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caroline2 06-10-2015 07:33 PM

Lifetime Allergies/Sinus Issues History
Much to my surprise when I started on Pycnogenol in 1995, in a week or so lifelong allergy/sinus issues gone. Prior to that it was otc drugs and allergists with injections, etc. NEVER getting better. I was 57 when I started on Pyc so all years before, it was misery with allergy/sinus issues.

I switched to grape seed extract after a year on Pyc and it's going on 20 yrs in Sept that I'm on these OPC's.

Originally started on Pyc, as we were told they MAY prevent cancer...

No one on this Allergy group, guess everyone is OK with allergy/sinus issues.

caroline2 07-02-2015 01:59 PM

I see a lot have read this posting but no comments. All I can say, it's so GREAT to not have purchased an allergy/sinus drug in 20 yrs soon. With all my other CWAP I deal with, to not have the allergy/sinus issues, how wonderful it is.

Vowel Lady 07-02-2015 08:05 PM

Can you give the dosage and brands of the grape seed extract and that other supplement you take for cancer prevention, Caroline? Did they cause any stomach upset? Thank you.

caroline2 07-02-2015 10:44 PM

is one of my favorite sites. It says it all, and I don't buy this company's product, but it's probably fine.

At the lecture in 1995, Pycnogenol was coming into the U.S. from France and the panel of research people and a couple MD's, added that it MAY prevent cancer. That sold me to get on it, and in a week or so my allergies/sinus issues were GONE. A life prior of allergy/sinus issues, drugs, allergist, etc. the whole 9 yards and never getting healing.

So if Pycnogenol, grape seed extract and resveratrol prevent cancer, it's a great winner to be taking as I see it. BUT, these are not sold primarly as "cancer prevention" supps.

I take 200mg Grape Seed Extract usually two times per day. Some need less, some maybe more. Depending on issues one is addressing. And one's bodyweight. Very thin people need less.

I also like Muscadine Grape Seed 500mg and some days I take 2 of these.

I buy from vitacost and swansons primarily for grape seed extract....many good brands out there.... And I've never gotten an upset stomach. I have a pretty strong stomach all in all. And do take probiotics and digestive enzymes and DGL for stomach lining protection. Take these daily.

There is an OPC thread on the vit/supp area.

As I said, it's wonderful to not deal with allergies/sinus...I did prior to 1995.

Auntie Audrey 07-02-2015 11:34 PM

Somewhere I read that grape seed extract reduces allergic responses by acting as a natural anti-histamine. I’m sure it works that way for most people.

My experience, however, has been the opposite. I actually get quite ill whenever I try to drink wine or take any grape based supplements like grape seed extract, red wine extract or resveratrol. My mom also could not tolerate wine, so I suspect it is probably something genetic.

I don’t think there is any harm in trying grape seed extract, but I would start with a small dosage and then increase it if there is improvement in allergic symptoms.

caroline2 07-03-2015 12:22 AM

It's too bad you can't take it, my good friend who has horrible allergies/sinus issues and borderline emphysema (sp) has tried grape seed and pycnogenol and due to colitis she deals with, just can't take it. Another sad thing as her allergies are horrible...

I play bridge on thursdays, the hostess on this day is going to be 94 in Oct...yes 94. She is now on grape seed ex over 5 yrs due to my informing her of it .. she ran it by her pharmacist before she got on it and he said "go for it"...I take them...she believes due to the supps and grape seed ex, her health is as good as it is....she walks daily, she walks better than me, she has had no joint replacements....grrrrrrrrr and now takes a cane on her walks...but she is amazing and thanks so much to grape seed ex. The other 2 ladies, both in 80's take it also, but not as long as Elaine.

NoVoice42 07-04-2015 10:09 PM

I'm new to the boards and Im so glad I bumped into your posting why I do not know but I suffer from allergies and nonstop mucus in my throat and bloodshot eyes from allergies been suffering for a long long time. I take pills from the doctor that do not help so I was talking about essential oils to see that would help for allergies and well that is not help either and now I ran into your post and well Im going to look into what you what you wrote and do some research because you know what it wont hurt to try anything to stop this madness Im going thru it is stressing me out and making me so upset and angry that the doctor just keeps on telling me to pop more pills really now Im trying stop the pill madness so on that note thank you for posting what you post let me hope this will help me thank you again

caroline2 07-05-2015 12:30 AM

I'm glad you dropped in here too..after all these years I still get excited about grape seed ex and what these do for our health. I have some more new info on grape oral products which include grape seed and I'll post them soon on the dental area. I know my last 10 yrs at least of good oral health are related to grape seed ex. Hang around and hope you'll report in time that you are improving. I have not taken an otc drug for allergies/sinus in 20 yrs this Sept. Take care.

NoVoice42 07-05-2015 08:13 PM

Going to get my grape seed oil tomorrow and I will keep in touch I'm thinking it will be 2 months or longer to see some results I hope to see something I will keep in touch as anything will be better then nothing Im at this point where I'm just sick of these allergies and sick of all the medication I take 13 pills a day is a lot to many as a matter of fact. Thank you again

caroline2 07-05-2015 09:52 PM

I'm not talking "oil", there is grape seed oil that is used for salad dressing, I don't use it. I'm talking the grape seed extract capsules and if one has a chronic issue like allergies, it's recommended to updose for a while to saturate your body tissues to get things going. So if you say weigh 100 lbs, take 200mg daily or a little more if you don't have issues taking it. If you weigh 200 lbs, then 400mg or more a day. I've heard from a few who say they can't take it, have stomach issues or an allergy to grapes...I've NEVER had issues in the 20 yrs soon. Yes, keep me posted and do get the correct supp.

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