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Lisa in Ohio 03-18-2012 09:36 PM

I cannot believe my luck
I was wondering if anyone has had their lead move after it has been in place for over six months. I was attacked by a large dog last Sunday, and twisted and fell. My two little pekes turned into lions. Well, I have had neck pain since then in my lower neck and I seem to be getting the "buzz" in different areas. Family doctor diagnosed a severely sprained left knee, strained right shoulder area. Seems like I have had more migraines since then too. He was reluctant to examine areas that pertained to my pain doc even though I could not get an appt. with him. As Always thanks for any help. Big dogs are evil. Lisa:rolleyes:

Rrae 03-18-2012 10:16 PM

Oh no!
Lisa I am so sorry you were attacked! You didnt' get BIT did you?!

There have been situations where people experience a fall, car accident, etc in which a lead could have been jarred. Do you have any kind of pain where the leads are, such as a 'pinching' feel? That's what mine felt like when one of my leads migrated down 6 inches, but that was my fault I think. I overdid some chores at the ranch while taking care of horses.....this was too soon after my implant.

So, your pain Dr is not available? Hopefully you can find someone who can take a peak via fluoroscopy or xray to see if you've migrated a lead. Best case scenerio might be that due to your strain the stimulation is being felt elsewhere until things calm back down if that makes sense. In which case maybe a re-program tweak might help.

Your body has been thru a traumatic situation, everything from the strain, sprain and headaches and it's been a week now. I hope a Dr can give you more attention than what you've received so far.

Let's see what our other friends here have to say....

I'm sorry this happened to you Lisa :hug:


Mark56 03-19-2012 09:05 AM

Xray will show
1. Xray to verify lead placement

2. Any movement, doc will know what to do

3. Any ID on the large dog, it's owners are liable for every cent of your fall, injury, possible surgery to relocate the leads if they moved due to the trauma of the attack.

4. Persuade Doc to order Xray to verify what is amiss

5. Get the needed care, documenting absolutely everything.

6. The owners of the large dog which attacked you, once found, become of great interest to your lawyer for their vicarious liability pertinent to the damage their dog on the loose or under their "control" if they were walking it therefore allowed to befall you.

7. Fix your personal needs with great documentation.

8. Visit your lawyer for the "what next" appropriate moves to take,

The avenging angel,

fionab 03-19-2012 10:34 PM

I think there are many things that can cause leads to move. My pain dr. said he had a lady whose leads moved just because she had such a severe, prolonged cough! He didn't say how long past surgery she was so they might not have scarred in enough to offset her violent coughing. He had to go in and move them back in place.

Hope you get some answers! :hug::hug:

Lisa in Ohio 03-20-2012 07:18 PM

Thanks for the advice Mark. yes it was a new neighbor's dog. There were also some witnesses but they are rather dubious. My son is an attorney and he is putting out feelers for a good civil litigator. He is also mad, but is giving good advice right now. His firm decided not to take the case because they felt that they were too intimatly involved, so they are searching for another firm. The mailman offered to give the dog a dose of antifreeze, the neighbor wants to shoot the dog, my dad is very upset and my cousin is getting me a tazer and is going to train me on it. The whole situation is out of control!! The neighbor (whom I hadn't met until last next) approached me and ask what we could do to just make this go away, and would I drop the dog at large charge that was issued through the dog warden. My mother is really upset and boy is she vocal about it. I need to cancel my life for about a week just to catch up! Lisa

Mark56 03-21-2012 09:21 AM

So Glad you have LEGAL Advice
I am sorry Lisa, the firm at which your son works had to make the proper ethical choice, and they did this for you. Pressing on is the only way to get the homeowner liability insurance of new neighbor to respond appropriately and dropping the dog at large charge, though it would be compassionate, would kill the case on the civil side, so this is a pro bono- listen to your advisor son and leave all in place until you have a litigator in place. THEN, they are in charge of recovery for you so as to provide the means to repair any and all damage. Typically such a firm will assess fees in a contingent fee agreement, so do not be surprised if they propose such a means of "sharing" in the recovery. Litigation is very expensive, and their fees are often well earned.

My wife gave me a small statuette which is now in my office [about 6 inches tall] as it exemplifies my demeanor when I represent a client in litigation. The subject is a male/boar grizzly bear roaring with maw wide open. She witnessed that side of me, and it frightened her to death. one afternoon as we were driving a new suburban for us, and a suburban/camper pachage up country to sell to her brother. She drove the new car which the state license people very carefully told us place this inside the glass of the rear window, even providing the tape, because people steal them all too often in this economy.

The state patrol disagreed with his licensing state colleage, and pulled my wife over saying it was not visible enough. Walking back, cane in hand, from the camper rig to my wife shivering on the side of the road with the cruiser lights rolling red and blue, I transformed from meek Mark56 to the Grizzly the closer I got. Cleo said she saw the transformation of my face. I identified myself with attorney registration number and proceded to interrogate the poor trooper. I was bottled rage, disbelieving one agency would countermand another. I must have called him sir 50 times as I dressed him down in managed rage, daring him to arrest me. He found tears at the corner of his eye. I softened the approach, asked if he would be happier if we put the tag in a clear plastice sleeve duct taped to the window. He appreciated the offer of compliance. I apologized for being so enraged, and told him I recognized he was just doing a difficult job for which I thanked him. He was appreciative.

THEN I received a tongue lashing from Cleo re you were going to get us arrested. I confirmed I was calculatingly trying to do just that for tactical and strategic reasons she could not understand. She said Ifrightened her, and I said, she had never ever witnessed me represent a client before. Now the grizzly is out in the open. She was glad not to have to oppose me in court. Most people are happy to settle when I have the case worked out, because, my strategies have never lost. Not boasting, just fact.

Stay the course with the advice of son's firm to find litigation counsel. Be careful not to speak further with neighbor until you are in the care and under the counsel of your attorney, then please consider well the advice they give.

I am just thinking protectively of you, my friend,
Parying Griz,

I know, Rae will probably come up with a picture appropos to the situation. I cringe a little. Bashful.:grouphug:

Lisa in Ohio 03-23-2012 07:13 PM

Oh Jeez Mark, thanks for all the advice. It is exactly what I have already been told. Unfortunatly the owner of the home is the MRDD. I really doubt if she has any type of renter's insurance. Just living off the tax dollar. She does have a 7y,o, boy who does not understand the meaning of no. I caught him twice trying to gain access to my barn. I explained to him why he could not be in the barn twice with little effect. He was also beating the other neighbor's rabbit with a pop bottle and a stick last weekend while they were gone. On Tues, my dear father (76) came down to secure the barn. At times I had to stand outside the barn and push my body weight against the door so he could drive the hooks in deep enough to be effective. I looked up and the guy that lives at the dog house but doesn't really live there was video taping me again. I hope he zoomed in on my softball sized knee. Really, can you imagine video taping a woman of my age. It can not have been good on his eyes! Thanks again Mark, sympathies to Cleo!

Sandy Kay 03-24-2012 01:39 AM

I can't believe your pain doctor is not available. Doesn't he have an associate who can see you in an emergency.

Hopefully you can see someone who can give you some answers, Sending good thoughts and wishes your way.


fionab 04-01-2012 10:34 AM

I, too, had a fall recently
I unknowingly caught my foot on a bench and when took the next step, found myself down on the ground. I went into to see my pain dr. and he had the rep. come in and go over the settings with me. She said that she could tell one of my cervical leads has moved (but couldn't say if it was before or after the fall) but that since the areas of stimulation I was receiving has not changed, she didn't think it was severe enough of a move to worry about.

I hope you get some resolution to all of this! :hug::hug:

Mark56 04-06-2012 09:23 AM

Sorry Lisa about Yukky neighbors
May his video camera break, may a certain little boy learn manners lest he become a bully otherwise out of control in later age, and may the dog be secured so as not to hurt you again especially you are healing.

Prayin for ya,

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