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SGT Bob 06-03-2011 11:36 PM

I've been told that I may have MS...
As I have mentioned in my intro. post, I am a Sergeant in the Army and I am stationed at Ft. Bliss, TX.

Because I do not fully trust the Military Doctors here, I have come here in the hopes of getting some feedback/answers to my concerns from those that have experience with MS.

While there is quite a long story behind all of this, I will try not to bore you all too much with all the details.

This all started with me trying to overcome a foot injury that was keeping me from running. The therapists had told me that I could try to run again but that I should quit if I felt any pain. Everything was going along just fine and I was nearly able to run 2 miles in the amount of time that I need to in order to pass a fitness test then, all of a sudden, I got on my treadmill and didn't even make it a mile when my right leg "locked up" from my butt all the way down to my ankle. It was kind of like a cramp but not quite the same. At any rate, I had to fall backward onto my couch and sit for awhile before attempting to get up.

Needless to say, that incident scared the heck out of me. But my first thought was that, perhaps, I was dehydrated. So I rested over the weekend and drank lots of water and Gatorade. On Mon., I tried to run again with similar results then again on Wed. and they nearly had to carry me back to the Company area...YIKES. :eek:

After some visits with the doctor, they ordered an MRI on my lower back and my sacrum. The results were that I have arthritis and a bulging disk. But that did not explain the symptoms that I described above as well as having some fecal incontinence (Not severe, I just need to "wipe") when I walk or run. I also have lower back pain when I stand for longer than a few minutes.

The doctor that reviewed the results of the MRI and discussed my symptoms with me told me that I may have MS and has ordered an MRI of my brain, my dorsal spine and my cervical spine as well as a nerve and muscle test.

What really has me concerned now is that, naturally, I have been doing some research on MS and I realize that I have quite a few more symptoms that, until now, I had just attributed to getting old. Some of them are; rapid eye movement left to right, difficulty beginning urination, fatigue, random "stabbing" or sharp pains in my legs, constipation and leakage (described above), Loss of balance or dizzy spells, urine leakage (After I go...weird), memory loss and depression.

The MRI on my brain came back normal but the other MRI's show a ruptured disk at T7-T8 (I saw this in another thread and will discuss that issue there).

I understand that the symptoms I have mentioned could have other causes but, in light of the situation, the fact that I have them all together scares the heck out of me.

What do you think? I haven't been diagnosed yet but, from what I know so far, it isn't looking too good. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


Jules A 06-04-2011 08:57 AM

Hi and welcome,
I hear and understand your concern about military health care. It has been my experience that recognizing and diagnosing problems can be a bit lacking although once you get a firm diagnosis the care should be excellent. In any event whether govt. or civilian we need to be our own health advocates and it sounds like you are on the ball with that.

Sorry if I missed your age, but I would be concerned about prostrate issues also and that is something I would address immediately.

The other thing and I know this might not be a popular suggestion but if you are not able to get a second opinion through your current situation I personally would pony up the money and get one from a MS specialist on the outside if you are concerned that you were misdiagnosed.

Best wishes and please keep us posted.

Dejibo 06-04-2011 10:04 AM

I was raised a Navy brat and after having suffered at the hands of military dentists I can fully understand your fear.

As I tell loads of folks breathe! just breathe! MS is a process and almost never a quick "oh hey look at that!" style diagnosis. It take time, tests and patience to get there. There are more than 100 diseases that can mimic MS including the brain lesions. From dehydration, to vitamin def, to lyme, lupus, sjoghrens, RA, Devics, and so forth. Lets say you sit in front of your MD with your current symptoms and say "tell me whats wrong!" he sees that he has a dish of 100 or more items to pick from. Lets start doing the easy stuff. Lyme shows up (most times) on a standard test. Lupus has certaine markers. Vitamin stuff is quick to see. Sjoghrens has dry eyes, and a dry mouth and needs a lip biopsy. so, as he starts to DIS prove things, he will find he is only left with 10 or so in the bowl. That last ten are so similar to each other, and dont have a definitive test that says "its MS" or "its Devics" so they take the "most likely" culprit and slap that label on you.

It takes several MRI studies, not just one. It takes normally a spinal tap which show Obands (normally only show up IN a flare) and neuro tests like a positive Babinsky reflex or stuttering eyes when you look to one direction or the other (this shows damage to the optic nerve) and so on.

So, while its a scary time, and you simply want your old life back, hang on. take a breath. Deal with the knowns versus the unknowns. Keep a journal. take copious notes! keep a symptom journal and keep track of what makes it better or worse.

Come back here and pick our brains. We are good at this.

Kitty 06-04-2011 10:11 AM

Hi Bob,

I responded to your post over on the New Members thread. I agree with what everyone here has said. There are lots of us who have "suffered" through the diagnosis stage.....we know how frustrating it can be.

Don't be shy about asking questions here. There are alot of very knowledgeable people who can give you great advice and support.

Hope to see you around the forum!

SallyC 06-04-2011 11:11 AM

I hear ya Sarge, and know what you're going through. Sorry about some of your more embarassing symptoms. When you leak urine after going to the BR, you didn't empty your bladder. Try to empty each time to avoid UTIs, which are hateful.:mad:

Let us know what happens with your brain MRI and other tests. Hang in there and hang with us.:hug:

SGT Bob 06-04-2011 12:28 PM

Thanks for the replies!

I like the idea of keeping a symptom journal. That could come in handy later on.

SallyC; That's just it. As far as I can tell, I do empty my bladder but then I get some leakage within a minute or so afterword. Fortunately, it isn't a regular occurance. It only happens once in awhile. A symptom journal would help recall how often I suppose...hehe.

clarkstar 06-04-2011 01:32 PM

good luck bob, i hope they can make a quick diagnosis one way or another, it will help you move forward. i was diagnosed last year after very similar symptoms to your own, my right quadriceps was cramped up and numb when i woke up one day and was like that for over 6 months. i am in remission now, i guess. the mri should be able to tell you if your doctors are on the right track. i have also had the incontinence problems during the first month of my attack, and i understand that it is not the easiest to deal with. glad youre here, this place helped me immensely, i learned way more about ms here than from my dr or anywhere else. :hug:

Kitty 06-04-2011 02:04 PM

Clark is get the "real deal" here from those who live with it every day. No doctor or specialist can offer you that! :cool:

SGT Bob 06-04-2011 10:32 PM

Thanks again. Like I said in my original post, the brain MRI showed normal and the other MRI's show issues with my spine. I've been told that a normal brain MRI does not rule out MS though.

Oh, and my age is 45.

Why isn't my picture showing on the left? I uploaded one....hmmmm.

Kitty 06-05-2011 12:01 AM


Originally Posted by SGT Bob (Post 776408)
Why isn't my picture showing on the left? I uploaded one....hmmmm.

It's showing on your profile page.

If you will click on "User CP" (upper left of this page) you'll see "edit avatar" under the Settings and Options title. Click on "edit avatar" and you'll be able to upload your picture to your avatar. Good luck! :)

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