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Alffe 07-22-2010 07:26 AM

What's on your plate???
I got the grass cut yesterday after my sil went home to Chicago. She has a LOT on her plate and I live vicariously thru her many trips. :D

Am meeting Barbo and a long time friend of hers for lunch (it's always about food! *grin) Also looking forward to our oldest daughter coming on Monday..can't decide whether to skip the support meeting Tues or bring her along for a siblings point of view. Will see what she wants to do.

And I agree about's great to be able to keep in touch with family but this is really home for a bunch of us. :p

FeelinGoofy 07-22-2010 08:00 AM

Trying to get back into a routine.

Working for at least part of the day today. I started boxing up some of moms clothing yesterday. Rick and I are going to give my brother his half of the money on moms house. We want to let Scott move into it. The house is like 3 maybe 4 miles from where he goes to school. Scott is totally pumped about moving out. This will be so good for him. :) I expect he'll be back home at some point and that is ok but this will give him some good experience to see what it is like to be out on your own.
Our anniversary is this weekend. #23. :) :hug:

still feeling very sad.... i know time is a good healer.

da duck 07-22-2010 03:08 PM

On my plate? Watermelon, iced tea and NO cigarettes ( today is a hard day...tempting. LOL)
I have a short day tomorrow then over to my foster-sister's for a girl's night. I think I am designated driver. LOL. Fine with me, by the way.
Then, for the weekend, rest. LOL.

Addy 07-22-2010 04:16 PM

(((HUGE GROUP :grouphug: of comfort and support and happy-for-ya!!)))

I'm baking 3 banana-raisin loafs (use Best of Bridge "Best Banana Bread Ever" recipe)

I'm going shopping for a digital camera (I've actually researched what I want - am soooo proud of myself for doing this - I'm usually such a spontaneous person when it comes to something that could be expensive).

I'm replacing my cell phone.

Amazing to note that both my camera and cell phone are over 5 years old - both really are due for an update. Cell phone finally died and the Camera will help me with a business idea that is circling in my brain.

I'm packing a picnic to visit my doll-baby grandaughter and her mommy at the water park.

I've loaded up the dishwasher and the clothes washer....
I take some time here with my friends....

what's on your plate?

Alffe 07-23-2010 06:50 AM

Woke up to stiffling humidity but a promise of a break in this heat for Sunday...:o I'm reminded by yahoo that something I have always done isn't a myth..
You can tell the distance of a storm by counting
Fact: Surprisingly, that old childhood trick you learned is based on fact, not fiction. Light travels faster than sound so lightning is seen before thunder is heard.
Here's how it works according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency website: "You can estimate how many miles away a storm is by counting the number of seconds between the flash of lightning and the clap of thunder. Divide the number of seconds by five to get the distance in miles."

I'm wondering about being on the golf course with the predicted storms..

I'm so tired of hearing about "blue dogs"...tired of the press, tired of Washington...I hate politics! Always makes me want to take a shower!!

There is a robin sitting on eggs right outside our upstairs window...a second batch??

And I really enjoyed the music last night David...hope you are feeling better this morning. :grouphug: I hope Abbie listened...:hug:

FeelinGoofy 07-23-2010 08:56 AM

Scott asked me to take him looking for a car.... :) He has realized if he is going to move into moms house that he will be without transportation. (other than the bus) I think this is what is going to "make" him get his drivers license. PLEASE say a prayer all this works out....

Addy 07-23-2010 11:38 AM

Two of my sons took forever to get their driver's liscense... not because they were afraid but because their older brother had a ton of driving infractions - they knew they were targets. Sure enough, whent he 2nd son got his liscence, he got the same stupid "hit you in the pocket-book" infractions - speeding or driving without a seatbelt... sigh....

I'm sure your Scott isn't like this... just saying that's what happened to my guys. Now the 28 year old just uses transit - he lives in a densely populated area very close to everything and doesn't miss his car one bit.

Scott certainly is embarking on a new world.... baby steps, dear Goofy... your world has just been rocked... :hug:

ON my plate... tidy up, put on the washing, sit by the pool with new camera and cell phone instruction books... swim swim swim!

mistiis 07-23-2010 04:13 PM

Hummmmm....what's on my two business letters out of the way....talked to mom on the phone (Goofy reminds me not to neglect this now).....

Job hunting....trying to stay cool!!! How come the north is soooo hot??????? I thought only the coastline had humidity...boy, was I wrong!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe some salmon for dinner....and catching up with my bestest friends....:grouphug:

Addy.....guess who?? :p

Alffe 07-23-2010 04:50 PM

Hot hot hot! So nice to have Mistiis home...:hug: Goofy I hope you have a wonderful anniversary this weekend..maybe he'll buy you a puppy...*grin

I'm going to try, yet again, at Barbo's reach out to my grandson (Michaels son) Those of you who know me well, know that I tried again last March and got no response but maybe this 4th or is it 5th time will be the charm. :o

Our butterfly bush is blooming and guess what it's covered with...yep! :D

Addy...what kind of camera did you end up buying?

Thinking about you with the smokers tonight Ducky...:hug:

And David.....we love you!!

Addy 07-23-2010 05:02 PM

Miistis... I couldn't for the life of me figure out who you were... lol... then a little birdie helped me ;) who shall remain nameless (sometimes mistaken as dog food). I told our dog food friend that I was so :D it is YOU!

Good luck with the job hunt!

Alffe, I bought a Canon Powershot 12x... Haven't had time to read the instructions... lol... too busy yacking with new friends around the swimming pool.

Gosh Alffe, I surely know how much courage it is taking you to reach out to your grandson... each time setting yourself up for possible overwhelming pain... :hug: I pray you stay strong and as loving as always :Heart: !
Ditto what you said to David!

Yes, Ducky... inhale away tonight... 2nd hand is ok for you right now... baby steps :hug: Have lotsa laughs!

On my plate... more swimming :)
Its hot outside and I've nowhere to go!


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