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catra121 11-25-2015 10:46 PM

Struggling with PT
I don't think I posted about this when it happened...I feel so bad about posting depressing things...but about a month and a half ago I fell off the top of a 10 foot ladder at work. I was pretty banged up...cuts, bruises, etc but no broken bones thank goodness. I was diagnosed after a week or so with a shoulder strain and a neck strain (my left shoulder). Treatment had been pretty conservative for a month or so...range of motion exercises, heat, and valium to help me sleep (which I only took if I didn't have to be up early for work or didn't go to bed too late because of not that often).

Since the pain was still bothering me in my shoulder and neck, they prescribed physical therapy. I had physical therapy last year for my right shoulder when I strained it and it seemed to help so I was all for this. I generally think highly of physical therapy but because of the RSD I am always a little worried about it too because I've had good therapists and bad ones. This one...well...he seems like a very nice guy but the therapy was much too aggressive for me. One of the hardest things for me having RSD is that I am so used to just pushing through the pain every day to live a somewhat normal life that I forget that with other sorts of injuries you have to pay attention to increases in pain and stop what you are doing. So I didn't and it's my fault...but after Tuesday's PT session I ended up in so much pain I could barely see straight...ended up having to call off work.

I called the doctor right away and they got me in this morning...and took me off work through Friday. Now...I work this is a big issue for me. I am so angry about it...angry at myself for not knowing better, not speaking up when the pain levels started to go up, for putting myself in this position in the first place falling off that ladder. I feel so horrible for not being at work yesterday, today, and Friday (Black Friday...of all days) guilty. I feel like I have let everyone down at work and I try SO hard to not let them down, to carry my weight, and ever since I fell off that ladder I know I have not been doing well at work and I feel just torn apart about it.

I see the doctor again on Friday to see if I can go back to work Saturday. I hope I am better by then...I am honestly shocked by how badly this hurts and I have a pretty good tolerance for pain. They gave me tylenol with codeine and told me to take 2 pills every 4-6 hours. It helps...but the pain does start to come back after about 3.5 hours. I skipped a dose because I had to pick up my daughter from daycare and wanted to make sure it was out of my system by then. I'm just freaking out a little because the last time I had pain this bad it took over 6 months for the pain to really go away (and it still bothers me from time to time).

Ugh!! Sorry...just needed to vent a little bit about the whole situation. I try so hard to keep calm and collected but I'm really beating myself up about this whole situation. And I know I shouldn't...I didn't fall off the ladder on purpose after all...but I feel like I have let everyone down and it's eating away at me right now so I just needed to talk...

stillsmiling 11-25-2015 11:52 PM

I'm so sorry you fell and are hurting physically. I think feeling guilty is a common thread for most of us with this disease, but you're being extra hard on yourself. I've had to fight off guilty feelings regularly and they have never served a good purpose. It sounds like you're a very dependable worker. Anyone that truly knows you will understand your situation. I say be sweeter to yourself. I'm sorry you're hurting. Hang in there. Hug

PurpleFoot721 11-26-2015 12:21 AM

Catra, Try not to get too down on yourself. Don't feel guilty, it was just an accident. They happen and we all have to learn to deal with them in our own way. You sound like a great employee that every employer wants to have more of. You are pushing yourself to try to get back to your life, and just pushed a little to hard to early into your injury. You need to think about your own health and healing and not worry about trying to get back to work before you are ready. Listen to your doctor and take some time to let your body heal. Perhaps you will be able to get back earlier, but it's better than aggravating your injury and having to take more time off because of it.

I hope you have a restful and enjoyable Thanksgiving with your baby girl and the rest of your family!

megsmountain 11-26-2015 03:03 AM

[QUOTE=catra121;1185533]I don't think I posted about this when it happened...I feel so bad about posting depressing things...but about a month and a half ago I fell off the top of a 10 foot ladder at work. I was pretty banged up...cuts, bruises, etc but no broken bones thank goodness. I was diagnosed after a week or so with a shoulder strain and a neck strain (my left shoulder). Treatment had been pretty conservative for a month or so...range of motion exercises, heat, and valium to help me sleep (which I only took if I didn't have to be up early for work or didn't go to bed too late because of not that often).

Since the pain was still bothering me in my shoulder and neck, they prescribed physical therapy. I had physical therapy last year for my right shoulder when I strained it and it seemed to help so I was all for this. I generally think highly of physical therapy but because of the RSD I am always a little worried about it too because I've had good therapists and bad ones. This one...well...he seems like a very nice guy but the therapy was much too aggressive for me. One of the hardest things for me having RSD is that I am so used to just pushing through the pain every day to live a somewhat normal life that I forget that with other sorts of injuries you have to pay attention to increases in pain and stop what you are doing. So I didn't and it's my fault...but after Tuesday's PT session I ended up in so much pain I could barely see straight...ended up having to call off work.

I called the doctor right away and they got me in this morning...and took me off work through Friday. Now...I work this is a big issue for me. I am so angry about it...angry at myself for not knowing better, not speaking up when the pain levels started to go up, for putting myself in this position in the first place falling off that ladder. I feel so horrible for not being at work yesterday, today, and Friday (Black Friday...of all days) guilty. I feel like I have let everyone down at work and I try SO hard to not let them down, to carry my weight, and ever since I fell off that ladder I know I have not been doing well at work and I feel just torn apart about it.

I see the doctor again on Friday to see if I can go back to work Saturday. I hope I am better by then...I am honestly shocked by how badly this hurts and I have a pretty good tolerance for pain. They gave me tylenol with codeine and told me to take 2 pills every 4-6 hours. It helps...but the pain does start to come back after about 3.5 hours. I skipped a dose because I had to pick up my daughter from daycare and wanted to make sure it was out of my system by then. I'm just freaking out a little because the last time I had pain this bad it took over 6 months for the pain to really go away (and it still bothers me from time to time).

Ugh!! Sorry...just needed to vent a little bit about the whole situation. I try so hard to keep calm and collected but I'm really beating myself up about this whole situation. And I know I shouldn't...I didn't fall off the ladder on purpose after all...but I feel like I have let everyone down and it's eating away at me right now so I just needed to talk...[/QUOT

Hi Catra121, I'm so sorry to hear about your fall, I had one that wasn't near as high of 10 feet and am still suffering the consequences of new and exacerbated crps pain, I understand your suffering (somewhat at least). You absolutely need to vent sometimes and that is healthy with others that are going through similar problems. Don't blame the fall on yourself, it can happen to anyone, please again don't beat yourself over this. All it takes is one instant of distraction and it can happen to anyone :)
From experience, I would say if a pt makes you worse or uncomfortable ask for a new one. Some pt's are better than others and can help you tremendously in your recovery. Please, try and take it easy on yourself. Pain is enough in itself to deal with along with "beating yourself up" about what you can and cannot do. It sounds like you are determined to get better, so please try and stay on that path of healing. It's very, very hard when you are in pain, but at least know, I will say an extra prayer for you tonight for healing (and I'm sure many others as well). It's so hard to experience a setback, but try and keep a positive outlook. I wish all the best for you. Happy thanksgiving, and I hope "Black Friday " treats you kind. Take care :hug:

BioBased 11-26-2015 05:35 AM

I wish I could loan you the infared jade disc mat, because it helped me get over the agonizing back pain I was in after being positioned oddly during my colonoscopy. I could not walk and I was terrified that my husband would not be sympathetic to something new to deal with.

Regarding work, I know how you feel, but please be careful not to push yourself to the point of no return. I did that, got much worse and lost my job.

My daughter highly recommends this which eliminated her shoulder and back pain in two sessions.

LIT LOVE 11-26-2015 01:47 PM

I'm not sure if you've added Epsom Salt lotion or Magnesium oil to your list of options for treating flares, but if not, I'd suggest doing sp. ;)

Littlepaw 11-27-2015 11:59 AM

Hi Catra,

I am sorry to read about your fall. That sounds terribly scary even if you didn't have CRPS! Thank God you didn't break anything.

I understand feeling guilty about missing work during a busy time and I know you don't want to let your co-workers down. But your Prime Directive is your long-term health so you can be there for yourself and your daughter. You would feel a lot more guilty if you ruined yourself by doing too much too soon and made your whole situation worse.

You are taking time as insurance and an investment for the future. Not only are you allowed to do that but as a mother you MUST do that. You are not expendable. Hopefully people will understand. If they fell off a 10 foot ladder I am sure they'd be feeling bad too.

Take care of you and that beautiful Baby Girl. I am sending gentle hugs and healing love, :hug:

catra121 11-28-2015 12:38 PM

I saw the dr yesterday and it looks like I have a torn rotator I will be out for a while from work. i've been referred to a physiatrist but have to wait for work comp approval before I can schedule that appointment. meanwhile...I will run out of pain meds in a couple days and then it's going to be really rough for me. The pain is already 8 out of 10 with I hope work comp gives approval on monday so I can make that appt and hopefully they can get me in quick.

DejaVu 11-28-2015 07:48 PM

So Glad You Have Posted!
Hi catra,

I am glad you have posted. :)
We all need some support when we are in pain and feeling somewhat defeated.

I am sorry you have a torn rotator cuff.
I am glad your doctor has identified this injury, however.

I remember going through the emotional turmoil of needing time to recover and feeling like I was letting people down. I still do this to myself now and then, yet not as often as I did in the past.

I am guessing you would feel compassionate toward someone else in the same shoes. I hope you will allow yourself the same degree of compassion.

As Littlepaw has pointed out, your highest priority is your longer-term welfare, even if that means disappointing an employer for now.

I am praying you will obtain additional pain meds in perfect timing.

Be kind to YOU!


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