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Gunny Fitz 03-04-2015 09:21 AM

Seriously, Whats After Percocet?
Anyone who has read my initial introduction thread knows about the chronic pain issues I have which were primarily sustained in combat and from a brutal IED blast explosion. The Cervical Spine damage is from discs being pushed from the right side of neck outward to left (blast was on right side and I was seated in front passenger seat) and 95% of my pain is located on the right side of my head and right eye when migraines creep on (at least two a week now) So needless to say I have just about seen and done it all when it comes to procedures, treatments, alternatives, and medications!

Right now the Pain Management Doc I am seeing is HIGHLY regarded in military circles and has been doing a number of things to treat my pain. I am slated for Ketamine Infusion this month which I am looking fwd to !

As for medications: I have literally tried 99% of them and only find that a few even put a dent in my neck and head pain. I find it so odd that for instance Vicodin 10/325 does NOT do a thing, but Percocet 10/325 DOES! Matter of fact Percocet 10/325 is about the ONLY oral medication that does ANYTHING for short term pain relief. I am using that and Oxycontin 30mg together as my long term relief med, and of course I try things such as Celebrex (good) Tramadol (ok) and Baclofen muscle Relaxers (good) weekly too, but Percocet is what saves me from myself (long story) :rolleyes:

My question is this: Is there anything else for a person to use orally which is as strong, or stronger than Percocet? And before anyone says Dilaudid or MS Contin since we already tried this and it did NOT touch the pain at all- I must have a very strange body chemistry huh? Topical creams and Fentanyl patches don't do a thing either so what am I to do my friends? And like many others in this very position there have been times when the pain is SO UNREAL one can only think of ONE way to stop it all. ................

Which I do not want :D

Any help or advice is appreciated

Gunny Fitz 03-04-2015 10:17 AM

BTW- For anyone that did not see my Intro thread I spoke of, this is the link which explains matters a bit more than I did in this thread on medications. :)

Enna70 03-04-2015 11:12 AM

Sorry you are going through this; I have a different kind of reason for being here, but I can relate medication wise...I don't do well with most of them and can only say that for some, it's a hit or miss. My Neurologist explained it to me like this, " I will give you a list of medications from A - Z, you can start A to Z, Z to A or in the middle...we try you on it;"
I am glad for you question though, because we can learn how others are coping and then we have something other than :confused: and :eek: while talking to the doctors....
Best wishes for you....

EnglishDave 03-04-2015 05:45 PM

Hi Gunny Fitz,
I am a massive proponent of Ketamine in all it's uses - I take it orally, and have Lidocaine Infusions. I don't know whether you've seen my Posts on the subjects in Chronic Pain?
As your Percocet is working, somewhat, why not wait to see how much extra relief your Infusions bring before 'messing around' with meds. You know what level you are at NOW, and can measure improvement.
Few of us end up pain-free, and you never get used to it either. We have had this discussion and concluded we learn to 'cope'.
As to THAT option, I'm glad to hear you don't consider it an option. With my physical issues I also have Depressive Personality Disorder, leading to severe Depression, Anxiety and chronic TN and chronic Cluster (suicide) Headaches. Therapy is not an option, meds are, and my Pain Management Team is as great as yours sounds.
The little things in life matter, inanities or things on tv or the Net that bring a chuckle. This Forum has made the biggest difference to my life - a Community of non-judgemental peers with similar problems and experiences sharing everything, yes even your Pillow Post.
Hang in there with your pain meds - change can come later.


ger715 03-04-2015 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by Gunny Fitz (Post 1127318)
Anyone who has read my initial introduction thread knows about the chronic pain issues I have which were primarily sustained in combat and from a brutal IED blast explosion. The Cervical Spine damage is from discs being pushed from the right side of neck outward to left (blast was on right side and I was seated in front passenger seat) and 95% of my pain is located on the right side of my head and right eye when migraines creep on (at least two a week now) So needless to say I have just about seen and done it all when it comes to procedures, treatments, alternatives, and medications!

Right now the Pain Management Doc I am seeing is HIGHLY regarded in military circles and has been doing a number of things to treat my pain. I am slated for Ketamine Infusion this month which I am looking fwd to !

As for medications: I have literally tried 99% of them and only find that a few even put a dent in my neck and head pain. I find it so odd that for instance Vicodin 10/325 does NOT do a thing, but Percocet 10/325 DOES! Matter of fact Percocet 10/325 is about the ONLY oral medication that does ANYTHING for short term pain relief. I am using that and Oxycontin 30mg together as my long term relief med, and of course I try things such as Celebrex (good) Tramadol (ok) and Baclofen muscle Relaxers (good) weekly too, but Percocet is what saves me from myself (long story) :rolleyes:

My question is this: Is there anything else for a person to use orally which is as strong, or stronger than Percocet? And before anyone says Dilaudid or MS Contin since we already tried this and it did NOT touch the pain at all- I must have a very strange body chemistry huh? Topical creams and Fentanyl patches don't do a thing either so what am I to do my friends? And like many others in this very position there have been times when the pain is SO UNREAL one can only think of ONE way to stop it all. ................

Which I do not want :D

Any help or advice is appreciated

Like you, Vicodin, Fentanyl Patches, etc., have very little affect helping me to cope with my 24/7 pain.

But: Percocet and Oxycontin are the two pain meds, along with Vallium (and Ambien Cr for sleep); have for me been a godsend. I take Oxycontin 60mg's every 6 hrs. and up to 3 to a max of 4 a day 7.5/325 Percocet for break thru pain, along with up to 2 - 2 and 1/2 a day Vallium. I have been on this dose for the past 4 years without increasing.

While I was in the hospital for spinal fusion/laminectomy over 8 years ago, I was given the Percocet along with Vallium 5mg's. I questioned why the Vallium with the Percocet; I was told the Vallium helped the Percocet to work better. Sometimes I break one in half instead of using a whole Vallium.

The Vallium is also for muscle spasms and anxiety. Tho the Vallium was not prescribed for the muscle spasms;but as an added plus, I found relief for the awful left side of my neck and shoulder spasms that had caused years of being unable to sleep on my left side. Since using the Vallium; I am now able to do this.

I still experience quite a bit of pain; but at least most of the time it is tolerable avoiding thinking of the "one way to stop it all".
Gunny, I only hope you can find the "magic" formula that will give you enough relief to cope with the 24/7 pain.


Gunny Fitz 03-23-2015 06:05 PM

Hello Fellow Members.
I just typed a LONG response in a formal reply to you all from my cell and diverted for a moment to answer a text - to return and find the entire thing gone / deleted! Talk about fustrated!

I will return to what I wrote once I get on board the laptop and keyboard again. However, for now I will again thank all of you for the kind and inspirational responses you have made and be sure to fill you in on my latest developments and obstacles along the way.

I just had to tell someone this right now though! I'm sitting here alone with my Service Dog watching a sad movie about a team of Alaskan sled dogs that were accidentally left behind when a team of expeditioners had to fly out without them. It's called " Eight Below."
I will explain more of the way my mind works with the reversal of compassion toward humans and animals- any animals. However, this touching movie is captivating for me but what has literally blown my mind right now is that Russell, my TBI / PTSD Service Dog is (Hand to God) laying here intently watching these poor stranded snow dogs just as directly as I am at this very moment! I am utterly speechless right now!

As stated, I will continue my original reply later with what's going on with my present medical situation- which is pretty interesting too! But for now I'm going to try and get a photo of Russell watching this dog movie with me! Let there be something said for the power of animals and their sense of true understanding my friends! Absolutely unreal. :)

boomerp103 03-23-2015 11:27 PM

Gunny Fitz
Gunny Fitz,
First and foremost thank you for serving our country and fighting for our freedom it is greatly appreciated God bless you for that...I'm sorry to hear of the problems you are having you said something about a pain specialist which can be good and they can be bad... now days a lot of them start you out on something strong which for a lot of people gets them addicted and guaranteed to come back... I'm not saying you're addicted I have pain and take medication for that pain but I've tried some different meds... I'm not sure if you've seen a neurologist or not about the nerve pain and headaches but some of the older medications like elavil can help with cronic pain like migraines and nerve pain also neurontin is a great medication for your nerves I'm not sure what all you've tried but those would be good to try you can always take vicodin for your breakthrough pain or just plain oxycodone without the Tylenol bc Tylenol usage over a long period of time can damage the liver but I'd definitely recommend a neurologist along with a pain management doctor you need one who will actually listen to what you have to say... I work in health care do I'm trying to think of different meds to try for the migraines and nerve pain that's not an addictive substance... I hope that help

cudamax 04-05-2015 11:41 AM

Hey Gunny. Sorry to hear about your Pain. To answer ur question. Yea their are many,many things that you can take, thats better than the Perks. First of all, I know because I was on Vicodin for over 4yrs and they quit working for me and with all the crappy generics the only one that did work were the norco yellows and with those I had to take 2 at a time without eating and only with a cans of pop. The carbonation is what helps deliver it quicker into the blood stream for at least myself. Thats why mixed drinks work so well.
Anyways I think you need to drop the perks and get Oxycodone IR or Roxicodone because of the TYLENOL. I feel sooo much better and it was right a way after not taking so much daily tylenol.
Oxycodone IR & Roxicodone is ur best bet and they go way up from the 10mg pills and I feel the 30mg pills are best. Oxycodone has a real high Bio taken orally and when taken with a high fat content meal, kinda hitches a ride on the fat molucles and gets into the blood quicker and produces up to 25% higher blood levels of the drug
Their is always Opana 5 & 10 mg IR. A much better and stronger Drug that works much better, and all the different forms of Fentanyl
Also I think you didnt get the right dose of Fentanyl and may not of placed it right. I'm on Fentanyl and it is the wonder drug for me but at first I said the same thing as you. I was started on 12 mcg/hr then 25 mcg/hr and those didnt do anything. Felt like wearing a piece of tape. It wasn't until the 3rd month I was moved to the 50 mcg/hr until it did any good. Its the best out there for 24/7 pain control and only if its replaced at 48 hrs instead of the usual 72 hrs. They just don't last that long and it has to be placed on a part of the body that has some fat, at least for me it was the only way it would work.
Give the Fentanyl Patch another try. At the right dose/placed right and with the right generic ( matrix and or gel )--- Its the Best out there and you will feel 25yrs younger

Gunny Fitz 04-05-2015 06:33 PM

Wow. That is something I had no clue about for sure - the carbonation thing!

The tolerance is def an issue which is getting to me, what used to take 2-3 now takes at least 8-9 at a time to get same relief! Oh i could go on and on here for sure too! :(

cudamax 04-05-2015 08:47 PM

Yo Gunny. Not good. Not good at all. You need to stop that, for sure. Way too much Tylenol, Play-in that way. Thats why they put that in and all those pills. So no one would take-em like that. Don't think they care that it's has killed way too many and is killing/hurt people that play that way.
Get the IR's for sure now and save whats left of ur liver, man. You will feel soo much better within a day or two not tax-in ur liver that way.
Can you tell me ur story on the Fentanyl patches. Like what size you had and which ones you got and where you put them. Cause I can help you on getting those just right and I'm telling you. Those helped me soo much and pretty much changed my hole life for the better and they can do that for you to.
I was in the same boat a long time ago without them. Always reaching for the breakthrough meds and taking way too much because of major flair ups.Once I got to the right dose of a fentanyl patch, I wasn't reaching for the breakthrough meds hardly at all and found myself for the first time ever with many left over at the end of the month. The New Formulation of those Oxycontin extended release I feel has changed and is no where as near as good or effective as it used to be. It sucks now.
Look at it like this. Why Fentanyl is soo good for around the clock pain relief.
Its used for surgeries. With that stuff and it the right dose. Drs can cut you open, even perform limb Amputations and you would't even know it and would sleep like a baby though it. They don't do those type of procedures with oxycontin.

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