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tchr012 06-19-2011 09:55 PM

I'm back :)
Hi everyone! I am now back on the boards but I see I have a lot to catch up on. I wanted to let you all know how things were going because ALOT has happened since I last posted here. My stim is still doing very good I have had to have it only reprogrammed twice since my last surgery back in November :) I am so glad that I went with the other leads, I really think it has made a big difference and even though the surgery was hard on me it was well worth it! My other health problems have gotten worse so that is why I haven't been back in awhile. My colon is not working right so I have to give myself injections and it makes me very sick all day and also takes away all my energy. My bladder disease is very bad again and I had to go back on catheter treatments. I am also dealing with a horrible pain and they think it is because of my hysterectomy and there is a possibility my endo has come back and they will have to open me up and get rid of it. But on the bright side I am walking normally without my walker or wheelchair and going to be walking down the aisle at my wedding in October! We are really excited about this because as you know we eloped last year in May and I was still using the wheelchair so now we get to have the real wedding and my stim rep will even be there because I have known him for about 3 years now! And my other bit of good news is that I am finally graduating college! After enrolling in 2005 and dealing with multiple surgeries and illness that had set me back I am finally graduating and then going to move on to the teaching program :) I am so happy that this is happening because I have worked really hard to get to this point. Also, Gigi is doing great she just keeps getting longer and definitely looks more dauchshound now! Well, this is all I have time to write for now just wanted to give an update and let you all know I am back! I will talk to you all very soon. Take care :)

Mark56 06-20-2011 01:03 AM

Thank You TARA
Hullo Tara!!!!!!! It is so wonderful to learn that you are among us again, and to also be able to extend congratulations upon your college graduation!!! Tremendous!!!!!!

You have been the recipient of many, many, many prayers from us since last we heard from you, and you have been ever on my mind!!!!

It is just such a relief to see your name at the boards again!
Smilin and prayin for you yet,

Sophie_ 06-20-2011 04:12 PM

Hi there
Hi Tara,

I'm Sinéad and I guess I'm new to the boards since you were here last, it's lovely to meet you and I look forward to getting to know you. You don't say in your profile where are you from, i'm from Ireland, there are a few of us from Ireland on here and the UK.
Congratulations on graduating from college, that's not easy when you're in pain and trying to study, and now you would like to teach, what would you like to teach do you know. HUGE congratulation on your engagement, when did you say you were getting married? That will surely keep you busy, have you everything planned?

Take care and hopefully we chat soon again.

All the best,


Saffy 06-21-2011 05:03 AM

Hi Tara. Good to see you on the boards again. My, you have been busy. X

tchr012 06-22-2011 08:09 PM

Thank you for the warm welcome back :)
I really missed talking to everyone and have thought of you all very often. I will be back on and off around here because I am dealing with my other health issues right now. I am charging my stim right now so thought I could do a quick post. :hug:Mark56 and :hug:Saffy, it was nice to hear from you! Sinead, its nice to meet you and welcome to the board, even though you have already been posting :) I am from the U.S. (midwest). I want to teach elementary school and work with grades 1-3, I also want to help students that have problems with reading. I used to be a reading tutor at inner city after school program but lost my job after the car accident (which subsequently made me end up getting a stim). Our wedding is in October and there is still a lot I need to do but I have not been feeling good so its been hard. Whenever I get stressed out though I always pull out the picture of when we eloped and when I was using the wheel chair and it makes me feel proud and more determined to keep going :) I am excited though because a couple weeks ago my mom and grandma took me to get a wedding dress and for the first time in a long time I felt beautiful and like a princess! The funny thing though is that my dress is going to show my stim scar on my back (from the latest surgery) but I am not going to cover it up I will proudly show it off because most everyone knows about my stim anyway and its been a part of my life since 08. I would not be graduating or having a wedding if it weren't for my stim so I am really grateful for that! Unfortunately I need to make this post short because they did a ct scan this morning and the dye stuff makes me very sick and causes more problems so I am going to go lay down. I will try to read the board and posts when I can so I can get caught up. Also, if anyone has any questions about the stim experience they can always send me a message and I am always happy to talk about to other people about it :) Well, take care and I hope you all have a great week. I will be around again soon.


Mark56 06-22-2011 09:03 PM

What a Beautiful and Heart Felt Sharing Tara
Oh, how it is wondrous to have your thoughts released for us to read again, and though you still work upon other health issues, it is a blessing to know you are among us and participative. Your celebration of a forthcoming marriage with plans, selection of your dress and feelings of inner and outer beauty is inspirational! Indeed! You do have a mark to wear upon your back with pride as you have been an inspirational survivor who works without faltering toward teaching and helping others to come along into this world we call home. May you be both blessing to your students and to your fiancee as husband to be even as you are to each of us dear Tara.

Prayers surround you,

Rrae 06-24-2011 12:04 PM

Tara!! :D
:hug::hug::hug: You have NO idea how happy I am to hear from you Tara!

I've been absent too (since early May) due to things too many to count, plus I've been without laptop all this time.
You sound just like your wonderful ol' self again - always seeing the positive despite the many things you are slammed with.
Oh Lord how we've been praying for you.....
Thank you for making the day!! When i first logged on and saw you back here I about knocked my laptop off the chair!

I'm still trying to get the feel of this laptop, so excuse my stupidity :o
This thing seems to be running slow and I keep getting kicked off line

My goodness it's good to be back.....

Luv n Huggz

tchr012 06-24-2011 06:22 PM

Please pray for my mom
:hug:Rae! I have missed talking to you too :) I am glad you are back on here too. I just have time to make a quick post and mainly ask that everyone please pray for my mom because we got some bad news today:(. She has lesions all over her brain and the dr thinks it might be MS. I am really scared and worried right now because I am very close to my mom and don't want her to be getting sicker. She already has a lot of health problems and we have many of them in common so it made me feel really sad about this news. So if you could can you all please pray for her? I will be back tonight or tomorrow to write more but I am feeling really horrible because I had to do my shot today which makes me very sick :( and I am worried about mom. I appreciate you all so much and it makes me happy that you missed me and still care about me ;) Sorry if my posts are off topic right now...

Mark56 06-24-2011 07:01 PM

Praying hard Tara
Oh Tara, I pray that the indications in the brain are found to be something other than the initial thought of MS! Right after my wreck in 2005, one of the first things done due to my concussion was an MRI study of the brain followed by one with contrast, followed by still another inclusive of the major blood vessels of the neck. It seemed that my poor old darn near worn out thinker thing was filled with white matter, better than 35 of the suckers.

So, since our doctors seem to think the easiest thing for us to handle is a possible diagnosis of cancer [they've done it twice with Cleo when it turned out the tumor they suspected was actually a Baby, get that...] I was let to know I might have stumbled onto cancer in the brain. Hallelujah. So that took me for a loop.

A bunch of time spent with neuroligists and the like and the folks settled down to the belief I just had a bunch of dead spots indicated in my noggin, possible hemorrages that had been like unto mini strokes. Now I know what those blinding headaches all these years had been.......

I take you through this story not to worry you, but to help you think of the possibility that your Mama is affected by something that may have another explanation and will hopefully and blessedly be much easier to handle than the diagnosis you fear.

In the meantime, PRAYING in Colorado,

Saffy 06-25-2011 11:26 AM

Glad you have found your way back here Tara .. we're thinking of you xx

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