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Alffe 01-29-2007 09:09 AM

What's on your plate?
I just got a lecture about how to drive in the snow...:confused:
I guess that means he loves me.....

I am off to Curves, to the grocery store and to check on my little deer.

Curious...I sent you more pictures *grin...cause the secretary took the wrong deer the first time around. He had been adopted by a little herd.
And he still has his spots.

FeelinGoofy 01-29-2007 02:22 PM

cant wait to see the new deer photos :)

i dont have to work on Mondays :).... its laundry, laundry, and more laundry.
its amazing how many dirty clothes a family of 4 can pile up in just a couple days:rolleyes:

I'm reading a book called the 36 hour day. Its a book about dementia and alzheimers. Its written for the caregiver and so far it has been a wealth of information.... i hope to finish it, probally not today, but in the next 2-3 days. I have to write a 500 word "report" on it at work BUT for doing so i get a 50 dollar giftcard to where ever i want ;)

Monday is the day i clean my rabbit's cage, and the day i strip the beds and wash sheets.
i'm going to try my hand at making another pie crust just as soon as i get off the computer. The one i made the other day did NOT turn out :rolleyes: i guess i'll make another lemon pie as the one i made the other day tasted yummy. (even though the crust looked REALLY bad:rolleyes: )
thats about it.... a fairly easy day.....

Lara 01-29-2007 03:31 PM

I'm taking it fairly easy today. It's very hot and humid and I feel exhausted even though I just woke up. My daughter and I drove a fair way yesterday to shop in a brand new Ikea store which was a little bit like going to a foreign city that was all inside a giant building. It was very weird and very exhausting. At one stage we thought about making one of the displays our new home and I could have easily made a cuppa and then fallen asleep on one of their beds.


Doody 01-29-2007 07:22 PM

I worked my tailfeathers off and the steam totally left me at 3 pm and had 2 more hours to go at work. And that was after having the sleep study last night with very little sleep, LOL.

Actually, my feathers didn't fall off, but my brain had to go on overdrive for the tasks at hand and when I got the biggest one done, my brain went 'whoooosh', like the air out of a balloon.


~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 01-29-2007 08:24 PM

I get to go shopping tomorrow for...:Thats-Funneh: a dress!
I am sooo not the type to wear a dress!!
I have to buy one though, with my son's wedding coming up.
I FINALLY got rid of all the lil fleas.hahaha
We are now egg and flea free:trampoline: I'm soooo happy bout that!!:)
I have a friend coming over one day this week.. for what has turned into our weekly coffee get together.
She and i both love flavored coffee,so she has been bringing me a lil bag of something different each time now!
Soon,i will need a cabinet just to store all of my coffee:eek:
At the end of the week i will be taking my daughter for her first appt with a physciatrist.
I am hoping that turns out good...
Thats about it..Oh and wishing for all the snow to melt;)

Goofy-It sounds to me like your just NOT takin it ez today..LOL
I do hope you enjoyed your day off though.
Doody, Alffe and Lara:grouphug:

Lara 01-29-2007 09:24 PM

Thankyou, Kell.
I was enjoying my day off. I even had a sleep before midday. :eek: I was more tired than I thought.
Now I have to do some windows vista training course online before the end of today. sheesh. How boring. I'll probably need another sleep. lol

Curious 01-30-2007 01:47 AM

they are down loading now..should up on nt soon...:D

BJ 01-30-2007 06:42 AM

I'm sitting here laughing because I never read this thread before thinking you all were talking about what's for dinner. :p

Today I'm only working 1/2 a day and then I'm heading to Barnes and Noble to spend some time "away" and have a nice big hot fancy coffee they have there. I love to sit in one of those big comfy chairs and just relax, watch people and spend some "moi" time. ;)

My pdoc recommended a book and hopefully it's out now. It's called Happines, A Guide to Developing Life's Most Important Skill by Mattieu Riccard. Another one she recommended is Getting Back to Life When Grief Won't Heal by Phyllis Kosminsky.

That is depending on the weather. We're expecting snow and bitter cold. But............I'm going anyway. :D

Alffe 01-30-2007 07:47 AM

LOL @ BJ..

..well I could talk alot about food, comfort food. Woke up to a winter wonderland and it's still coming down. Blustery weather makes me think about making soup, or mac n cheese. Mr.Alffe always says when the temps get this low, it's too cold to snow. WRONG! And there are a lot of tracks in our back yard...can't decide if it's Cooper or a deer wandered in. Mr.Alffe just put his pants on to go have a look...and that's really breaking a tradition..he always goes out for the paper in his shorts...showing off his cute legs. LOL

I may pass on leaving the house today. :D

BJ 01-30-2007 08:13 AM his shorts. Hmmm I'd like to see those cute legs of his. :D

I can't understand why when we're expecting snow they say on TV that people are flocking to the store for milk and bread. When we're expecting snow I go for ice cream and popcorn. :winky:

You must have a very big yard to have deer in it Alffe. My yard is very small but I have it fixed up. I get an occasional possum and tons of squirrels. But I do have lots of birds. Oh and skunks. I had one in my garage the other night and wow does it stink.

I'm feeding and caring for a colony of feral cats. I keep the door ajar and leave food and water in there. I try to keep them warm by a portable heater I leave on a few hours every night but it's still cold in there.

I'm wracking my brains trying to figure out something for them to sleep in. I made a bed out of boxes and put blankets in there but they get wet. Does anyone have any ideas?

I hope it snows because I love it. We're expecting it 3 times this week so cross fingers.

Julie 01-30-2007 08:24 AM

School for Michael....if his migraine is gone.

Then I'm going to find somebody to cure my husband of his grumpiness or I'm sending him back to Portland.

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 01-30-2007 09:06 AM

Morning Everyone
I think it's so kool that you are taking care of the feral kitties!:)
How many are there?I am a big kitty kat lover..heehee

Anyway,you were wondering about what you could set up for them outside to sleep in?
The cat lovers group i belong to someone had a question like this once.
I cant remember word for word..But here is an idea.

Pick up one of those larger rubbermaid containers w/lids.
Cut a hole in the side of it ,big enough for the cats to get in and out of.
They are waterproof and will keep them ALOT warmer.
Also put something like hay/straw in the bottom and cover with some old blankets.
If you dont think that would work.I had just one cat outside here last yr that i cared for.
Not sure what size box you would need but
I used a medium sized box w/lid that i attached ,so it would be half closed to keep warmth in..Then covered it in heavy duty plastic.
Then i put some old heavy towels in there for her to lay on.
If at all possible try and just put food out for them a few times a day.
Dont leave it...
Otherwise you wont ever get rid of the other lil creatures lookin for food!
I will ask around at my catlovers group to try and get you some better ideas!

FeelinGoofy 01-30-2007 09:16 AM

i wonder how much snow alffe is going to get and if she'll share :rolleyes:
we dont get much snow here in oklahoma.... mostly ice or sleet...
off to work i go.... then we have gymnastics tonight. oh crud... i forgot to
put something in the crock pot for supper....sigh.... looks like its bbq chicken
legs or something quick and easy... or maybe i'll forget the crock pot and just get rid of left overs tonight....
have a good day..

Alffe 01-30-2007 10:24 AM

I would be most happy to share this snowfall Goofy! 10 inches on the ground and still coming down. I hear the snowplows going up and down the road but they are fighting a losing battle.

Mr. Alffe reads with a little boy on Tuesday mornings at one of the elementary schools...he drove my car because I have snow tires and the good Lord knows I am not leaving the house! (cept to fill the bird feeders) I watched him "barrel" out of our driveway cause it STILL hasn't been plowed and he didn't want to get stuck.

And BJ, those were deer tracks in the yard....we live out in the country and have over an acre (is that how you spell acre? doesn't look right) Now I haved to put a corn block out here too. :D

I really could start another ticked off thread when I think about that man that doesn't ever seem to finish what he starts....come to think of it he never started the plowing. :mad:

BJ 01-30-2007 10:24 AM

Thanks for the tips Kell. I'm not sure how many I'm feeding. I think 3 but I think there's another one. I'm heading to the Barnes and Noble when I leave here and there's a Pets Mart there and maybe they have straw. :confused: And there's a Sears store and I can pick up a container. The box and blankets just aren't warm enough especially in this weather.

What irks me is that I've asked for help from Hope for the Animals organization and they said they have no room. I did trap 2 kittens in the summer and they took them but not anymore. I can't take them to the Women's Humane Society because they kill them. I asked them if I could borrow a trap to catch them and they made me buy it...but it was worth it. :) I always contribute money to this organization called Alley Cat Allies. They've sent me tips and suggestions for helping with feral cats. It's a great organization. They promote trap-neuter-return. I know that some cats will never be "house" cats so that's all we can do. I'm just trying to keep them as healthy and safe as possible.

BJ 01-30-2007 10:26 AM

I'm soooo jealous 10 inches. We've only had about 1/2 inch so far this year. :(

Alffe 01-30-2007 10:54 AM

I have to admit BJ that it is beautiful. I grin thinking of you in one of those big comfy chairs at Barnes & Noble.....does yours have a coffee bar? I can while away an afternoon doing just that. :D

BJ 01-30-2007 12:30 PM


does yours have a coffee bar?
It sure does and I'm heading there now. :D

Doody 01-30-2007 12:44 PM

Um...BJ, I goofed. YOU are the one with the ferals, and I started a thread for you, thinking it was Kell. Heh, sorry.

Alffe 01-30-2007 12:50 PM

I knew that Doody...rofl but your heart is always in the right place. Wish you could all come over and have some of this mexican soup I made.

Stop by the Sanctuary if you get a chance and leave our girl Curious a hug.

She is such a sweetheart and always there for the rest of us when we need it.

Curious 01-30-2007 02:59 PM

appointments with realtors all day. this is my bit of break between.

more packing.

i wish i had a brownie on my plate. :p

Julie 01-30-2007 03:32 PM

Come on over Robert makes a mean brownie!


Alffe 01-31-2007 11:25 AM

Well it's Wednesday and we can about put this month in the win column.

Our paper says this weather is Lake Michigan's Gift!

Fickle winds over warmer water determine who gets dusted, dumped on.
What's not to love about living close to Lake Michigan? :D

Feel dumped on....yeppers! At lease it quit snowing for awhile. :confused:

jingle 01-31-2007 12:19 PM

My plate has yet more waiting. I won't be going to the hospital for that new series of MRI, the PET and then the dreadful VEEG stay until March 6. I should not complain .... at least I finally now have a date and we can start learning stuff :o

And that gives me time to buy new PJs - lol ... the ones I bought last time, just 15 months ago, are too small :eek:
Anybody got a cigarette ?

Lara 01-31-2007 03:00 PM

[[[[[[ jingle ]]]]]]

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 02-01-2007 11:57 AM

Just wanted to let you know..I am thinking of you.

Alffe 02-01-2007 02:54 PM

Jingle I'm so glad you finally have a date...waiting is awful! I totally understand about wanting a cigarette...and gainning weight when you quit.
It's so's hard enough to quit smoking and to have that unwanted "benefit" of poundage just sucks! :o

You hang tough and keep us posted! *whisper...I still try to stand up- wind when someone is smoking. :rolleyes:

Julie 02-01-2007 05:19 PM

What's on my plate??? Snow Angels...seriously it is snowing hard out there. Robert called and begged to walk home in the snow. I said...heck no, you have on a sweatshirt with no coat. He just called from the bus and asked to have Michael meet him at the bus stop with his coat and gloves!!!!

Curious 02-01-2007 05:38 PM

lol...yep...snow...lots of snow.

not real good since i'm supposed to go get my mom tomorow. :confused: i ain't driving that far in this mess.

who moi 02-01-2007 06:17 PM

my plate has been very full with little sleep...

but I want to add this to my plate for the day...

(((((HUGS, everyone))))))


Alffe 06-11-2016 05:45 PM

what's on my's 92 degrees and my yard is burning up for lack of rain. I have to constantly keep the house clean as it's on the market. We never did have that barn party we talked about years ago:grouphug:

what's on your plate?

Abbie 06-20-2016 03:47 PM

Quite full...
My plate has been quite full so I haven't been around as much as I once was... or as much as maybe I have needed to be. But for those who know who I am I need to share that I have done it!!! I have GRADUATED from college!!! I have achieved my dream of earning my degree!!! I have my Associates of Applied Science in Information Security. It was a long hard road but I did it!!! I want to thank everyone here for the encouragement over the years. Your support meant the world to me!!!


DejaVu 06-20-2016 05:25 PM

Congratulations, Abbie!

Originally Posted by Abbie (Post 1214734)
My plate has been quite full so I haven't been around as much as I once was... or as much as maybe I have needed to be. But for those who know who I am I need to share that I have done it!!! I have GRADUATED from college!!! I have achieved my dream of earning my degree!!! I have my Associates of Applied Science in Information Security. It was a long hard road but I did it!!! I want to thank everyone here for the encouragement over the years. Your support meant the world to me!!!


:grouphug: CONGRATULATIONS, ABBIE! :grouphug:

You did a lot of work! :D



FeelinGoofy 06-21-2016 04:25 PM

WAY TO GO ABBIE !!!!!!!:You-Rock: so happy for you !!!!

Alffe 06-22-2016 03:17 PM

That's wonderful Abbie!! So happy for you!!

bizi 06-23-2016 07:50 AM

eva5667faliure 06-23-2016 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by bizi (Post 1215022)

What a pretty smile

Alffe 06-23-2016 10:28 AM

That's my girl !! ❤️

Mark56 06-24-2016 11:54 PM

Echoing that
Congratulations on winning that degree!

Yes, that smile IS precious!

On my plate? Working a bit much...over 65 hours this week....
Rested tonight, having left the office around 2....needed that.
M56 :)

OhKay 06-27-2016 06:30 AM

I'm glad you got some rest Mark. 65 hours is a lot! I hope that this coming week is a lot easier on you :hug:

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