to scar tissue etc..
The therapy that gives me instant relief is Active Release Techniques along with Graston tools. they work to break down the scar tissue and release any entraped nerves. IT hurts like hell but it works. There must be a massage therapist or chiropractor that specializes in soft tissue therapy and nerve entrapment in your area.

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