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xxxxcrystalxxxx 05-27-2012 09:01 AM

spine issues
I finally after almost a year got a neck MRI done last week. The results are:

"Reversal of the normal cerival lordosis, epicentered at the c4-5 level."

This can explain the dizzyness, daily headaches, fatigue, neck pain etc.... so now that I have the results before the MD called me I get the fun of waiting.

Has anyone gone through this? I guess it can be common with a TBI. I'm not sure how it's treated.

Anyone with advise I would appreciate. It's a long weekend w/out speaking with the doc.

Thank you. :0)

TooStressed 05-27-2012 10:43 AM

I'm one step behind you. I'm planning on going to another doctor who will MRI my neck. Did a neurologist recommend this MRI for you or was it another kind of specialist? My neck is always cracking when I turn it side to side.

__________________________________________________ ______________
10 months PCS. Chronic daily migraines and tension headaches. Please God, end this suffering!

postconcussion 05-31-2012 02:15 PM

reverse cervical lordosis
Hello crystal,

After one year I also had an mri that showed similar results ( reversal of the cervical lordosis). Well, c2 to c6 for me.

I was reinjured this january and the area mildly reversed increased a few more vertebrae. The pain was very intense and my spine was very sensitive to touch. If someone put their finger on it, I would scream and could not lie down. It was sticking out visibly.

When I first received this result, I was very worried. After researching the internet I discovered that many people who were in an accident, mainly whiplash have this. They have the headaches, dizziness symptoms you mentioned. But, it is supposed to get better!

When my second result showed that the area increased after a year a half I was so frustrated. The doctors seemed to think it was no big deal and with the physical therapy it would get better. They dismissed my concern. It did help, but my spine is not perfectly straight. My main issue was if the spasms cause the spine to move how am i supposed to control that? Won't it just push it back?

I remember you posting about your neck issues before, and that we have similar symptoms. I still do not know how much of my problem is due to the spine issue from whiplash or the concussion.

My main symptoms are headaches... is that your major issue? I do not have as many cognitive issues as others here.

I am curious to what your doctor said. My neuro said that the sprain/ muscle spasms can take years to heal. So I'm think that even after a year my wasn't even close to healing.

Another doctor said 'its no big deal. There are lots of people walking around with that naturally and it doesn't cause any problems'.

When searching the older posts here, there was one from years ago that I remember someone also had this. She didn't really post again after mentioning that but hopefully that means she is better.

When I was looking online, they have all kind of traction devices and horrible videos of chiros manipulating peoples spines with metal things.
Ahh! I stick to the stretching. I can get so tight if I don't keep stretching.

And, I learned that it is sooooooo easy to reinjure your spine! Please don't do it! I am still trying to get back to before january.

And drifting, my neck cracks and my collarbones as well. My PT said that it is the air getting stuck and the neck realigning because it is so tight. You should get an MRI. Neuros should do it.

Sorry so disorganized with the info. What did your doc end up saying?

CherylR 06-01-2012 07:14 PM

That was so interesting for me to read. I get spasms down my spine, like my spine is shaking. Only since the concussion. Not all the time, only sometimes. And sometimes I have SO much neck and headache. I had that last week--the spine shaking, and then a few days where i was just lying down most of the day with dizziness and head and neck ache. AND my neck cracks ALL the time, neck and jaw.

I just cancelled an MRI--well, I asked to reschedule--because I didn't think it would help--it's for my head and the CAT scans never found anything and all three neroulogists said they could do nothing for me. SO frustrating. Now i'm wondering if i shouldn't have cancelled. But it's also complicated; I'm an abused survivor, used to be enclosed in very small spaces, and the thought of being shut up for 30 feels very hard. I'm hoping they'll reschedule in another month or two when my therapist is back. Meanwhile--it helps to know i'm not crazy/not imagining the spine shaking thing. Thank you for mentioning it.

xxxxcrystalxxxx 06-02-2012 03:04 PM

Thanks for the replies. Well I personally dropped off the MRI nine days ago and left two messages for my Neuro to call me or to schedule an appt. I got a call saying the MD had the results..(really) and will call me. So I cant really tell you at this point what the plan is.

I do get daily headaches. They vary in degree, intensity, location etc. I cant tell if it's from the injury, my neck or both. I know I do get pain and tendersness in my neck and upper back. It feels weak, like a muscle strain. Sometimes it spasms and I cant lay flat on my back. I'm hoping if they address the back then maybe the haedaches will improve. I have lost some cognitive functioning but again not as bad as some of the others here.

I had a frontal right headed injury. My left side of my body get weak. My left eye droops. I lost my upper pherphial vision in my left eye. I had "mood" issues and can get wrapped up or hung up on stupid repetitive thoughts. Thats getting better.

Of course there is the never ending fatigue. The mental and physical fatigue. The stress of dealing, the worry of the unknown. Dealing with the MD's, Attorney's, medications, etc... etc... etc..

I am sensitive to falling and my head is easily jarred. I fell on my bottom and ended up suffering for days. Worse cognitive functioning, not knowing the day of the week, etc. My husband and my best friend noticed my decline. We put two and two together.

I'm learning to slow down and try and listen to my body. I have gained weight so I told my MD if the ONLY thing I do is walk first thing in the AM then that's what I'm doing. I cant run, play, jog, jump, ride my quad, volleyball, tennis etc. I'm now coloring, crafting, planting, bird watching, photography, couponing etc. It's finding replacements for the things we used to enjoy.

I'm in the process of getting to apply for SSDI. I am looking to move somewhere I can afford to live on such little money. Living in CT is hard enough as it is and add into little money and It causes alot of concern. I'm more focused on how to live with all the changes and trying to mourn the person I was. I'm still smiling. I'm grateful for life. I do get down and angry but I try not to let that emotion have too much time I have living to do.

I will update when I speak with the MD and let you know what they say. Maybe we can learn how more about this and help each other out...

My best to you.

Valleybob 06-03-2012 11:53 AM

Hi Crystal, I just got my MRI results for head and neck. I have a disk buldge between C4- C5 level. Neuro seemed to disregard it and didn't say we could do much about it.

I was too busy asking other questions but now that I've research disk herniation (disk buldge) it seems that a lot of my symptoms could be from that, especially dizziness, neck stiffness and the fact that I'm sensitive to vibrations and jolting. I did have tingling in one arm for the first 4 months on and off but now that's gone.

On the flip side I do have some symptoms that are definitely concussion related like sensitivity to sound/noise, headaches (pressure feeling) etc...So it's hard to tell what exactly is causing the symptoms.

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